

A broken and boozy multibillionaire philanthropist takes a special interest in a troubled young teenage runaway turned streetwalker following a series of a horrific and tragic set of events that led to a well-noted drunk driving accident and a subsequently hidden brain injury that made him more or less reckless and hypersexualized in the wake of his physical recovery.

Eric_Brazen · Realistic
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126 Chs

Chapter 89: The Inquiry Of A Mind

Apartment 274, Terrow Heights Apartment Complex, Baltiney, New York...

 Valencia Ramos had not expected to see Ken Ryker standing out her front door at the turn of the afternoon. She'd prepared her lunch and been on the verge of going to sit down to watch her favorite television show when the knocking got her attention. She shuffled over to the door unsure what the afternoon would bring and found herself surprised to see her future husband standing on the other side and relatively sober to boot. She did not know what to think as she opened the door meeting his rather inquisitive dark eyes and stepped aside to allow him to enter. Ken, who had been dressed in a gray suit this time around nodded in gratitude for her to let him enter her apartment and that she seemed to be intrigued by why he'd shown up. He couldn't deny the state of awkwardness that came with his being sober and seeing her for the first time since the dinner at his parents' house. 

They had been officially engaged, much to the older man's chagrin but engaged nonetheless. Ken stood towering above Valencia as much as always and she'd nearly forgotten how much when he had not been leaning and stumbling when he'd been in her presence. 

"I'm surprised to see you here," Valencia admitted as she closed the door behind her. "Even more surprised to see you sober and not yelling at me for one thing or another."

Ken had not known truly what to say given what Jeff had implied about them during the dinner with his parents. 

"H-How's the baby?" he asked unsure if he had the right to even ask after wanting nothing to do with them for so long. 

"Fine, growing bigger and stronger every day," replied Valencia with something of a fond smile. 

"T-That's good to hear at least," replied Ken still unsure what to make of the situation they currently found themselves in. 

"Would you like something to drink?" asked Valencia recalling how to be hospitable in the spur of the moment. "I've got water, juice, and soda."

"You sure you need to be drinking soda given your condition?" asked Ken with an arched brow. Even he had known that soda couldn't be good for a developing baby. 

"Relax, I haven't touched one in weeks, been too busy with the juice and water," replied Valencia with a smirk as she ventured to the kitchen and grabbed a can of soda out for Ken. "You can drink it if it makes you feel any better about me not having it."

She brought the soda to Ken who took it and popped the top with ease. Ken sighed as he made his way over to her sofa and plopped down. She followed after him sensing that he'd been willing to talk but about what she had no idea. He took a sip from the can and stared across the room at her television set. Valencia had known all too well that Ken had trouble with communication and smiled noting how some things never seemed to change between them. 

She slowly scooted closer to him on the sofa and he simply sipped his soda as if he had not a care in the world what she did. She could tell that he'd been confused and relatively upset but also nervous much like when he first awoke in the hospital and she'd been the only one around to see it.

"Tell me what's wrong," she said softly. 

Ken simply sipped his soda and stared at the blank television. 

Valencia sighed as she placed a hand on the closest of his arms. 

"Your new friend seems nice," she said breaking the silence that had fallen between them. "Dean wasn't it?"

Ken looked at her for the first time since he arrived recalling that she'd met Dean briefly when he'd been at the dinner. 

"Yeah," replied Ken in a gruff tone. 

"So, how long have you been fucking him?" asked Valencia suddenly meeting Ken's dark gaze as he nearly spit out the swig of soda he'd taken before her question. 

"The fuck?" asked Ken his eyes shifting to annoyance and anger as he turned to face her. 

"When are you going to accept the fact that I know you all too well, Ryker Kennison," said Valencia with all the confidence of a pregnant woman in the presence of her future husband. "I know your appetites better than anyone and you aren't that fond of other people much less younger men...anyone you have around you is either business or a means to an end...more often than not a happy one as far as you are concerned."

Ken had been caught off guard by her words. 

Valencia reached across his lap and ran her hands along the very visible bulge that had gotten her attention in more ways than one. She gripped him firmly and felt him twitch beneath her fingertips. 

He let out a low groan as she clutched him her dark eyes shimmering with lust as she opened her lovely mouth and leaned into Ken's rather large ear. 

"I don't care who you fuck Ken, so long as this big thick cock comes home to me every night as it should be." she insisted. "You and I both know no one else can ever satisfy you the way I can, your venture to make me jealous when you found out that I was pregnant had been an interesting one but I never in a million years thought you'd take to bending over younger men, but this one could have only gotten your attention if he had something that you obsess over more often than not, Dean's not just any boy is he baby, he's got a pussy of his own doesn't he?"

Ken couldn't believe what he was hearing, he'd even wondered if he was that predictable. 

"How the fuck do you know that?" he asked in utter confusion. 

Valencia smirked as she continued to squeeze Ken's bulging cock through his suit slacks. 

"I know you all too well Ryker Kennison," she replied with a smile. "And you belong to me."

Valencia shifted her weight and climbed onto Ken's lap as he moved his soda to his free hand, and she settled against him. He groaned at the sensation of her pert breasts pressing into his chest and the sweet scent of her perfume, a thing that had continued to grab his attention as the dark-haired young beauty fully straddled him. 

She treated him to a long deep kiss and Ken found himself once more hooked on the wave of intensity she'd brought to him whenever they'd been together. When she pulled back from the kiss, Ken could see the diamond engagement ring he'd given her sparkled as she reached for his free hand and slowly worked it down her body from her lips as she kissed his palms down to her chest where he promptly squeezed her tender breasts lightly before she trailed his hand down to her belly finally resting it against where their unborn child had been sleeping inside her. 

Valencia leaned her forehead against Ken's as they sat in companionable silence for a few moments with his hand still resting against her belly. 

"Your bastard brother doesn't know what he's talking about, and I don't care one way or the other about your romps with that kid Dean, you and I are meant to be together and that is what it will always be," said Valencia meeting Ken's dark eyes with dark orbs of her own before leaning down to capture his lips in another series of heated kisses. 

After several moments of intense kissing, Valencia slowly climbed off Ken's lap and left him to ponder her words, she had made it clear that not only did she know about his physical relationship and arrangement with Dean Hudson but she had not cared about it in the least. She'd gone to the kitchen to finish her sandwich and he finished off his soda and sat the can down on the coffee table before trailing behind her. 

Try as he might to ignore it in the past, there had been no denying the seemingly cosmic pull that seemed to have always been there between them. He didn't need to fear her telling anyone about his relationship with Dean, she'd gotten what she wanted and then some. 

Ken walked into Valencia's kitchen without a word just as she'd been about to take a bite out of her sandwich. He approached her and wrapped his arms around her slender waist as she easily leaned back into his embrace. He kissed her on top of the head as he held her close noting her warmth and sensual allure. 

"What a pair we make," he said honestly as he thought back to how strange their unbreakable bond had been. 

"And the baby makes three," added Valencia before finally biting into her sandwich as Ken's hands trailed up to her belly where his unborn child had been sleeping.

"I suppose Dean is included in that list," Ken remarked still holding her close. 

"I suppose that makes it four," Valencia admitted further showing that she had no problem with it in the least. "My poor Ken....what am I going to do with you?"

"I guess we'll have the rest of our lives for you to figure that out," he remarked. 

"Oh I'm counting on it," replied Valencia turning back to her sandwich in the wake of Ken still holding her as she stood in the kitchen.

Knowing him all too well, she held up the remainder of it for him to take a bite as well before smiling. They had made a strange pair indeed and with Dean Hudson involved it was sure to be something unseemly.