

A broken and boozy multibillionaire philanthropist takes a special interest in a troubled young teenage runaway turned streetwalker following a series of a horrific and tragic set of events that led to a well-noted drunk driving accident and a subsequently hidden brain injury that made him more or less reckless and hypersexualized in the wake of his physical recovery.

Eric_Brazen · Realistic
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126 Chs

Chapter 5: Cumbersome Intrigue

Apartment 274, Terrow Heights Apartment Complex, Baltiney, New York...

 Narrow and winding outside corridors had done little to drown out the sound of shouting and the breaking of glass as it shattered against the nearby living room wall coming from apartment 274. The inhabitants had been one young woman of Spanish descent with long flowing black locks that rand down past her shoulders and clear tanned skin. She'd been a vision of beauty on her best day with her petite frame and small but pert breasts as she wore the hell out of whatever outfit had been fitted against her slender body. She had been short but feisty and a good deal passionate given her background. Her dark ruby red lips and dark eye shadow had made her something akin to eye candy when it came to getting men's attention, one such man had been a rather wealthy-looking man dressed in a heavy blue suit with a loose tie also dark blue with matching slacks and black dress shoes. 

The beautiful woman had been young, younger than the businessman that she had spent quite a few minutes arguing with as her nostrils flared and her skin darkened into a deep red in the wake of her fury. Her eyes widened and she seemed to be on the verge of tears as she tore into the man standing before her looking equally upset and enraged as their bickering got louder and more objects had been thrown in the process. 


"FUCK YOU I DON'T OWE YOU A DAMN THING!" growled the businessman, who had towered above her with ease given his impressive six foot two height and lean build that had some semblance of muscle beneath his suit. His eyes had widened in fury as well and before he knew it his first collided with a nearby wall causing a massive hole to be put in it. "WE HAD A FUCKING DEAL AND YOU BROKE IT, AND WHAT YOU EXPECT ME TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU BEING PREGNANT FUCK YOU I DIDN'T ASK FOR ANY OF THIS IF YOU HAD A PROBLEM WITH THE WAY THINGS WERE YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST SAID IT NOT GO BEHIND MY FUCKING BACK AND STOP TAKING YOUR FUCKING BIRTH CONTROL PILLS BECAUSE YOU WANT ME TO PLAY HOUSE WITH YOU FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT YOU HAD TO FORCE THIS SHIT ON ME!"

The younger woman had been caught off guard by just how angry her older lover had been and it had shaken her to her core but she was still very much in love with him and attempting to salvage the remains of whatever they had that passed for a relationship. 

"KEN!" she shouted after he'd busted through the wall with his first and elected to head for the front door. "KEN wait!" 

"Fuck you," he growled in a rather cold tone. 

Up close, the man known as Ken Ryker had been quite a wealthy, tall, dark-tanned, and quite handsome older man with a smooth-shaven face and bloodshot dark eyes given the amount of rage coursing through him. He had originally stopped by his younger lover's apartment for a sex romp only to discover after the fact that she'd taken a pregnancy test. 

She had initially been a young waitress and he'd been attracted to her ever since frequenting her establishment for drinks, she had been witty and charismatic and altogether beautiful. Ken had questioned her outlook on life and whether or not she'd been seeing anyone. He confessed to being attracted to her and she admitted the same and before they knew it she'd invited him back to her place following her shift.

She introduced herself as Valencia Ramos and he agreed to take her to her apartment where they had sex. It was supposed to be a one-time thing given that Ken had not liked to be tied down, but she was quite something in bed and he'd been curious to know what else she had been capable of. 

Ken himself had been more interested in sex and only sex and made it known to her from the very beginning. She had agreed to keep it strictly about the sex only if they had been exclusive, Ken agreed and they had continued their arrangement for five years until he had come in during the afternoon following their latest act and she'd been hiding a pregnancy test when she was suppose to be on birth control which had been a part of their agreement. 

Val had been both crushed and ashamed given how much she had loved Ken and wanted nothing more than to be with him indefinitely and now he was on the verge of walking out of her life completely leaving her with his unborn child and not a word after the fact. She had only wanted to be with him, but he'd been so adamant about only wanting sex from her that she thought that she could change his mind and that he'd see that she'd make a good wife for him and that they could be a family with their unborn baby, but Ken was visibly fuming and he wasn't having any of it.

She had not meant for him to see the pregnancy test, she had not even been sure how to deal with the results herself but he'd come in looking for her and she leaped into his arms to distract him with sex just to keep him from seeing it only to fail when he got up to get ready to go back to work following the conclusion of his lunch break. 

"Ken please." she began trying to stop him from reaching the door. "Can we just talk about this...?"

"What the fuck do you want me to say, you fucking knew I didn't want kids, and you fucking knew I didn't want a thing from you aside from sex but you had to push this shit and go behind my back...we had a good thing going and you fucking ruined it...now you expect me to fucking play house when you can't even be trusted not to go off your birth control pills to stick me with a fucking kid?" growled the older man still visibly upset with how he'd been betrayed and how his relationship arrangement had turned out. 

"Ken I'm carrying your baby, doesn't that count for something...please just don't go...Ken, I need you please don't go." pleaded Val all the fury she felt beforehand at his rejection was replaced by the genuine fear that he'd leave her for good. 

"We have nothing else to say to each other Val, you got what you wanted, congratulations you're pregnant now leave me the hell alone," growled Ken as he pushed her out of the way of the door and stormed out of it still fuming about her betrayal and deception. 

He could hear her sorrowful wail in the background but ignored it as he continued down the walkway and toward the exit from the apartment complex. Her sorrowful and rage-filled rendition of "I HATE YOU, YOU BASTARD!" continued to ring out for a while before he truly put some distance between them by climbing into his midnight blue sports car and taking off from the complex without so much as a backward glance. 

The relatively wealthy and astute businessman known as Ken Ryker could care less, as far as he was concerned she had brought this on herself, pregnancy and all.