
The story

What kind of life does a man live, where the mere semblance of orderliness and productivity can bring such tranquility. Is it so, that anyone can draw out the same enjoyment from quiet, dedicated work or does it demand a toll of sorts? Does it demand a sacrifice? given willingly or otherwise. Perhaps within the vast world of our hero, the answer can be found?

Chef, as we have gotten used to calling him, had his home within the borders of great city, originally a small town which had expanded outwards from its humble cobble stone town roots during the industrialisation of the country. Roads of asphalt, houses of steel and cement, and eventually great skyscrapers clad in glass, finally giving birth to a proper modern city, a great hub of production, housing hundreds of thousands of people, climbing over one another within the underground metro systems, spreading wide upon the surface, and climbing high within the great mountains of glass. Each of them passing constant glances of judgement and envy towards their fellow man. Doing their part in the intriquate political and social warfare waged within all great cities. Knowing full well that they were subjected to the same treatment. Either being overwhelmed by self awareness or escaping in to the digital world for respite. And while this constant pressure surely brought even the most unaware some feeling of discomfort, in truth indifference dominated the minds of the envious and judgmental, the envied and judged. And rightly so, for is it not impossible to even comprehend such a vast sea of concious beings? Beings within their wages a constant war of ambitions, guilt and sorrow.

Not quite satisfied with this chapter, I fear I was unable to paint the world of our hero fairly. However I feel I must move along, and hopefully this chapter may provide a stepping stone, albeit one not as stable as might be requiered, for future chapters where justice can be given to the intriquite and fascinating world of chef.


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