
Joy and Happiness

Joe Chen is not a handsome guy, but is always mistaken as one.... David Ji is the best friend who made it that way because of a silly friendship vow.... Joe secretly loves her best friend.... Kenji Ji saw Joe despite her handsome facade and had loved her for years.... Christine Wei came into the picture because she fell in love with David.... David fell for Christine.... What will happen to Joe? Will Kenji confess? Who will David choose? Will Christine persist? ***** Okay, so now what? Who’s going to end up with whom? This is a story of joy and happiness of friendship and first love. Come join them as their hearts get dizzy with overwhelming happiness and knife-like piercing pain in this roller coaster of emotions. Which pair would you ship? ***** Credits to the couple's picture who inspired the cover.

Izavelle_Brielle · Teen
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


As expected, the outrage of the girls became an issue as they drove back home. Madame Lila was infuriated on how uncivil the girls have acted.

"What a shame!!!" she finally said after a very long speech and nags.

David loosened his tie.

"This is why I resent the way you act, Josephine. Look at you… if I am one of the parents and I don't know you, I would really think you are a boy…. And a handsome one at that!!!"

Joe lowered her head. David looked at her worriedly.

"Oh Josephine," Madame Lila said and lifted her chin up. "You were such a cute little girl back then. Remember, when you have long hair? Don't you love it? You were so pretty."

"I like the way I am, Auntie," she said and gave the furious lady a small smile.

Madame Lila released her and sighed. 'But I have other plans in my mind, Josephine. Watch me, you will act as a girl again.' "Very well, what can an aging woman do?"

"Mom, you're still very pretty. And did I mention young-looking?" David said.

Madame Lila glared at her son, "Don't sweet talk me, David!!! I knew those already."

The family had a small dinner celebration for the accomplishment David and Joe had. After dinner, Joe went to her room and was brushing her teeth when David stormed in. He quickly held her elbow, turned her around and pinned her on the wall.

"What cha yah thenk sha doing?" she asked with the toothpaste coming out her mouth.

"You owe me big time for this day, don't you know that?"

"Leth meh goh yo phervert," she said and pushed him away. She spat on the sink immediately and wiped her mouth. "What do you want?"

"What did you call me?" he said and narrowed his eyes as he walked closer and closer to her.

Joe, not used to David's way of behaving, not to mention the weird feeling on her stomach, backed away, "I always call you pervert, pervert."

David stopped, "Hey!!! You're being such a girl again."

Joe frowned and put her toothbrush back in her mouth, "I am a girl, idiot," she mumbled softly.


She put the brush out, "I said I am too handsome to be a girl, idiot."

David chuckled, "Because you owe me big time, you will take me school shopping two weeks before school starts in September, clear? You'll also pay for everything I'll get."

Joe nodded, "Get out now."


"I'm going to take a shower, jerk."

David looked at her from head to foot.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Gross…" he said and walked out the room immediately before Joe could yell at him. He went back to his room and lay down on his bed with his head resting on his hands. He smiled. He is happy. Joe makes him happy. He sighed.


They bought several clothes: sneakers, shoes, suits, casuals, shirts and outerwear… all in the men's department. The saleslady was even giving them small flirty gazes. As usual, David did not pay attention and completely ignored it, while Joe shivers in repugnance. After shopping, they immediately drove home. The maids informed them of a packet coming from the University. Both of them hurriedly went to their rooms and opened the large envelope. Joe took hers and barged in David's room.

"Hey… knock first…" David complained.

"I did. You just did not hear it," she lied and sat down on his bed looking at the University brochure.

"Yeah, right," David knew she was lying.

"Aren't you excited?" she asked.

"About what?" he replied while looking at his information packet.

"College days," she answered.

"Maybe…" he responded mysteriously. He signalled Joe to be quiet as he began to read the pamphlets and documents about the important information he was looking for.

Joe quieted down and focused on her pamphlet as well. Once in a while they will share what they read and check on each other's pamphlet. Then, they heard footsteps approaching. There was a knock after.

"It's open," David called without looking away from his information packet.

"Sir David, you have a visitor," the maid said at the door.

David looked up and nodded. "I'll be right there," he said and stood up.

"One of your admirers?" I frowned.

"I hope not," he said with a look of disgust on his face.

Joe chuckled and continued to read. It was quiet for a while. Joe wondered who the person downstairs was but was too lazy to check who it was. Besides, she already knew that if it was an admirer, David would have been back upstairs quickly. So, she remained where she was.

"JOE!!!" She was already reading the information regarding her course of study when she heard David shout.

"Geez, that jerk! He could have just asked the maids to call me nicely."

"JOE!!!! Come down!!! Hurry up!!!" she heard David calling her again from downstairs.

She frowned. He really treats her like one of the guys, "I'm coming, jerk." she answered and hurried to go downstairs. She heard laughter afterwards. 'Yeah right… Be rude and laugh…' She was at the edge of the stairs when she saw a familiar face laughing with David.

David turned to her, "Finally…"

The visitor looked at her. His hair had grown up to his neck. He smiled at her. A guitar case was on his back. Joe looked at his side and saw the suitcases on the floor.

"So, are you part of my welcoming committee?" he asked and winked at her.

Joe looked up to him and chuckled. Then, she rushed to him and gave him a bone crushing hug, "Kenji…"

"Ow… that hurts, muscular woman!!!" he teased.

Joe let go and punched him on the left shoulder, "I'm not buff."

Kenji laughed, "So you still look like a boy," he said and scrutinized her from head to foot. "Tsk… tsk… tsk… what a disappointment," he added and put his arm on her shoulder. "I told myself I might end up pursuing you. What was I thinking?"

Joe looked at him and he smiled at her adorably while nodding his head.
