
Journey towards the Gods

Yang Xiaotian does not spend thousands of years trying to comprehend Dao. He does not wait for a sudden flash of opportunity to understand something. He does not waste time thinking about some mysterious "step" or some "minor dao or major dao or grand dao" nonsense. Instead, he finds inspiration in the embrace of nature and of course, in the embrace of beautiful women! Also, he uses his brain to comprehend the "mystery of heaven and earth" and he also understands that cultivation is an endless journey without any destination. He is a smart protagonist who does not act like a blackhole in front of women! He is a man of action! This is smut with hours of backstory, it contains hentai themes like MILF, Oyakodon, Futanari and so on. Reader discretion is advised regarding this filthy webnovel!

HarutoraRyu · Eastern
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35 Chs

Chapter 27

As the carriage of Mu family left the Medicine Mountain City, the operation of Assassins of Kings have already started in the capital. Yang Xiaotian relaxed all day and before evening, arrived at the back yard of doctor Sun's medicine store. It seems like Rouér has indeed taken away Qin Feiér and Qin Ming is closing up the shop. After the shop closed, Qin Ming arrived at the back yard and saw Yang Xiaotian and became shocked for a while. Then she became very shy and blushed.

"Sister Ming, grandpa Sun doesn't come back here any more?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"He spends most of his time in his new office. He is doing important research." Qin Ming said shyly. She kept thinking: "Why isn't Feiér and sister Rouér returning?"

"It seems Rouér has taken away Feiér to have some fun. She wants to give the two of us some time together." Yang Xiaotian said with smile.

Qin Ming became even more shy and more nervous.

Yang Xiaotian said again: "Have you eaten? I have brought some nice food, let's go in and eat inside."

Qin Ming nodded and led Yang Xiaotian inside the house. She now has a room of her own here. They sat down and began eating. Qin Ming is still very shy, especially because Rouér actually told her everything about last night and she knows why she took Qin Feiér away. But she still hoped that Rouér would return with Qin Feiér before evening and thought that this was a prank. But now being alone with Yang Xiaotian, she realized that not only it is not a prank, even Yang Xiaotian also wants to be intimate with her. She is feeling rather tense now.

"Are you nervous?" Yang Xiaotian suddenly asked. Qin Ming was shocked for a bit, then she nodded.

"Sister Ming, do you like me? Or is it because of all the emotion flying around yesterday that caused you to succumb to emotional pressure?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

Qin Ming again showed a shocked expression. Then she became quiet for a while.

"Xiaotian, do you want to know about my past?" she suddenly asked.

"I want to but only if you trust me enough to tell me and want to tell me!" Yang Xiaotian resolutely said.

"Actually I want you to know about me. I want you to know so that you can make a decision about me." Qin Ming said.

"Sister Ming, do you want to know the truth? Back when Feiér first opened up to me and began happily chatting with me, I saw a very rare smile on your face, a smile of happiness and joy! It was at that moment that I fell in love with you! But you already have a daughter and I am just 11, on top of that I already liked Meiér. I felt that I am such a loose man and I felt disgusted with myself. I thought that you would be disgusted with me too! But now that I know that you also have some affection for me, I don't want to give up! Ming-er, I want you to be mine, I want your love, I want your body. I really love you Ming-er and no story of the past is going to change that!" Yang Xiaotian said very decisively.

Qin Ming heard everything with shocked expression, her chest going up and down as she breathed heavily.

She said a bit later: "I still want you to know! I want this off my chest!"

"Of course Ming-er, I also want to know." Yang Xiaotian said affectionately.

"I never had much cultivation talent. I was barely an initiate Body Tempering cultivator by the age of 15. At that time, a man from some gang gave my father some money and 'bought' me as his sex slave. He raped me every day, fed me all kinds of pills for his sexual pleasure and raped me even more. I became pregnant very soon but it did not stop that man, he continued to rape me even during my most painful days, it actually made him even more happy. When my belly got a bit bigger, his craving became even bigger. But then my belly got even bigger and he just threw me away on the street at a nearby village." Qin Ming said with an expressionless face. Yang Xiaotian clenched his fist in extreme anger.

"I gave birth to Feiér on the street, however, her birth came as a blessing as my cultivation suddenly reached high stage Body Tempering after a painful birth. However, I was quite frail and Feiér was very sick. I thought of leaving Feiér at the door of some house and drowning myself in the river. But looking at her innocent smile, I could not do it. I begged on the streets for some money so that I could get her treated. People took advantage of me again, saying they would treat Feiér if I sleep with them."

"Two years went by this way and one day, grandpa Sun was passing by the village. That day, I was being beaten on the street by a man I slept with for two months so that he would treat Feiér but he did not. Once I began to question him, he got angry and decided to get rid of me and Feiér but I decided to put up a fight. Many villagers knew of my situation, they would give me food and some medicine from time to time but they would never dare to go against those powerful people. I thought I was a goner when grandpa Sun appeared out of nowhere and began beating up that guy."

"That guy called me a slut and said a lot of things. But somehow grandpa Sun knew he was lying. He later told me that he had seen this kind of thing a lot. Grandpa beat him to a pulp, fed Feiér some medicine and brought us back here. Then you know the rest." Qin Ming finished speaking and looked blankly at Yang Xiaotian.

At this time Yang Xiaotian is fuming with anger. At the same time, he is also feeling extremely sad.

"It's ok. You don't need to feel this way. I am already living a better life now. All of that is in the past." Qin Ming finally smiled as she spoke. Her smile completely melted Yang Xiaotian's heart. He decided to make this woman the happiest woman in the world no matter what.

"Do you know Xiaotian, when you first tried to treat Feiér, I thought you would ask me to sleep with you in return. You have no idea how happy I felt when I realized that you genuinely wanted to heal Feiér and don't want to take advantage of me!" Qin Ming said with smile. Yang Xiaotian decided not to reply. Now he feels very guilty. He feels that he is taking advantage of her.

"You know, after I saw your dedication towards Feiér's recovery, I decided that if you ever want to sleep with me, I would agree without any question!" Qin Ming said.

Yang Xiaotian felt like his heart shatter hearing her words. He looked at her with a hurt expression and said: "Is this why now you..."

"No no no... Xiaotian, that's not the case at all. I saw Feiér recovering bit by bit, she began talking about you and getting along with you so much. I saw how much she likes you and talks about you. Every time she talked about you, I would listen to her. I loved listening to her talk about you. You became just as amazing in my heart as you became in hers. Gradually, I wanted to see you more and more, wanted to get close to you more and more. I deliberately decided to call you Mr. Yang just to see how you react. And when you reacted just the way I wanted, I felt so happy. You indirectly told me that you wanted to feel closer to me. I felt so blessed and happy."

"And then yesterday when you brought Meiér, I felt my heart break. But luckily, Feiér intervened with words from her imaginary goddess. Her words gave me so much hope and then you said you want to eat like a family and Meiér said she wants to be good sisters with me, I felt that my life was fulfilled. Then a great beauty like sister Rouér appeared and even called me good sister. I let go of all reservation in my heart after that."

Speaking up to this point, she got up from her chair, arrived before Yang Xiaotian and placed her hands on his cheeks. She said: "Xiaotian, I love you. I want to be your woman. Can I be your woman? I am a damaged woman, with nothing special. But I still want to be your woman! You who is shining more and more brightly like a sun, can I be your woman?"

Yang Xiaotian can't hold back his emotion any longer. He held her hands with his own and stood up, he kissed both of her hands, rested her hands on his shoulder and hugged her slender waist. Then he leaned forward and locked his lips with hers. They kissed passionately. Tears flowed down from Qin Ming's eyes. After Yang Xiaotian opened his eyes, he wiped away her tears.

"Ming-er, you are not allowed to cry anymore. Ok? Or this man of yours will be very sad. I want to make you the happiest woman in the universe! So don't cry ok?" Yang Xiaotian lovingly said.

"Ok husband." Qin Ming said with a bright smile. Then they kissed again.

Yang Xiaotian slowly picked her up and brought her onto the bed. Then he laid her down on the bed and closed the door tightly. He came back and laid down beside her. Then he kissed her again gently. Then he began slowly undressing her as she also undressed him. Soon they are both naked and he is on top of her. He kissed her gently. They kissed for quite a few moments becoming more passionate with every passing moment.

He then moved lower towards her breasts, her breasts are not as big as Rouér's but bigger than Mu Meiér's and as she was pregnant before, her breast is quite ample. He began licking, caressing, fondling and sucking her breasts. She let out pleased sounds as he continued. She hugged his head gently and began caressing his hair. Soon, Yang Xiaotian began moving lower as he kept licking her body. As he arrived at her lower body, he began licking and kissing her thighs and her legs. He then arrived in front of her vagina and found out that she is already quite a bit wet.

"Ming-er, I will use my fingers to pleasure you. Is it okay?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Mmmm.." Qin Ming replied.

Yang Xiaotian began licking her clitoris and vagina. He continued for a while to make her vagina wetter. Then he slowly, gently and carefully slid in his two mid fingers of his right hand inside her vagina. Then just as the good book described, he moved his fingers in a round position towards the clitoris, he continued this motion and moved his fingers a bit to left or right until Qin Ming let out a light moan.


He decided to touch the same spot again.


Qin Ming let out another moan. So Yang Xiaotian became sure of the position and continued to stimulate the same position. At the same time, he continued to lick her clitoris, causing her to moan again and again. She continued to twitch, her hands grabbing onto his hair and she kept thrusting her waist upwards lightly. And finally, after a while, she could no longer take it and ejaculated quite a lot of liquid. She still did not reach orgasm so Yang Xiaotian continued and after quite a while, she ejaculated again with a loud moan. After that, she began breathing heavily and her body stopped twitching.

Yang Xiaotian stopped stimulating her ero-spot anymore and focused on licking her liquid clean. This is also a bit stimulating for her but she seems to be somewhat out of sort. Clearly, it has been a long time since she had a good sexual experience. He read in the good book that this is the best situation to further make a woman feel satisfied so he placed his erect penis on her vagina and began lightly rubbing.

"Aaannnhh.. wa..wait..no..." however Qin Ming weakly protested.

This protest made Yang Xiaotian feel somewhat heartbroken. He feels that he has not been properly accepted by her. But Qin Ming began speaking softly.

"Husband... you can't do that with me yet. I am not a virgin, a virgin's vagina is different than a woman who is not a virgin. On top of that, I gave birth, my vagina is more extended than a virgin's. If you have sex with me, you will become too comfortable inside my vagina. Meiér and sister Rouér are still virgins. If you have sex with them after having sex with me, you will treat their vagina the same way you do mine out of habit. You will hurt them a lot and they might become very uncomfortable with you and won't enjoy sex with you again!" Qin Ming's words caused Yang Xiaotian to be terrified, it is to the point that his erect penis even shrunk a little.

"You will have to be very gentle, very careful and very soft with them. You can't also use fingers with them the way you did with me. You will have to be even gentler with them. Use your index finger with them at first and then add the middle finger, be slower and gentler when you touch that spot. Ok, husband?" Qin Ming said.

"Of course wife, you are the best!" Yang Xiaotian happily said and kissed her lovingly.

"We will practice how to pleasure them softly with your fingers a bit later. Now I will pleasure you. You have been erect for quite some time and it is not good to keep an erect penis unattended for long." Qin Ming said and extended her hand towards Yang Xiaotian's penis. She also slowly sat up on the bed.

"Just relax, ok husband?" she said as she began gently stroking his erect penis.

"Ahh.. yes... I will leave it to my Ming-er." Yang Xiaotian said with a pleased tone.

Qin Ming then lowered her head and began gently licking Yang Xiaotian's penis. She started with the tip, she very gently used both her lips and tongue to stimulate him. She kept licking and kissing his erect penis down to the bottom and then began licking his testicles. She licked his testicles while stroking his penis gently and then began going upwards again. She arrived at the tip very soon and this time, she took the penis in her mouth. She slowly took the entire erect penis in and began stimulating it with her tongue. She kept moving her head up and down as she kept sucking the penis faster and harder.

"Ahhh... ahhhhh... Ming-er... so good... your mouth feels so good... ahhh..." Yang Xiaotian kept moaning.

He looked towards Qin Ming and grabbed the back of her head. Qin Ming gazed at him as she continued sucking faster and faster. Very soon Yang Xiaotian let out an intense moan and ejaculated a lot of semen.

"Mmmppppfff.." Qin Ming almost choked but she controlled herself.

She felt an intense jolt in her mouth as soon as the semen shot into it. She closed her mouth as much as she could to not let the semen flow out. She began swallowing the semen quickly so that she doesn't miss even a bit. Rouér told her that Yang Xiaotian's semen is very delicious, she only half believed it. And now she can finally taste it. She doesn't want to let even a bit of it go to waste. As she kept swallowing, Yang Xiaotian began heavily breathing and caressing her hair. Soon enough, she completely licked clean the penis and finished ingesting the semen.

"You came so much and your cum is also very sweet and delicious! Will you let us sisters enjoy such delicious cum every day from now on?" Qin Ming asked in a very delighted tone.

"Haahh.. haahhh.. if you have it every day, won't you find it stale very soon? Also, won't I just be dead tired every day and finally die like this?" Yang Xiaotian said with a tired smile.

"No way! I can never get enough of it! I am sure we sisters will just get addicted to it! Hihihi.. don't worry husband, we sisters will help you increase your stamina! I am sure after a while, it will be you who will make us sisters dead tired!" Qin Ming giggled and laid down on Yang Xiaotian's chest.

Yang Xiaotian laughed tiredly and hugged her. They stayed like this way for a while and rested. After a while, Qin Ming began talking.

"Husband, you need to understand our vagina more. I don't know where you learned your amazing technique but you will have to be more cautious and careful with a virgin's vagina. Let's practice, ok husband?" Qin Ming said.

Then she began directing Yang Xiaotian as to how he can be gentle and careful with a woman's vagina. Where to touch, how to touch, how not to touch, how not to move and so on. He used his fingers and touched inside her vagina a lot to learn, during this learning process Qin Ming tried her best not to moan too much and lecture Yang Xiaotian on properly pleasuring a woman. After she was finally done lecturing, Yang Xiaotian again pleasured her with his mouth and fingers, making her experience one last orgasm and ejaculation.

"Haahh.. hahh.. I will suck you off one last time ok? They might be back soon..." Qin Ming said as she tried to get up but Yang Xiaotian stopped her.

"It's ok, I am not that hard at all. It is just a bit stiff. Nothing to worry about." Yang Xiaotian said with smile and then kissed her gently.

As they kept kissing, they suddenly heard a scream from outside: "Mom! I am back!"