
Journey towards the Gods

Yang Xiaotian does not spend thousands of years trying to comprehend Dao. He does not wait for a sudden flash of opportunity to understand something. He does not waste time thinking about some mysterious "step" or some "minor dao or major dao or grand dao" nonsense. Instead, he finds inspiration in the embrace of nature and of course, in the embrace of beautiful women! Also, he uses his brain to comprehend the "mystery of heaven and earth" and he also understands that cultivation is an endless journey without any destination. He is a smart protagonist who does not act like a blackhole in front of women! He is a man of action! This is smut with hours of backstory, it contains hentai themes like MILF, Oyakodon, Futanari and so on. Reader discretion is advised regarding this filthy webnovel!

HarutoraRyu · Eastern
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35 Chs

Chapter 14

After Yang Xiaotian walked about 10 meters from the store, he sensed 4 pairs of eyes looking at him and 4 auras converging towards him. He sneered and turned towards a corner alley. Soon enough 4 people caught up to him. One of them is the rude assistant. For people like him, Yang Xiaotian's thinking is that they should be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise they will bring about fatal difficulties later. He is very happy that this person is sending himself into his clutches so soon.

"Brat! You are really something! You are not even off your mom's tits and yet..." the rude assistant could not finish talking when he felt his throat and neck being clutched tightly by a hand.

The three others beside him looked at the scene in shock. 4 of them are initiate to middling Qi Condensation cultivators, beating up a child who can not cultivate should be of no effort to them. Before they could move, they heard a cracking sound.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The rude assistant's neck has been completely twisted and broken. His dead body fell to the ground. Yang Xiaotian looked at the other three with a smile on his face. Those three felt a chill down their spine, they want to run but somehow, they can't move their body at all.

"How unfortunate! He tried to climb a building to peep and fell to his death!" Yang Xiaotian's chilling voice suddenly sounded. He continued: "You three told him not to do it but he did it anyways and finally fell to his death! That is what happened! Right?"

Those three heard the words and gulped down saliva. They feel like they are being wrapped up by a hungry snake and if they don't reply soon, they will all become its food.

"Ye. .yes.. tha.. that isss exactly wha.. whhhaa.. what happened.." one of them said.

"We..we.. we to..to told.. him no..no..not to do it bu.. but he.." another one said.

"ye... ye.. yes.... pppp..please..." the third one already began crying.

"So what are you doing here? Go report it to the city guards!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile. And then he jumped up, stood up on the ledge of a building, then jumped again and arrived on the ledge of another building around 20 meters away from the previous one. He completely disappeared from the sight of those three.

Those three finally could not hold it in and fell on their butts. They are sweating profusely, their breathing is hurried and noisy. After nearly 15 minutes, they came out of the alley, found some guards and reported the death. After a bit of interrogation, they were let go because it felt like they are really out of their minds after losing their friend.

After returning home, Yang Xiaotian met up with his parents, had his supper, returned to his room and immersed himself in his cultivation. His idea of letting Deva energy naturally increase his soul power and create his soul space through his own soul power is going slowly but steadily. He now has another idea, to merge Chí into his soul power and let Chí create his soul space. So he needs to think of an appropriate cultivation method that would stimulate his Chí and increase his soul power at the same time. Fortunately, Deva energy can also stimulate his Chí, so half of the process is done. Now he must let his Chí merge into his soul power naturally. His cultivation continued until morning.

He got up, as usual, practiced, as usual, had breakfast and left for the bank. He arrived at the bank, asked to meet the manager for a bank transfer insurance form. The clerk led him inside to the manager's office. A middle-aged man wearing luxurious clothes is sitting at the desk, he is the manager here, Tang Bao.

"Hello young master Yang, what brings you here?" Tang Bao asked.

"Manager Tang, I need a bank transfer insurance form. I want to offer up a bounty of 100000 purple banknotes for the Black Tiger Gang! The insurance is for the Mercenary Alliance to know that I am not joking with the money!" Yang Xiaotian said.

Tang Bao frowned and said: "Black Tiger Gang? Are you sure?"

Yang Xiaotian said: "Is manager Tang also worried about their connection?"

Tang Bao sighed and said: "It seems young master Yang is somewhat informed. However, what you don't know is that the Black Tiger Gang leader is someone from the imperial city, just as the branch manager of Mercenary Alliance and the city master. So you can imagine. This racket has been going on for years and now you want to pull them down to the very roots, these three won't sit still. And Mercenary Alliance here won't accept this job."

"I already guessed this. What I want is for the whole town to know that the Mercenary Alliance is not willing to take the job and protecting the gang. If city master tries to join in, even better, I can ruin him too!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"So you want to fight the whole gang and then the 3 of them all on your own? Or are you going to depend on those people from last time?" Tang Bao asked. Naturally, he is talking about the death of those 20 gang members.

"Does manager Tang has a better idea?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"I do actually! It is in the bank's best interest that these three are taken care of! But we can not actively vilify the customers of the bank or we will lose credibility. So I have two ideas for you. Want to hear?" Tang Bao said.

"Please." Yang Xiaotian said.

"1st one, Assassins of Kings! You hire them to take care of the gang and these three people! Price won't be cheap but the job will be done very fast!" Tang Bao said.

Assassins of Kings! Also known as the guild of assassins, designated as such by some people to make them look less than what they are. But all the people in the information business know that the name Assassins of Kings is an apt title. These assassins are impressive, to say the least and over the last 50000 years, they have caused the fall of multiple royal families. Merchant families, aristocrat families, renowned cultivators, who they have not killed? It is said that if a proper bounty is placed, they will even kill the emperor of the Long kingdom.

Yang Xiaotian gave it a thought. It will surely be easy to use assassins but it will alert his true enemies. They will surely realize that he can employ assassins and they might in turn decide to directly use them against his family. So he decided not to use assassins for now.

"I am surprised that manager Tang can recommend me to the Assassins of Kings! But I am not going to employ them for this. However, I might need their help in the future, so can I come to manager Tang in the future if I want to contact them?" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Of course, you can! So then we come to the 2nd one. I directly send your bounty notice to the Yun capital branch of the Mercenary Alliance. This branch can not refuse anything accepted by them and I guarantee that your bounty will be accepted. I can send the message through our express delivery system and it will arrive in the capital in two days. Then it will take another 2 to 3 days for the Mercenary Alliance branch here to receive the notification. It will cost you a bit though." Tang Bao said.

"Money is no problem, let's do that. However, I still want to go and sound out the branch manager here. Let's see what he is made of." Yang Xiaotian said.

Soon enough he finished all the procedures in the bank and then arrived at the Mercenary Alliance. He talked about his bounty post and immediately was called in to meet the manager.

"Young master Yang, do you know what you are doing? Just because of your personal grievances, you want to cause chaos in the entire city!" the Mercenary Alliance branch manager said.

"Ohh really? When the gang extorts money from people and businesses, rapes and murders people for not paying protection money, you don't talk about chaos in the city but when someone wants to do something about it, you talk about chaos in the city? Truly outstanding!" Yang Xiaotian said mockingly.

"Brat, don't be complacent! Or I will slap some respect into you!" the branch manager said furiously.

"With your mere peak Qi Sea Formation cultivation? Why not give it a try? We will see how far you can extend your hand!" Yang Xiaotian said with a sneer,

"Why you.." the branch manager became furious and planned to take action but suddenly he looked at a door at the corner of the room and stopped. Then he said angrily: "We will not accept this job. Get out!"

"You were given a chance to rise to heaven but you chose to go to hell! We will see each other in a few days when you will beg me for mercy!" Yang Xiaotian said in a sharp tone and left.

"That fucking brat! Who does he think he is!" two men came out of the door at the corner. One of them furiously said.

"He is someone with some powerful backer! But he is still a brat! He thinks he can easily change the structure of this city, dream on!" the other one said.

These two people are the Black Tiger Gang leader and the city master. They have been here since Yang Xiaotian went to the bank, they had a hunch he would come here to post a bounty.

"So what is the progress on your end?" the branch manager asked.

"I made some inquiry in the capital but somehow as soon as I want to get close to any information regarding Yang Cheng, my contacts disappear!" the city master said.

"What! Doesn't it mean that we have stepped on a very big pitfall?" the gang leader said.

"Not necessarily, I have also been contacted by some people. They said that if we can take care of Yang Cheng and his family, we can keep ten percent of their assets but we can not try to look into them anymore! And those powerful people will also keep Yang Cheng's backers occupied!" the city master said.

"Then it seems like they also have some powerful enemies. So what do you say, we start the operation?" the branch manager said.

"Let's wait a few days, my letter to the imperial home department to remove Shi Haifeng still has not gotten any reply. It will come in a few days. As soon as it comes, we will first kill that Shi Haifeng and then take care of Yang Cheng!"

"Speaking of which, his wives are quite the lookers! I want them to serve me for 7 days and 7 nights straight! He he he!" the gang leader said with a filthy laugh.

The others also began laughing. As they were talking, Yang Xiaotian heard all of it from outside the building. His soul power and senses have become so sharp now, that he can even hear things several hundred meters away, not to mention some people talking behind walls. Hearing their words, Yang Xiaotian's eyes became chilly. In his mind, these people are already sentenced to the most gruesome death.

He returned home after this and continued with his routine. He decided to go to doctor Sun in the evening after he is done with all the patients. He does want to show his face to those three assistants from last night and make them piss themselves in front of doctor Sun. In the evening, he arrived at the medicine store. Seeing him arrive, doctor Sun suddenly showed a very odd expression.

"Last night, one of my assistants died from falling off a building and breaking his neck! The eyewitnesses are also my assistants and they are in great shock! They can't even talk properly, I had to release them from duty!" doctor Sun said with a heavy tone.

"Hmmm.. people with wicked thought never have a good ending!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"You brat... you..." doctor Sun almost choked hearing this.

"Grandpa, if a poisonous snake slithers around you preparing to lunge, what would you do? I like to be swift and decisive, I eradicate the snake before it can even think of lunging!" Yang Xiaotian said decisively.

"Haii... forget it..." doctor Sun sighed and said again: "Let's get to the main topic, I have studied through your papers thoroughly and I think I have all the ingredients to make the medicine for Feiér. However, I don't want to reveal these to anyone and I only have you and Ming-er as assistants while making these medicines. Let's get to work."

Soon they began making the medicine. It became quite dark until they managed to make the first batch of medicine. After being done with it, Yang Xiaotian immediately began running home, his mothers must be very worried about him since it has become so late. And as expected, just as he returned his mothers tightly hugged him with teary eyes, they kissed his cheeks, his forehead with great force as if they are afraid he would disappear if they let him go. He comforted them, apologized to them for worrying them and then went to eat supper. Finally, he went back to his room and began his routine.

The next day, he again went to doctor Sun in the evening. This time doctor Sun told him that he prepared a meditation schedule for Qin Feiér. He deduced that it would be better if she meditated under the sun when it is up properly and she should only be meditating until the sun is right on top of their head and noon starts. Yang Xiaotian nodded, it is indeed a very viable solution, the insights of an experienced spirit doctor are not something he can compare to, he might have the knowledge but in the hands of experienced people, this knowledge shines the best. After finishing up for the day, he returned home and got on with his routine.

The next day when he came out of his room, he heard some commotion among the guards. He went over to talk and heard that the city guard captain has the whole city in lockdown and there are posters of all the members of the Black Tiger Gang including the gang leader all over the city. Nobody is allowed to enter or leave the city without being checked.

"He moved fast!" Yang Xiaotian thought and went back to the front yard to practice.

At this time, in the city guard office.

"Shi Haifeng! How dare you! Without my approval, you actually locked down the whole city? You have caused great distress to the public! I want you to resign immediately!" the city master furiously shouted.

Shi Haifeng sneered and pushed an official envelope towards the city master. Seeing the seal on the envelope, the city master's face completely paled. He opened the letter and his face became even paler. It seems like an imperial investigator is coming to the city soon to investigate corruption. Apparently, Shi Haifeng is being accused of dereliction of duty and allowing the Black Tiger Gang to run amok in the city.

"As you can see, I have no choice!" then he pulled out piles of papers from another desk and said: "These are all the petitions from the locals to me, urging me to clean up the gang. The majority of them are merchants and businessmen. You know that the beast tide is coming soon and merchants and businessmen have to pay higher taxes during this time period. So they are taking this chance to have what they want. Many of them directly petitioned in the capital and this is the result!"

City master's face twitched. He also has his connections in the capital yet he never heard of this. It seems like someone influential is investigating in secret.

"You have never concealed the fact to me that you are colluding with the Black Tiger Gang! You even threatened me several times along with the gang leader and the Mercenary Alliance branch manager to keep my mouth shut and let the gang do whatever they want. But now the investigator is coming, so if you don't want me to talk, get the fuck out of my way! I will not be hanged by the neck for your bullshit! If you try to make things difficult for me now, I will fight to kill! All my guards will join me too!" Shi Haifeng furiously said.

The city master put the letter on the desk and left without another word. It seems like right now, he can only let Shi Haifeng do as he pleases, otherwise, a whole city-wide brawl might break out. It might even cause the imperial protector from the school and other Mortal Shedding cultivators to get involved. It won't end well for him. He directly went to the Mercenary Alliance branch.