
Journey Towards Greatness

A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience due to the cruel war, and as of now our MC has turned 82 years old he was very satisfied with his life with no regrets and waiting for death to take him away but will death be is end or will it start a new beginning, a new legend. __________________________ Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zarakh

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Anime & Comics
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1375 Chs

Mega Metagross

Julian was wondering about the Z-Crystal he saw with Samual, from the day he came to this world he never tried to look forward than what he knows already, he doesn't know what lies beyond the six regions he already knows.

He realized he is still mentally not prepared to take a step outside the world he knew, he was not prepared to see a world which he knew nothing about.

Julian 'I have to get out of this box someday, but before that, I want to enjoy the things I have already planned'

Julian felt a huge world that is still not known to him needs to be discovered, he felt light and another burden got off of him.

System 'Host is instructed to Meditate, Host's soul is going through another change'

Julian 'What?'

Julian didn't expect a change to occur in his soul.

He looked at a tree nearby and sat down and closed his eyes to slow down his heartbeat and calm his mind.

Even though his Soul could still go through changes without him meditating, but by keeping a calm mind the process will be much faster.

Time slowly passed and it was already evening, Julian was in a trance for a long time now, after a few minutes his eyes flickered and he slowly opened them.

Julian "I feel no physical change"

Julian 'System what has changed?'

System 'Host's soul is now able to use his Ability Resonance with Infernape'

Julian suddenly remembered the Ability Resonance he got months ago when he broke through the shackles of his old life but he couldn't use it.

Julian 'What does Resonance do?'

System 'System doesn't know, Data has not been provided'

Julian 'How do I use it?'

System 'System doesn't know, Data has not been provided, the host has been asked to figure it out himself'

Julian 'Hmm, looks like I have to figure it out myself'

Julian took a deep breath and stood up, he suddenly noticed the Omniforce around him was now much thicker than before, his control over it is now much smoother.

Julian looked at the orange sky and towards the city.

Julian 'I should head back or Daisy will be worried'

He took out his bike from his dimensional pocket and rode away.

As he reached the hotel he saw Daisy watching TV, a new program which followed a guy who is in search of Mega Stones, as Mega Evolution became the new thing everything started to trend which has Mega Evolution related to it.

Julian "I am back"

Daisy turned around and looked at Jason.

Daisy "Back so early?"

Julian "Have you seen the time?"

Julian was surprised as Daisy didn't even know what time it is, she looked outside to notice it was already evening.

Daisy "My God, I didn't even notice the time fly by, this TV series is very addictive"

Julian "You should watch less"

Daisy "I will try, hehe"

They then spent the night together.

Next morning Julian woke up early and decided to go out to the forest for one final training session so he got dressed and walked out of the room after wishing Daisy a good morning.

When he reached the forest it was very quiet with some bug pokemons making a faint sound, the morning dew is rolling of the leaves and the air is moist.

Julian 'I think I should go on the outskirts of the city to test it'

Julian had found a Mega Stone in Granite Cave way back when he only had two badges with him, this Mega Stone gave a similar wavelength to his Metagross so he deiced to check it out.

After coming out in an empty place he brought out Metagross.

Julian "Metagross Come out"

Metagross came out and looked around he saw nothing but an empty area.

Julian took out the Mega Stone he found in Granite cave and placed it in front of Metagross.

Metagross looked at the small marble in front of him and felt it was resonating with him.

Julian "Do you feel anything?"

Metagross nodded and stared at the Mega Stone.

Julian 'I was right after all'

Julian "Hold the Mega Stone lets try your Mega Evolution"

Metagross nodded and lifted the Mega Stone and grabbed it with his two claws.

Julian "Let's go Mega Evolve"

Julian flashed the Keystone in his locket and it glowed while radiating bright light, the Mega Stone in Metagross hands also started to glow and it also radiated a powerful light.

The two light rays fused together and Metagross started to glow, his head started to change into more of round but not too round, he still had his sharp edges, his front two hands started to grow thicker while the back two arms started to fuse with each other to make a bigger one at the back.

Julian was surprised by this change, it was very different from what he had seen in the anime.

Julian 'Its looks like another variant of Mega Evolution just like Gyarados's'

The evolution was finally over and Metagross looked really majestic, the cross on his face is pure white which went over his whole head.

His two front arms had holes with clear crystals in them and the arm on the back is huge, double the size of a single arm, it has a pure white layering over the metallic light blue.

Metagross then folded his arms in such a way that he turned into a jet-like shape, his two front arms bent and faced towards the back while his back arm came over his head and three arms slam shut to form a jet like thrusters at the back.

Julian 'What a great Mega Evolution'

Metagross shot towards the sky with extreme speed and came back in seconds.


For reference - https://www.deviantart.com/tomycase/art/Mega-Metagross-465349438 , artwork done by Tomycase, I found it in Deviant Art.

With a few changes, instead of having eyes on his hand like the ones in Tomycase's I gave his crystals, instead of the dark blue overlay, I gave a pure white one, and a more light blue color for his body than the one specified in the above link.


Julian 'System show Metagross Stats right now'

System 'Affirmative'


Mega Metagross

Type - Steel/Psychic

level - 45

Age - 1 year

Bond - 90%

HP - 160 ---> 180

Attack - 170 ---> 190

Defense - 200 ---> 250

Sp. Atk - 140 ---> 160

Sp. Def - 140 ---> 160

Speed - 150 ---> 190

Move set - Magnet Rise, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Confusion, Gravity, Psyshock, Thunder Punch, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Protect, Miracle Eye, Psychic, Hammer Arms, Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Flash Cannon, Hyper Beam.

Ability- Levitate (Unlocked), Aura Break (Unlocked)

(A/N - I changed the abilities to Levitate and Aura Break, Levitate gives immunity to ground type moves, Aura Break reduces the damage done by Dark and Fairy-type moves)


Julian 'Nice, now I should start training before it gets late'

How many of you guys watched the new pokemon direct, what do you think about the Maximizing?

And what is your favorite pokemon that was shown in the direct?

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