
Journey Towards Greatness

A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience due to the cruel war, and as of now our MC has turned 82 years old he was very satisfied with his life with no regrets and waiting for death to take him away but will death be is end or will it start a new beginning, a new legend. __________________________ Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zarakh

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Anime & Comics
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1375 Chs

Capturing The Hunter

Hunter J cursed her luck as she realized that this person who came riding on a Kyurem is none other than the person who got her caught, but thanks to the underworld's involvement she was able to escape then, but now things are different.

She is trapped here, there is no one around that can help her, her men are frozen, her pokemons are down, and her Salamence is very wary right now, she could tell that it didn't want to be in this situation.

Hunter J "What do you want?"

She asked while trying to slowly make some distance from Julian, though she knows it's useless, if there is even a fraction of a chance to escape, she has to take it.

Julian "I didn't expect to meet you again, who would have thought that you would escape. This time I will make sure that doesn't happen"

Julian said.

Hearing him, she panicked and signaled her Salamence to escape but it was useless.

Julian "Ice Beam"

As soon as the Salamence turned and tried to escape, a powerful Ice Beam ripped through the air and smashed onto the Salamence's head, and sent it shooting to the ground, Hunter J grabbed onto its neck tightly so she couldn't get flung off its back.

Salamence crashed hard on the snow and it cushioned Hunter J's fall, the impact was very hard so she didn't feel a little dizzy.

Grabbing onto her head she looked at her Salamence and noticed ice all over its head, it was clearly knocked out cold and her last chance of escaping was gone, she then looked up and saw the man in black descending on his Kyurem towards him.

She froze on the spot and didn't know what to do.

Kyurem landed and stared coldly at Hunter J, Julian also stared at his victim and waited for a few seconds, he decided to not question her now, it is still midnight and he didn't get enough sleep due to the snowstorm.

Julian "Gengar, put here away and keep her fed until I want to see her again"

Julian said.

Hunter J was confused by what Julian said but then she suddenly felt it, chains made of shadows shot out of her own shadow and bound her hands and legs, and started to drag her into her own shadow.

Hunter J streamed and struggle, trying to free herself but she couldn't until the last moment, till her eyes passed through the ground, Julian could see the fear displayed in her eyes.

Gengar returned to his shadow, as for the men trapped in ice Julian thought about it and melted their ice away but tied them up and sent a message to the law enforcement when it comes to pokemon poachers the government is very strict and even a false report is taken very seriously.

Julian went back to his camp and went to sleep, he did notice the chopper that arrived a few hours ago that apprehended the tied-up poachers and took them.

He didn't care much about those poachers as they were not so important to him, he has caught the big fish and he has very little to worry about now.

He went back to sleep without any care in the world, the next morning he woke up as if nothing happened at all, he cleaned himself up, fed his pokemon, ate his own breakfast, and then continued to train his pokemons.

After he was done with the normal training routine, he hit the road again, as for Hunter J, he let Gengar have his way with her for now.

Once Gengar breaks her mentally, he will be able to persuade her into doing whatever he wants, with Gengar having his own world Hunter J will have everything at her disposal to stay alive except freedom, she will be tied up and tortured mentally by Gengar until Julian decides to stop.

Julian called out Kyurem and used him to fly over the mountain, most people used rented Mamoswine to cross through the thick snow-covered mountain as they are the only land pokemons that have the strength and stamina to do so.

As for others they just fly over it with their pokemons. as for any wild pokemon that Julian might be interested in? There were none, for now, he is very satisfied with his team, even though it is quite small compared to his previous journeys when he was about to face the seventh gym, by that time he would have his full team ready.

But this time Julian was quite picky, he wanted the best of the species and not just any pokemon, with six pokemons in his current team, he is still looking for at least one or two more but if he doesn't find anything, he will be happy with his current team.

The lesser the pokemons, the more he can concentrate on their training.

With the help of Kyurem, he reached Anistar city faster than he expected, with no signs of snow Julian sent Kyurem back to his Pokeball and continued on his two wheels.

When he arrived at the outskirts of Anistar city he noticed that it was quite big, one of the bigger cities he has seen in his journey, he also saw the massive river that was flowing very close to the city.

In fact, this river connects most of the cities and villages of Kalos, it's a massive water body with several ends which meet the ocean all around Kalos, if one wants they could travel from one city to another through this river.

The reason Julian didn't take the water route is that the part of the river that is next to Dendemille town is completely frozen, no boats can pass through the thick icy formed over the river.

Julian looked at the city ahead of him and entered with a smile, this city is the one he wanted to visit the most because it has the sundial in it.

He can't wait to examine the massive structure properly.