
Journey Towards Greatness

A war veteran and an anime fan as well, he got into anime by watching it with his grandson after his retirement, his grandson loved pokemon and so did he also came to like this world of pokemon where people didn't kill each other and people used to have fun with there pokemon, after watching Pokemon with his grandson and playing with him all day he got back his childhood which he could never experience due to the cruel war, and as of now our MC has turned 82 years old he was very satisfied with his life with no regrets and waiting for death to take him away but will death be is end or will it start a new beginning, a new legend. __________________________ Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/zarakh

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Anime & Comics
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1375 Chs

Blaze - Out Of Control

Julian reaches Viridian forest and tries to find a place to camp and train his Pokemons, at last, he finds a lake where he can rest he brings out his pokemon Gyarados enters the lake as soon as it gets out, Julian advises Bulbasaur to practice using energy ball and Chimchar again does close combat training, Julian removes the bandage from Pidgey's wing and re-bandage it after tending the wound

Julian "looks like you will be able to fly pretty soon"

Bulbasaur after an hour of practice is finally able to create an energy ball but it's still not up to the mark.

Julian "Ok guys enough training we should eat"

He takes out different types of food for all his pokemon, he gives Pidgey normal food as he still doesn't know what kind of food will be effective for him 'looks like Gyarados now like spicy food I should make an extra batch for him as he has grown so big'.

Suddenly buzzing noise started to come from the forest, hearing so many buzzing noise Julian knew that a large number of Beedrills where coming at his way

Julian "guys get ready, this can be bad"

As he waits hundreds of Beedrills comes towards them stinger first, Julian has no choice but to fight as he cannot run and diving inside the lake will not help as he has to resurface to breath and can get attacked at that time 'shit', he quickly returns Pidgey to his Pokeball.

Julian "everyone dodge, Chimchar use fire spin, Bulbasaur use razor leaves, Gyarados hydro pump"

All of them attack simultaneously causing half of the opposing Beedrills to faint then suddenly Beedrill charges towards Julian and stings him causing him to be poisoned seeing Julian get poisoned all of his pokemons get angry and attack madly but it was no use as the Beedrills where too many suddenly 4 Beedrills attack Chimchar causing him to be injured, Julian on the other hand quickly takes the antidote and runs towards Chimchar but it was too late suddenly the surrounding starts to become hot as Chimchar slowly gets up, the flame on his butts is 3 times bigger than normal and glowing red the flames reach till the sky like a fire pillar, seeing this only one thought comes into Julian's mind 'Chimchar's special ability Blaze'

Julian "Shit this is his first time using blaze he cannot control himself, Bulbasaur return" he takes out a Pokeball and returns Bulbasaur, then he looks at Gyarados "Gyarados go deep inside the lake don't come out until I call you" following his order Gyarados quickly dives under the water.

Chimchar goes on a rampage while using fire wheel he single-handedly bodies more than 50 Beedrills after this the remaining Beedrills flies away scared carrying their fallen partners, now there are only Julian and Chimchar facing of as Chimchar is still out of control he attacks Julian using fire spin again, Julian quickly dodges and takes out a metal pipe from his pouch, using the pipe he keeps Chimchar at bay, being a sword master in previous life he could easily read Chimchar movements and deflect it after some time Chimchar gains little consciousness and realizes that he attacked Julian he suddenly stops and the blaze ability turns off and after a second he faints due to exhaustion.

Julian "you can come up now Gyarados"

Gyarados comes out of the water and looks at Chimchar with a worried expression

Julian "Don't worry he is just exhausted after using blaze"

Gyarados just nods then Julian brings out Bulbasaur and Pidgey out, seeing Chimchar sleeping they get worried they look at Julian

Julian "He will be fine don't worry about him, he will wake up pretty soon and Bulbasaur I think you should perfect your energy ball our next battle you will have to fight two pokemons as we don't have to much time, we have to even bring Pidgey to the Pokemon center so he can get back to full health"

Bulbasaur "bulbaa-bulbasaurr (leave it to me)" he says with a determined expression.

Looking the determined Bulbasaur Julian just smiles and start to set up the tent for the night after sometimes Chimchar wakes up he looks around and sees Bulbasaur practicing energy ball on Gyarados and Pidgey watching them train.

Julian "so finally decided to wake up?"

Hearing Julian he turns around and see him smiling at him, Chimchar suddenly lowers his head because he is disappointed in himself for attacking Julian, seeing the disappointed Chimchar Julian quickly understand what he is thinking, he walks up to Chimchar and pats his head

Julian "It's not your fault buddy it was your first time using blaze and you could not control it, instead of being disappointed you should feel happy you just learned the most powerful move of yours, you should ask Gyarados how strong you were that time"

Chimchar looks at Gyarados and sees him nodding his head in agreement, he then looks back towards Julian.

Julian "see even Gyarados agrees, so when next time you use blaze promise me that you will not lose control of your self and become even stronger"

Listening to Julian Chimchar nodes his head and is now more determined now he runs towards Bulbasaur and they both start to train with each other. Seeing Chimchar back to his old self Julian breaths a sigh of relief.

Julian "now this is out of the way I should think about today's incident, why where the Beedrills so furious? did someone provoke their nest, well it's not a good idea to go and check it out or I might get into some unnecessary trouble"

After he finishes pondering about today he puts it back of his mind and starts to train his Pokemons by giving them some instructions.

While Julian was training his pokemons the culprit of the Beedrill incident where trying to find there way out of the forest while supporting their body with a stick and they face were swollen, they where of course team rocket after they were blasted off by Gyarados the landed directly on top of the Beedrills next nearly destroying it whole after that the Beedrills got furious and chase after them and stung them till they became swollen.

James "my whole body is crying with pain first that Gyarados and now those Beedrills, I had enough of them I don't want to see these pokemons again"

Jessie "ya you are right, let's get out of this forest fast"

Meowth "Hey wait for me".

And they walk away outside the forest stumbling and falling down.