
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 51: Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is only several days away. It is a celebration everyone anticipates to honor the Goddess of Astra.

Everyone continues to ensure that everything is safe, and the celebration will commence without fail. It is a significant event, after all.

Captain Jairu and his men are responsible around the Temple Grounds while Lord Tiger sends her men to assist them. So far, everything is indeed perfect, and according to plan.

Meanwhile, the reassignment of the two remaining battalions is also inevitable. There is really nothing more they can do in Limes Temple.

Days before the event, Eu requested the Divine Lord to change their deployments. She states their presence is not required there anymore, and they might be valuable somewhere else.

She hates to see them leave, but they need a place where they can utilize their abilities and skills.

"I'm sorry. I suggested your reassignments on the border." Eu confessed.

She approaches and hands Aryen and Presea's order documents from Captain Jairu. She believes that they are perfect guarding the border than spend their days in Limes Temple.

"Don't worry, Little one. We don't need special powers to foresee this from happening. Besides, Reone is already there." Presea said as she receives her reassignment documents.

She adores the little girl from the start, and it is really sad to part ways with her. She knows that they will still cross their paths again eventually.

Meanwhile, Aryen only smiles as he received his documents. He had a feeling that she planned everything since the beginning and admires her foresight.

She made them train for seven years because she knew the dangers they will face. Well then, he can only be thankful for meeting her.

Eu only responded with a smile.

Aryen and Presea decided to move out as earliest time possible. They reluctantly left the Temple Grounds as they bid Eu and the others goodbyes.

Their seven-year stay in the Limes Temple Grounds and meeting Eu has indeed been eventful.

Looking back, they are just small units assigned under a little girl. They shunned the idea and considered it the Divine Lord's punishment.

Then again, as days gone by, meeting Captain Jairu, his men, Little Eu, and the others, they can say it was indeed a blessing.

Their experiences, their training, and their encounter are memorable. It was indeed sad to part ways with everyone.

Then again, they have to look ahead and face the new challenges life has in stored for them.

It was not the end but a new beginning.

People come and go.

Nonetheless, they will cross paths once again…

Late night before the festivities, the Divine Lord Foeni and the four Holy Guardian Lords discreetly arrive at the premises.

Captain Jairu and the Lords head straight to the study to discuss matters with him. Jairu reports to them the situation around Inner Courts. The Holy Lords also gave input and give information they gathered around the Realm.

The Divine Lord Foeni listens to them attentively and analyzes the situation.

So far, everything is indeed well, but everyone remains cautious. They still fail to figure out plenty of details about their enemy.

Besides, he has the ability to strike when they least expect after all.

The day of the festive event finally arrived.

Thus far, everything progresses according to their arrangements.

The sky is cloudy and chilly, and the cold wind blows against their bare faces. Everyone is wearing thick clothing to protect them from the biting cold that day.

Some have scarves wrapped on their necks, wearing hooded cloaks and coats. Despite the threats, many still attend to join and witness the festivities.

Limes Temple is beautifully decorated with delicate, colorful linens, while sweet winter roses scent filled the air. Solas Gems scattered around and floating to illuminate the grounds.

It was a spectacular sight.

Limes Temple offers food and refreshments for their guests. While some sell souvenirs and trinkets to bring home.

The once solemn place is now crowded with worshipers from all walks of life. In this time and place, everyone is equal.

Eu and her companions lend a hand to assist the Temple Guards. She entrusted Di'Anon and Seig to monitor everything in order to prevent any mishaps.

Not long, the moment all the Solas Gems dimmed, the ritual ceremony commences.

Everyone is silent.


Along time ago, this ritual ceremony was only done in Themis. Limes Temple adopted this custom from the Oracles when they evacuated two hundred years ago.

Unfortunately, the Oracles can't attend this year and let the Divine Lord and Holy Guardian Lords facilitate on their behalf.

Looking back, the Divine Lord can barely recall the original facilitator of this event. The Oracles only assisted and ensure everything is in order back then.

Changes were made because of the transitions. They merged their customs with Mystic Spirit, and the Winter Festival is born.


Ever since that day, this festivity is important and highly anticipated by everyone in this Realm as well.

Not long after the ceremony, Eu and the Holy Guardian Lords finally met. It's also been a while since they last saw each other.

"You kidnapped my witch! Where is Gwyd?" Lord Tiger exclaimed.

Lady Rean confronted Eu. It was quite dull without the witch following her around. Besides, there is no one to boss around.

"Don't be mad. Gwyd is doing great..." Eu chuckles.

Lady Rean pouts as she looks away.

"Don't mind her, Sister Eu. She is just annoyed that Gwyd kept on talking about you these days. She is simply jealous." Lady Freya chuckles.

"Darn you, Freya! I am not jealous!" Rean refuted.

Eu let out a soft chuckle. She doesn't know how to comfort her and make her feel better. She is just doing her best to mentor him.

Meanwhile, Lord Azure can't help himself admiring the girl more and more. He remains silent most of the time and observes how amazing she has become.

After a few pleasantries, they decided to bid each other farewells. It's time to part ways once again.

Meanwhile, Aryen and Presea's group safely arrived at their new post on the outskirts of Mystic Spirit Bordertown. They once again reunited with their old friend, Reone, who updated them on the status.

Reone is currently interrogating two shadows who managed to breach their first line of defenses. His men intercepted them, and before they could enter further and blend into the crowd.

Unlike those they encountered, these creatures are tame and timid. They silently sit on the awaits their fates.

"That is weird. Those Shadows are created to devour and kill. How can they be like a tamed beast? They are mindless. How can they be different?" Presea commented as she voices her concerns.

"Exactly. That is also what we are afraid of. We have trouble detecting them because of this. We were just lucky..." Reone sighs as he confessed.

The shadows refuse to divulge any information regarding their operation.

Despite getting captured, they didn't show any hostility while remaining calm and rational.

The trio can't help themselves to be perplexed.

'Are they evolving?'

No. They are convinced they are different from the once they initially fought.

How many of these creatures managed to enter without their knowledge?

They can only hope that they won't reach Inner Courts and cause havoc during the festivities. Casualties will inevitably pile up, and they don't want to see such tragedy.

Later that night in Limes Temple, the crowd has finally thin. The wind blows, sending chills to their spine.

That night is tremendously cold indeed.

There is a contented look on Eu's face while watches the crowd. She didn't expect they will still come despite all the threats at hand.

"You look satisfied as if they came here for you…"

A familiar soft voice broke her train of thoughts.

She turned around to see a familiar face she hasn't seen in days. She expected him to have left with the Holy Guardian Lords.

"Brother Ravi...!" she exclaimed.

"Glad to see me?" Ravikanth asked teasingly.

"I didn't expect you are still here..." she responded with a smile.

"Ohhh?" Ravikanth responded in disbelief.

He is quite busy exchanging information and discussing matters with Jairu. Still, it is impossible she didn't know that he is still around.

"There are things I need to settle with Jairu. Then, I thought to find you after our meeting. Sorry, it took a while..." he explains.

He settled beside her on the huge rock where she is sitting. She has a perfect spot to observe everyone in that place.

Meanwhile, Ravikanth is just happy to find time to meet her amidst their hectic schedules. He could do this often if he could.

Not long, snow started to fall, and everyone looks up to marvel at the spectacle.

The tiny ball of snow shimmers when hit by light. It is like a sparkling specks of cold sand.

Everybody ignores the cold winds that night.

Ravikanth wanted to confront Eu about many issues, but as soon as he saw her, he decided not to pursue them. He knows that she has her reasons and hopes she will disclose them to him someday.

Eu looks at him feeling relieved. She doesn't want to explain herself while she continues to do her best for everyone.

It's not yet the time…

Meanwhile, amidst the shadows, someone is concealing himself and blending into the darkness. He is waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike but was taken aback by the scene.

He totally forgot why he was there as he saw Eu.

Eu's aura emits a familiar essence he cannot ignore.

"Emilia...? Could it really be Lady Emilia…? How is it possible...?" he murmurs.


*Emilia- mysterious girl they always mistook Eu of...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! ^^~ thank you

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