
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 36: Separations and Reunions

Days continue to pass by, and the events remain everyone's concern. His forbidding aura emits much older impression. He must be someone from a much earlier era than any of them.

Even the Guardians decided to recall the events two hundred years ago. They might not be the target of this person, but he associated himself with them.

Why is he targeting the Oracle Clan?

He was indeed a powerful person to deceive everyone with his pretenses. Was it possible two people are involved or more?

They still can't figure who the person that pretended to be their ally is. He was there the whole time fighting alongside them.

They truly wanted to believe in him, and everything they've experienced was real. The Four Holy Guardians are disheartened by the revelations and the sudden turn of events.

Meanwhile, Little Eu frequently visits the Divine Lord Foeni in Astral Space. It's a forgotten spell that no one in Astra has ever practiced in a long time.

"Little Eu, since when did you know how to use this spell?" the Divine Lord asked quizzically to the young girl.

"I am very talented. I learned it from someone." Little Eu responded brazenly.

She doesn't want to disclose the truth as she responded jestingly. Though, she did recently learn the spell to prevent them from worrying and enable them to interact.

He decided not to pry as he shrugged the thought. He agrees that she is exceptionally gifted, and reviving forgotten arts seems an easy task for her.

"It seems my duties will hold me back, and I can't come to visit. I am sorry, Little Eu..." the Divine Lord said apologetically and changed the subject.

Little Eu smiles as she nods her head. She understood their situation. That man's presence has pushed everyone into a corner.

They really can't neglect the impending threat, and they started reaching out to other Realms, inquiring about their situations. It can't be an isolated case or a coincidence his men attacked the Middle Realm.

In the middle of their conversation, her voice became inaudible. He knits his brows as he tries to figure out what she just said.

"I have to go. I'll revisit you soon…" she said, breaking his contemplations.

He wanted to inquire about what she just said, but she is already gone.

He opens his ocean blue eyes as he awakens from his seat. He started suddenly drifting into these so-called dreams.

He stares at the pure white ceiling as he recalls the incident. He sometimes wonders if the events were just a mere product of his imagination.

'What is she trying to say?'

Meanwhile, the Divine Witch Circe sends Gwyddien back to Mystic Spirit and promises her support. Gwyddien can't hide his surprise on his Mistress's decision.

Of all the capable and more experienced witches in the Realm, she chose this young apprentice of hers. Gwyddien was thrilled that he would be reunited with his Mystic friends.

"Mistress, thank you!" Gwyddien said, teary-eyed and all, upon receiving his assignment.

The Divine Witch smiles while others heave a sigh of relief. They never wanted to be assigned to such a dreaded place.

Still, they stare at him with a strange, questioningly gazes. Why is he enthusiastic about taking on the task?

In the end, they shrugged and started to find him very strange. No sane person wants to be assigned in Mystic Spirit in the first place.

Gwyddien ignored everyone and left the Middle Realm as soon as he could. They wouldn't understand him anyway.

Several weeks after, Freya and Gaust have completely recuperated from their magic depletion. Their reinstatement is official, and they are obliged returning to their designated positions.

The Holy Guardian Lords are responsible for the witch, Gwyddien, while he is in Mystic Spirit. They are currently staying in Arcane Palace while they continue to discuss the situation with their superior.

During their free time, while staying in their quarters, they started to discuss the events that took place weeks ago. Now that Turtle and Vermilion recovered, they can talk about what truly transpired that fateful day.

"Little Freya, can you explain to us what happened that day? That spell..." Tiger carefully asked.

Freya sighs as she cannot completely understand what happened that day. She knows a much more powerful caster hijacked her spell.

"Someone else is in control of your magic. Do you have any idea who?" Azure asked her discreetly.

They don't want anyone else discovering that small detail about someone else involvement. Freya is also adamant, not to mention Little Eu's connection with them.

"I have my suspicion. I am gifted, but that is obviously not my spell… It's just that, I don't have proof…" she admits.

Azure nods his head in agreement but refrains himself from commenting about the issue. He started contemplating how can Little Eu possibly conceal herself from them. None of them felt her presence that day.

Gaust decided to cast a barrier around them as they continue to delve into the matter. Lord Turtle is not yet acquainted with Little Eu, but he is finding her quite an interesting character.

In the middle of their conversation, they appeared in this unfamiliar space. It happened so suddenly, and they all failed to react. They all thought that they were caught into a trap.

"Is this a dream. Why are you in my dream?" Rean strongly reacted as he saw Jin and Gaust.

"I'd rather see someone else too. Seriously..." Jin rolled his eyes as he replied coldly.

Gaust sighs as he carefully examines the place. It is an obsolete spell, and no one uses it anymore.

Who would have the audacity to trap them into a spell? Then again, who summons them to that place?

"This is not a dream. It is an Astral Space. Someone has summoned us…" Gaust commented as he sighs.

"Eu?" Freya called.

"Sorry if I startled you. I can't think of any way to contact you..." Eu said as she appeared.

"I can't believe you are doing this. You pretended not to know, you hijacked my magic, and you saved us...!" Freya started airing her grievances.

It's not that she was outraged, but she is more worried about her. Little Eu is still a child, and she decided to take on so much burden.

Little Eu remained silent and listened to her. She knew that its wrong not to disclose everything — still, its generally for the best.

"I'm sorry..." she disrupted her litany.

Freya stops as she sighs. She calms down a little as she explains.

"I am not mad. I am worried. We are your friends. How can you take all the burden? We are your elders, and you can also rely on us." Freya said as she pats her shoulder.

"Yes, Little Freya. You sounded really convincing as an elder..." Rean said jestingly.

She wanted to break the heavy tension that builds up as Freya bombard the little girl with her complaints. They even failed to inquire why she was there.

Freya rolls her eyes.

Meanwhile, Gwyddien conceals his smile as he gets the joke. He doesn't want to offend Vermilion for laughing at her.

"Enough, I am sure Little Eu has her reasons." Azure interrupted. He shifted his gaze at Eu and asked, "Have you recuperated already?"

"Uhhhmmmm~" she nods reluctantly in response.

Azure sighs as he notices her blatant lie.

"Don't worry. I am good and well. Though we can't meet often, still, I'll keep in touch..." Little Eu said reassuringly.

"What are you going to do...?" Freya inquired.

"I lack in so many aspects. I need to study and among other things..." she chuckles and continues, "Take care... It's glad to know everyone is safe..."

Little Eu has vanished into thin air, and her enchantment ended. Unfortunately, they also failed to ask her so many issues that have bothered them.

"Ah, that girl. She just travels every which way as she pleases!" Tiger refuted and looked at Freya.

If Freya didn't steal Eu's limited time, they would have enough opportunity to discuss everything else.

Freya ignores her and hovers away back to her bed. She has conveyed her thoughts and learn that she is well. That is good enough for her.

Meanwhile, in an isolated cave in the Forbidden Mountains, a beautiful Spirit Beast is tending to the little girl.

Master Luc left Little Eu under this majestic beast care. She remained unconscious since that day as she slowly recuperates.

The majestic Spirit Beast, have bright blue crystal eyes, large golden antlers and hooves, and platinum flowing mane.

Her wings are white with golden radiance. She is occasionally transferring her magic to the girl, hoping it will aid in her recovery…

Little Eu has depleted her magical powers and left her in a comatose state. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

Her body is exhausted and decided to use the Astral Space Spell to communicate with everyone. She doesn't want anyone to worry about her as she reassures them.

She overestimated her capabilities, and the appearance of that forbidding entity is unexpected. She clenches her fist and wonders what went wrong in her analyzations.

"No worries, Mistress. I hope your body will recover soon. Just rest well and let us do better next time." she spoke with her calming voice.

"It's boring. Can you teach me more spells?" Little Eu asked impatiently.

"Please concentrate on your recovery, Little Mistress. You have to start building your power core and stamina." the Spirit Beast advises as she chuckles and continues, "Sleep now and regain your strength. Don't wander off to your friends."

"Okay, okay, fine. Promise. I will sleep and not visit anyone…" Little Eu closes her eyes and disappears. "Thank you, Lumina…"

"Goodnight, Little Mistress…"

...The winter roses are in bloom...

Di'Anon, Haru, Triteia, Eirwen, and Seig are lounging around still waiting for Little Eu to come back. Two months have passed by since they parted ways. They failed to receive any news or her whereabouts.

She promises to follow them as soon as possible because there are things she needs to settle by herself. They can't understand what is taking her so long to come back.

Still, they decided to put their trust in her.

Not long, Captain Jairu came into the room. He is escorting someone in a dark gray cloak accompanied by a miniature, majestic Spirit Beast. She can't help but smile upon this reunion. After all, she did take her time to come back.

"I hope you are all well-rested. We have a busy schedule ahead…" the familiar voice of the little girl resonates in the room.

They all turned to the familiar small figure they have longed to see, but their attention fell on the tiny, majestic Spirit Beast in her arms. The men all knit their brows with a tinge of jealousy in their eyes.

'Who is that? Did she hunt for a spirit beast?'

'Is that the reason she has gone missing? I am much cuter than that furball!'

'I can be a cute and adorable beast too if she really wanted one…'


'Little Mistress, your friends are amusing. Thank you for bringing me with you...'

Little Eu can only sigh...



*Lumina- a majestic and mysterious beast who cared for Little Eu while she is recuperating.

*Astral Space Spell- a forgotten spell.


Little Eu is currently 9yrs old. She'll be journeying a lot with this crew and investigate matters, support the Divine Lord, and study. I won't elaborate on the details.

Anyway, she'll be a grown-up when she reunited with everyone.

Truly sorry that I wasn't very diligent with the updates. Still, I will update as much as I could.

Thank you for reading and appreciating my work. ^^

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