
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 23: ‘Are They an Item Right Now?’

Meanwhile, in the Arcane Palace, the Divine Lord carefully studies the reports regarding their ambush. He is sure it was a deliberate attack, but the investigation says otherwise.

Someone intends to harm Little Eu, and yet he is not sure why. She is just a young girl and won't pose any threat. Even if she is skillful in magic and sword arts, why would anyone target her?

He knits his brows in deep contemplation. He is somehow worried about the young girl. The Divine Lord Foeni starts regretting leaving her in Limes Temple as he thought to return as soon as he can.

He decided to clear his head and focus on the more pressing issues. Little Eu is important, yet he feels these incidents are connected.

He is traveling back and forth from the Mystic Spirit Bordertown, following every clue and lead. Still, his efforts continue to end in vain.

He cannot understand how everything comes to a dead end. No strange activity has occurred in the border, yet how come it became a significant place?

How can they travel to his territory while maintaining their facade? How can they operate while leaving their trail cold for him to trace?

That day, he continues contemplating the strange occurrences. Strangely, these arrogant, High-Level Summoners will disguise themselves as common folks.

Most of them are discriminating and too proud to bow down even to the Sovereign King. Their discreet movements are incredibly suspicious.

The Divine Lord praise Captain Jairu's efforts to apprehend these hostile men. Still, he is finding it suspicious why the Temple Guards got entangle to the whole scenario.

The Divine Lord Foeni decided to dine at the Golden Inn and past time. The most prestigious accommodation also serves the best meals around the area. He is quite famished after observing the townsfolk and analyzing everything.

As he steps into the premises, a sudden chill came to him. He can't ignore feeling Little Eu's presence around the vicinity.

He knits his brows as he reconsiders the impossibility. How can she be there? He has been checking with Jairu, and he assures him she is in Inner Courts.

He felt uncomfortable as he left. He doesn't want to suspect him and Little Eu hiding something from him.

He waved his hand and decided to put on a disguise. Sometimes blending brings better results.

Wearing simpler clothes and concealing his aura, the Divine Lord Foeni hangs out in the tavern. He is not a fan of ale, yet they serve the best in town and truly recommendable.

He approaches the bartender who recommended and serves him brown ale. It is somewhat nutty, mildly flavored, and sweet. Not long, he manages to eavesdrop into two drunk men's conversations.

"They have captured the Summoners. I can't believe the Temple Guards has been snooping way beyond their jurisdiction. Darn those Mystics!"

"Hush. We are in Mystic Spirit. The Divine Lord's spies might lurk around. You must be more cautious. We cannot jeopardize the Master's plans."

The other man sneers as he holds his thoughts. The summoners have already accomplished half of their job. The rest can improvise and slip in through a secret passage.

He can quickly tell they are talking about the incidents around Inner Courts. The Temple Guards are indeed doing way beyond their jurisdiction, but he appreciates their efforts.

Typically, the Holy Guardian Lord White Tiger is in charge of surveillance around these parts. Unfortunately, he is currently shorthanded.

He can tell at a glance that these men are beasts tamers. Base on their conversation, they might be in cahoots with the summoners. With summoners' abilities, they can call forth specific beasts they can tame.

A strange assortment of beasts gathers on the hunting grounds. It may only mean they are being controlled. How can rival monsters hang out in one place without engaging in a bloody conflict?

He wanted to apprehend the men. Still, he decided to control himself and continue to listen. Those men they manage to capture ended up meeting bizarre deaths.

He could only sigh because of all the information. The more he delved into the mater, the more it became more confusing. 'Is someone misleading him?'

A nagging feeling came to him as he is missing some crucial information about the whole incident. He decided to shrug the idea, and he continues to drink his sweet, fruity ale in silence.

He left the tavern after gathering the information he needs. He is in deep contemplation when he suddenly bumped into someone.

Much to his surprise, he bumps with Vermilion, Tiger, and Haru on his way back to Arcane Palace. Eirwen decided to head straight to the Golden Inn and rest.

"Divine Lord Foeni, you are unexpectedly here…" Vermilion dryly exclaimed as she continued, "Missing me already? Don't worry. I am doing my best to do everything in my power and satisfy your demands."

"I am glad. I am expecting better results then..." he cooly responded.

"Yes, indeed. I also needed a reward for overworking..." Vermilion responded sarcastically.

The Divine Lord Foeni has expected so much from her. She curses the day he came in the Cave of Origin and commanded her to initiate an infiltration in Themis. How can he suddenly drop by that forbidden place to date a little girl?

"Well then, you should head home and rest. Ladies are not supposed to go unescorted at night."

"I never knew, the Divine Lord is such a gentleman." Tiger teases him.

His gaze fell on the man trying to hide in the shadows. Haru is profusely sweating ever since he came into sight. He should have followed Eirwen and not accompany these two girls.

"I can't believe you two are picking up a man in this town. Are you bored?" the Divine Lord inquired.

Invincible tears start gushing out from his eyes. He knows that the Divine Lord must never know Little Eu's agreement with Lord Vermilion. He can only swallow his fear as he tries to calm his heart.

"Who we date here or when is none of the Divine Lord's business. I am not…" Vermilion retorted.

The Divine Lord grabs her and quickly pulled out a cloth from his storage. He stuffed her mouth to prevent her from saying anything.

His face is twitching as he looks at her while she glares back with the same intensity. 'How can this shameless lord maltreats her?!'

"Stop gossiping. If I discovered you start spreading lies, expect me to send you somewhere that you will regret."

He walked out and left after the threat. Freya is furious as she removes and burns the cloth from her mouth.

"I will never put in a good word for you!!! You abusive Lord!" she shouted when he left.

He never really heard her despite shouting on top of her lungs.

"It seems your relation with the Divine Lord hasn't changed much, Freya. You are in each other's throats since forever. You two better grow up and start acting more mature."

"Definitely. He is really immature for his age! How dare he stuff a filthy cloth in my mouth?! He is so barbaric! I can't believe anyone would actually like such a jerk!" she turned to Haru as she said, "Go now and have your round of drinks. Inform them of this unexpected guest."

The Holy Guardian Lord White Tiger wanted to clarify. These two Phonix Lords are like children.

She is quite curious about what secret that the two are currently hiding. She knits her brows and assumes, 'Are they an item right now?'

She genuinely wanted to ask. Still, if she ended up wrong in speculating everything, she will have burns tomorrow.

She decided to hold the question until she got more information regarding it. She started humming to refrain herself from saying anything inappropriate.

On his way back to the Palace, he decided to take a detour on a nearby lake outside of town. This site holds a special place in his heart.

Meanwhile, he starts sensing her presence again. It is the same spot, Little Eu and her master once met. His instincts are telling him she was there, but how could that possibly be?

His head starts to ache on the conflicting information. Jairu and everyone told him she never left the Inner Courts. So why?

He steadies his breathing as he closes his eyes. The investigation will end in five days tops, and he decides to head straight to Limes Temple after.

The events two hundred years ago closely resemble what is currently happening. He ignored every warning sign in front of him and let everything befall such ill fate. He doesn't want to do that again.

He looks at the peaceful sky with tiny shimmering lights. A gentle breeze passed by and gave out a somewhat melancholy vibe. For some reason, there was someone else in his mind…

Meanwhile, back at the Oracle Clan Village, they decided to retire and resume their plans the next day. The Grand Elder is quite surprised that they came from the Forbidden Forest and insisted they should rest.

Little Eu requested for a hot tub of water to her room. She has been enduring her injuries all day. Thankfully, she only sustained a few cuts and bruises from the showdown. Her barriers and shield truly have protected her well.

She pours quick-recovering medicine and some herbs on the bathtub. She also intakes several pills from her storage to aid her recovery.

She indulges as she dipped herself to the fragrant liquid. The hot water and medicinal bath relieve her of the pain.

She was in deep thought as she dozes off and submerges into the water. Her mind seems to wander off that moment.

Not long, she saw a familiar figure by the lake, and he is reminiscing of someone else. In a way, it seems like a memory of sorts to her...

She can only sigh as she lingers on to that place and watches things unfold. Before she disappears, she can't deny hearing someone call her name, 'Eu…'

It resembles her, but not her. It is a confusing feeling, indeed, while she reemerges from the tub and catching her breath.

She is not sure how long she is underwater as she looks back on the vision. 'What is that just now?'



High-level Summoners- arrogant men from another Realm. They can summon beasts and command them.

Beast Tamers- they mostly brutes who can tame beasts.

Arcane Palace- the Capital and Central of Mystic Spirit, also the home of the Divine Lord Foeni.

Lumicierecreators' thoughts