
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 16: “You Two Will Surely Be Good Friends...”

Terror is evident on their faces as they enter. They seem to stop breathing and started trembling as they approached her.

Little Eu wonders what happened between them, but the three just looked at each other without saying anything. She turned to Di'Anon, who just starts avoiding her gaze.

"Just let bygones be bygones." Freya nonchalantly said as she waves her hand and continues, "Let's discuss matters over a meal. Aren't you all famish? I brought food."

They all resigned and accepted the situation. Their discussion began as soon as they all settled around the table.

The newcomers, Haru, Eirwen, and Seig, can barely touch their food as the Little Lord looks at them. Di'Anon just pretended coolly and ignoring the awkwardness.

Freya wanted to say something, but they are incredibly anxious, so she just refrains from saying anything at all.

Freya is a high-level Sorceress and already assessed the situation around Themis. Her magic ability is highly proficient, but she doubts she could handle an assault by herself.

It is a suicide mission to barge into the lion's den.

"Sister Eu, you can't go Themis. Even with my help, I highly doubt we could slip out unscathed. It is extremely risky." Freya truthfully said as she continued, "Brother Turtle told me not to enter Themis unless I am with the others..."

"How did you manage to do that?" Eu curiously inquired.

"Holy Guardians have a special link. We can communicate via telepathy. The problem is, my connection with Brother Turtle is blocked. I needed to weaken the restrictions around him. You know that Themis restricts most magic from outsiders, right?" She confided.

All were silent as the Freya continued to reveal the current situation based on her investigations. Eu remained quiet as they felt disheartened.

Why did she want her to cooperate then?

"Why do you still require my help if the Guardian Lords are capable...? Does it have to be specifically me?" she raised her brows as she asked in a surprise note. She is trying to probe carefully into the matter.

Freya sighs as she took out a crystal ball from her bright pink satchel. She tries to give as much information as she could.

"According to one of the shadows, the Oracles laid the trap around Themis. I am not familiar with how your magic works, so I need your expertise..." she discloses.

The crystal ball from her storage started projecting the traps in front of them. She recorded these images to study them carefully, hoping to discover the best course of action.

She is proficient in powerful fire elemental attack spells and not this kind of magic. She has to admit that Oracle's seals and formation arrays are foreign, even to her.

She needed Eu's help to analyze and break them.

Little Eu considers Freya's proposal. They obviously hit a wall, and accepting this arrangement is the best option they got.

After all, their objectives are the same.

No harm helping the Holy Guardian and achieve her mission. Themis holds the mystery of her identity, among other things.

For now, they need to save the Holy Guardian Black Turtle.

The little girl clenched her hand as she pondered in deep silence. She can't achieve anything, after all. No wonder her Elders weren't making any move on Themis.

She needs to wait more patiently before she barge into the city.

She closes her eyes as she steadies her breathing and contemplates rationally. She wanted to ensure that all will end in their favor.

The young girl analyzes everything in deafening silence. Everyone stares at her quizzically and waiting in extreme anticipation.

What is Little Eu's decision?

She is calmly smiling as she opens her gleaming amethyst eyes and negotiated with her.

"Okay, I will consider your proposition, but we have to do things my way." she responded.

"What are your terms then, Sister Eu?" Freya asked.

Freya is rather curious.

She could sense the little girl is confident about their rate of success in her terms. After all, she is an Oracle, and she must have seen something.

"You need to leave Lord Azure under my care, and you have to give me six months before we can proceed..." She revealed.

"That's all?" Freya exclaimed.

She thought Eu would ask for something ridiculously impossible.

"And also, keep this whole agreement from the Divine Lord." Little Eu winked as she placed her pointing finger in front of her lips.

These two girls seem to get along exceptionally well. This is indeed the start of a beautiful friendship.

"Don't worry. I already said that I have no intention of revealing this to him. I can even promise to cover for you." Freya was smiling mischievously. She later continued quizzically, "By the way, are you aware of his condition?"

"No, but I will check... I assure you that he is well taken care of..." she responded to her.

She turned at her surprised companions at the strange turn of events. She apologetically smiles as she continues, "I'm sorry. We need to concede for now. I'll assign a new task soon."

"Don't worry. We understand the situation..." Triteia forces a smile as she replied.

"Brother Seig, Brother Eirwen, and Brother Haru can help me out. There are places I wanted to check, and I need an extra pair of hands. I will find their assistance extremely helpful." She is smiling, as she suggested.

She has no ill-intention, but the trio just froze upon hearing their names. They all turned to Little Eu, hoping she will directly reject her.

"If they are willing to help, then I guess it is okay…", Eu responded.

Their faces are troubled as they have no reason not to oblige. They always knew that it is inevitable not to cross paths with this Little dictator of a Lord.

Invisible tears seem to flow in their eyes as they resign to their cruel fates.

"Don't worry. I don't hold grudges…" Freya hops in her Grimoire as she crosses her arms. The three gulp in response as she continued, "Let's head back to my quarters and let me brief you to your newly assigned tasks."

Freya is just messing with them as she eyes them mischievously with a smug smile.

They felt that they would inevitably experience torture in her hands if they follow her, but they also feel an immediate death if not.

Three days later, as the moon is shining full and bright, Little Eu sat on a large rock waiting for her master to arrive. This master of hers doesn't like associating with others as he chose elsewhere to meet her.

The night scene by the lake is inexplicably enchanting as the moonlight reflects on the surface. The wind gently blows rustling the tree leaves as crickets chirp and sing a night hymn.

"Sorry, Little one. I had encountered pressing matters on my way here." Master Luc said as he approaches her.

He is wearing his usual white mask, gray hooded cloak, and royal blue robes. For some reason, his appearance was disorganized.

He obviously rushed in to meet her.

"It's okay. I didn't wait long." Little Eu turns as she gently smiles and continues, "It's been a while, Master Luc."

The Mysterious Master inwardly sighs as he approaches her. He always adores this little niece. He has given his full support even if he opposes them.

He knew stopping her from going to Themis will only result in disagreements, so he let her learn the situation herself. By now, he knew she has already discovered enough about Themis.

"What is your next move?" he calmly asked as he continued, "You can't head to Themis."

"You knew, and yet you still let me go?" The little girl asked quizzically.

"There is no reason why I should stop you. You will still go against me, anyway. Better for you to know the situation yourself, right? You will just run away if I told you not to go." He replied nonchalantly.

He somehow recalls his missing niece. He could only sigh as he observes her. He wondered if it runs in the family to be this brilliantly stubborn.

If he knows better, he can even assume that they are one and the same. In the end, he shrugged at the thought.

Meanwhile, Little Eu thought, her master knows her well. She would go straight to Themis if he didn't agree and prove himself wrong.

Then again, it is a suicide mission. Her chances were indeed very dire. She sighs as she finally broke her silence.

"Lord Vermilion and I are currently working together. Three of my companions are currently with her…" she told him honestly.

She is grateful to her Master's support. She also promised to update him of her movements and seeks his advice when necessary.

"Impressive. Little Freya is a challenging person. You two will surely be good friends. Don't worry about others. She might overbear, but she always cares for her subordinates and friends." he chuckles as he said with a somewhat happy note.

"I somehow can't believe she sometimes calls me, 'Big sister Eu' though..." she started complaining as she pursed her lips and pouts.

She resembles a little girl complaining about her new classmate bulling her. She doesn't have friends, to begin with, and Little Freya is the first person she could relate to.

Master Luc heartily laugh as he listens how well Little Freya and Little Eu recently getting along and working closely together.

He somehow feels at ease knowing she has someone to rely on every time he is not around.



*Holy Guardian Lord Azure Dragon/ Lord Azure- one of the Guardians of Mystic Spirit

*Holy Guardian Lord Vermilion/ Freya- one of the Guardians of Mystic Spirit

*Master Luc- Mysterious Master teaching Eu the Ancient arts and Advance Magic Courses.

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