
The physics book

During her travel to home she thought upon the behavior of Vars when she reached to see her and Dolly. She couldn't understand why Vars was so angry with her to say such rude words while she never did anything bad with anyone. The she sought to ask Dolly about it when they will have some compliance. With this thought she settled back in her seat and again started to fantasize about her first day of self-dependent travelling.

The moment she get down off the bus she make a run towards her father's business. As she always prefer wearing shoes she was running towards the exit of bus-stop and then turned left from the gate towards her father's business. It was a small way with lots of businesses in the way and she found some new outlets were also there with shoes and clothes. Some were for mobile phone, SIM cards and electronic goods. Some bakeries were also in the way, she directly reached to her father. Her brother and father were there on the business and her brother tossed the two-wheeler keys in her father's hands. Then only her father asked "you reached?"

she moved back and started to follow his father who was going towards his two-wheeler replying "Yes!"

The both of them set off on two-wheeler and it started off.

In a blink of eye they reached home and she put down her bag, went to kitchen while her mom who was sitting in the hall way and watching some daily soap TV serial also followed her. Then directed her "Tony pour some water to your father"

With a reply "Hmm..." she took out a glass of water and handed over to her father.

He took the glass and gulped the water by then Tony went back to kitchen to have some water herself.

Then she reached for food and serve the food to her father first the she went to freshen up and take bath. After that she changed into her t-shirt and lower then she sat to eat food and asked her mom "I need physics book" while eating.

Her mom took it to her father who was leaving for his business after lunch, after listening this he stopped in his way and exclaimed "Tony prepare a cup of milk tea after you finish eating and then we will both go together for the books".

She replied "Okay"

Then she finished eating as soon as possible and made her way to kitchen and asked her mom, "you also want some?"

Her mum replied with a "Yeah".

Then she came back with a trey with two cups of tea in her hands, Handed over each cup to her father and mother and then went back to change her clothes. Now she wore a jeans with he same t-shirt she was already wearing and waited for her father to finish.

Then she and her father headed outside together.

On two-wheeler they reached to a book shop business and asked for physics book. The businessman asked her for the publisher she want for it. She didn't know as they were not told by her teachers so she gasped in confusion asked for the available publishers. The businessman told her, "There are lots of publishers but he have two of them right now'" then she asked "which one is normally preferred by the teachers and what's the price of two separately?"

He said "The first one and its price is 1200 while the price for other one was 1000".

Her father looked at her in bewilderment upon hearing the price and she caught his gaze.

She blinked her eyes in a reassuring way towards her father.

Then she told the businessman "right now I don't know what publisher my teacher will prefer so I will buy it later on"

She and her father made their way back towards home.

1. I am trying to be regular with the chapters sorry for yesterday

2. In last chapter there was a typing error Please replace Bis by Bus while reading.

3. I need your comments to know whether you people liked the flow of the story line or not

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