
Journey To The West: Rise Of The Sage Emperor

The universe and the world has become one, an unending ocean of sand, fire and ice, broken at the machinations of demons with the use of Pangu's axe. Now sects, kingdoms, towns and cities roam the cursed ocean, cannibalizing islands known as Ark-lands to grow stronger and moving ever constant to the west, searching for the fabled scriptures of the golden Cicada; Monk Tripitaka. The ultimate power that will separate the world and the universe and give one the ultimate power to become Emperor of a Continent! Theon is the debaucherous son of the sect master of the four winds sect. After his father dies and their Ark-land is pillaged and reduced to a single island by all the people that should have been loyal to their sect, he finds himself at the bottom of the barrel, but holder of a Destiny and treasures that will change the world and usher in a new era. As a direct descendant of the great sage equal to the heavens; Sun Wukong, he inherits the fruit and flowers mountain, awakens his demon WINDICE monkey bloodline and tries to raise his sect back to the heights of it's former glory. spurred on by an inescapable destiny, the adventure of a lifetime that awaits him, and the love of a woman that would rather see him dead than succeed. Theon Airikson rises to become more than his ancestor will ever be, more than the cursed ocean could ever expect. Not just the second coming of the sage that equals the heavens, but the birth of the Sage Emperor that equals the universe. [Wars, Politics, R18, Cultivation, Beast Taming, Drama, Forging, Kingdom Building, Sect Building, Demons, Antagonist MC, Evil MC, Antagonist Female Lead, Harem, Swordsman, Staff, Monkey King, Dungeons, Trade, Gore, Horror.] [Image is not mine, was taken off the internet]

Anone · Eastern
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11 Chs

Theon Airikson: From Zero To... Something

Martial Arts almost never utilize Qi in any way or form, however at higher levels the Qi in a martial artist body and in the environment would respond to whatever skill they use. But I won't just be picking a martial art, I would need to cover all of my bases by also picking up a Qigong movement technique, a spell, and maybe I'd learn a skill later, once everything around me has calmed down a bit.


But even with all of my knowledge and all of the viable choices I had made when the hope or dream of cultivating was all that I could live with or achieve, I'm still very unsure of what sort of abilities to pick. There wasn't much here to be honest, just a scant few, but it would be enough to outfit any local force and make them a cultivation family with a storied history. There are three martial arts and spells, one Qigong technique, and almost a dozen skill books available. For the movement technique there was only the one choice, but the spell and martial art had me stumped, I wasn't aiming for just a quick boost to power, I wanted techniques that I could use for a long time in tandem with my growing power, I so did not have the strength to go around looking for techniques should the need arise for it.



·        OSCILLATING SOUND FIST: Learn Oscillating Sound Fist?(Y/N) imbue fist strikes with wind vibrations that stacks damage by an increment of 25% of total power for each stack for a maximum of 5 stacks! Increases Movement and Attack Speed by 15% When In Use

·        BRONZE TIGER TECHNIQUE: Learn Bronze Tiger Technique?(Y/N) Utilize Three Power Moves Of the Bronze Tiger to rend, Slash, and Crush. Each moves carries +15, +25, +50% extra power to cause damage. Increases defense and power by 10% when in use.

·        WIND CUTTING SABRE TECHNIQUE: Learn Wind Cutting Sabre Technique?(Y/N) one strike of the sabre to split the wind! Ignores up to 150% of opponent's defense in proportion to user's defense. Increases Movement and Attack Speed by 40% When In Use.


·        SWIFT WIND CUTTER: Learn Swift Wind Cutter?(Y/N) Summon a powerful blade of wind that ignores 35% of enemy's defense in proportion to user's defense. Moves at 10 meters per second for a distance of 3 meters. Cost 25 Qi

·        SMASHING WIND HAMMER: Learn Smashing Wind Hammer?(Y/N) Create a powerful downward wind pressure within a 3 meter radius for +100% increment of your total power. Ignores 20% Defense, can be summoned within 0-5 meters away from user. Cost 65 Qi

·        PIERCING WIND BULLET: Learn Piercing Wind Bullet?(Y/N) fire of a condensed ball of wind that ignores 50% of opponent's defense in proportion to your own defense. Moves at 25 meters per second for a range of 10 meters. Cost 25 Qi Per Shot.


·        SERENE WIND WALTZ: Learn Serene Wind Waltz?(Y/N) a type of noble dance that gives one connection with the wind, increasing evasiveness by 55% movement speed by 45%, and attack speed by 10%. Cost 5 Qi Per Second


Each technique offered here had their own advantages and weaknesses. But now I had to choose what I wanted or could use by process of elimination. Sometimes it's not always best to have plethora of techniques at your disposal, the ultimate mastery and improvement of one, would make you specialized, especially when you have techniques that would shore up your defenses. Of all the techniques here, I'd probably be discarding the waltz once I get a good enough Qigong technique, perhaps once I build a scripture pavilion and level it up accordingly. I should probably also induct the monkeys as disciples, that would raise eyebrows but at least it would cover a lot of bases for me.


Either way as far as martial arts go, the Oscillating Sound Fist was the better of all my options, plus I did not have a sabre lying around here, so the Wind Cutting Sabre was automatically eliminated from the running. Besides as indecisive as I might about what to chooses I like the idea of hitting someone six times for the price of one, and every subsequent hit is more powerful than the last. As for the spells the choice here was the hardest, the one with the most damage was the Wind cutter spell, the one with the most covered area of damage was the wind hammer; it would even let me attack multiple people. Then the one with the most range was the wind bullet spell. And that was what I was leaning to. Besides I had enough surplus Qi to level a lot of things, including my stats and the techniques, I would be consolidated and would probably be strong enough tomorrow, it would take some time for me fully master the techniques and make them my own.


So my choices were made, I couldn't help the somewhat evil chuckle as multiple streams of Qi moved into my head from the scrolls and book on my bed, knowledge of how to circulate Qi, move my body and manipulate the Qi saturated in my muscles and within my blood. How to dance like some pompous fool, but still capable of utilizing those moves to evade the worst of strikes like a gentleman. I had power and now I finally had a way to utilize it,  for now, this was as ready as I could possibly be, I've moved from a big fat 0 to… well to something at least, gods know I'm no hero.



Theon Airikson

AGE: 19

RACE: Hybrid Human/ Wind-Ice Monkey


Wind: Tier I <0/200>

Ice: Tier I <0/200>


Four Winds Sect Sect Master.

Monkey Prince.

TOTAL QI: 1500


QI ABSORBTION RATE: 25(35)/ 1(2)-Min


Qi Sensing Realm II <0/30>


Body Refining Realm II <0/30>


Wind World Emperor's Theorem


WIND-ICE MONKEY: Tier I <0/1000>:

Effect I: <Locked>

Effect II: <Locked>

Effect III: <Locked>

Effect IV: <Locked>

Effect V: <Locked>



HYBRID PRINCE: Demon and Human abilities are 25% stronger

SECT MASTER: All Cultivation Related Activities increased by 50%

MONKEY PRINCE: 100% chance to tame/bond with monkey demons or beasts. Battle prowess increased by 150% when bonded to any primate.

BODY: Tier I <10/250>

SPEED: Tier I <0/250>

MIND: Tier III <200/1000

SPIRIT: Tier I <200/500>

MARTIAL ARTS: Oscillating Sound Fist Tier I/V <0/10>

QI-GONG: Serene Wind Waltz Tier I/II<0/10>

SPELLS:  Piercing Wind Bullet Tier I/X<0/10>



Golden Headband: Tier I <0/200>: Suppresses The Total Cultivation of any Enemy 10%, Enhances Qi absorbtion and Cultivation by 10%




this chapter is a little short, sorry it's my Dad's death anniversary today I'm not in the right state of mind.

Anonecreators' thoughts