
Chapter 141: Ten Fairy Maidens?

Not only that, perhaps due to the Innate Taiyin's power within Jiang Chen's body, the hidden lunar goddess' bloodline in the Golden Crow was stirred, and a scripture named "Taiyin Scripture" mysteriously appeared in his mind.

The Ten Golden Crows were children of the Heavenly Consort Xihe.

However, the Heavenly Consort Xihe was an Innate Divine Entity nurtured by the Taiyin Star. Therefore, in addition to the Sun's legacy, there was also a Taiyin legacy within the Ten Golden Crows.

It was only due to the overpowering nature of Di Jun's bloodline that the Innate Taiyin's bloodline within the Great Sun Golden Crow was completely suppressed.

However, the suppression could not negate the existence of this part of the Innate Taiyin's bloodline.

Hence, under the stimulation of the Innate Taiyin's power within Jiang Chen's body, the Taiyin bloodline on the Golden Crow awakened and transformed into a legacy that appeared in Jiang Chen's mind.