
Journey to the Origin

This world's name is OR45567 unlike 'Earth'. What's earth, is it food or an object I don't know but firstly I don't know how I know about earth and these unknown terms that keep appearing in my head. Huh! I am just an average middle-aged guy in a mall house far far away isolated away from civilization, But my search for freedom on that day led me to the "REAL UNKOWN" a world isolated from darkness and the only world where humans don't even dare to go in.

Satan_Monarch · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Family Of-course

The freaked-out I tried to get on my legs but my knees were shaking in fear I tried to crawl out but my hands had no strength.

The Guardian judges are the ones who evaluate our LIFE GOALS and he was my personal guardian judge appointed directly under King Lewis.

He was fucking a scary person he Once had pulled out the tongue of his previous Status user. He was almost around 42nd Level according to the status info way in the world I could ever beat this monster I was paralyzed on the spot.

Hey, cutie are on vacation. so you have all the leisure time in the world to roam around

He suddenly gripped his hand on my hair tightly held my head straight ahead and started to pull my hair slowly moving towards the plaza.

As he walked through the pathway people started to notice us and made way for him. All along the way I had to endure this humiliation my eyes started to tear down. What wrong did I do, is wanting freedom a crime?

As we entered the center of the plaza he pulled my hair and threw me aside. I went rolling down and got up on my knees.

Guardian judge please why are you doing this? please this is enough. you told me to trust me and told me you will change my LIFE GOAL so I could lead a normal life. was that all I lie, I waited for fucking 20 years that you will come today or tomorrow 

Are you an idiot or what, You a low life want my favour. Do you even think changing LIFE GOALS is possible?

And who even is sad about their LIFE GOAL aren't everyone contemptuous with their LIFE GOAL

Yes!, Yes! I heard the huge crowd shouting disagreeing with me and showing hatred toward me

I angrily bowed my head down and saw an ant, a red ant moving forward ahh what a thing to notice in this situation

So what do we do with this guy who opposed the Divine Fate of this world and disrupted the balance.

KILL! KILL! KILL! Everybody was shouting as if their motive was only to kill me

SHUT UP! PLEASE SHUT UP.do you even know how I spent these 20 years in solitary thinking I would be one of you guys and waiting for a false hope. Even though I felt like dying I tried to get up every day thinking I would be talking to people like you someday. I was alone left alone by my own parents. tears rolled down my face like a river flowing.

HOW DARE HE DECEIVE US, I THINK HE'S A DEMONIC USER. KILL HIM SIR LAWLET AND BRING PEACE UPON THIS LAND. Everybody slowly bent and picked up stones and started throwing them towards me. Some of it hit my head.

Blood started to come out of my head and covered my entire face. There he was grinning happily to see the sight.

My blood was boiling but I had no strength, Despite all this hardship I tried to escape and live a good life. It must be my bad luck or my damn fate.

I looked on the ground and saw no ant and had no strength to lift my head. There I was kneeing idly in the center of the plaza being hit by stones that were not painful compared to my heart.

I just raised my head to see what had stopped the rain of stones and surprisingly saw 2 pairs of legs approaching me. And despite that, i couldn't ignore the blood on the floor.

The Suddenly Thud! I had lost my consciousness!...........

And when I woke up again I was inside a wooden cabin. my head was bandaged. And clothes were off. I took the clothes beside the bed and wore them and started to walk outside the cabin.

The sun was high up in the sky illuminating bright sun shines. As I walked past the corridor I saw the most beautiful sight it was the sight of a wonderful place filled with people who were smiling and talking to each other

As I walked through the streets everyone saw me and started to greet me with big smiles on their face, unlike the people in the capital. I also merrily greeted everyone and started to move forward.

You have to rest, your wounds have yet to be healed.

when I saw behind there was a big muscular man with muscles as big as thick pillars, the most interesting thing about him was his shiny bald head.

Hmmm! who are you

hnnn! me, I'm your savior, in a way. come this way let's go meet the team captain

We grew silent as we walked through the happy buzzing street of young people. As young as they looked they radiated a strong aura around them. We slowly entered a building at the center of the village.

As I entered it the sounds were isolated from the surroundings.  Maybe it was a sound barrier made by a magician of lvl 125 or higher. We slowly approached an isolated room where there was a rectangular table where a girl in a green hunting dress was seated. She was around 17-19 maybe IDK due to my isolation I don't know for sure.

I sat down and stared straight into her eyes. And then said are you the one who saved me?

Yes it was me

but why did you save me, you have got yourself into trouble with the Guardian government

You don't know about our existence?

Sorry miss my LIFE GOAL was to be isolated from the civilization.

Huh LIFE GOAL that shitty fake mission you are talking about.

Hmmm! yes

Anyway, Thank You for saving me. How could I possibly return your favor?

Then fight for us and our cause.

Hmm, you must have mistaken me for someone I'm just an ordinary guy.

No, you're not. your gaze during that incident told me that you could fight for us and help us. We are in need of people like you who can help us bring a new change to the world.

But I don't know who you are and what your cause for fighting is.

Huh! we. We are rebels who fight against the oppression of 'Status'.We fight in order to not be ruled by the 'Status' and those who use it to manipulate us.

The people you see outside are people like you who were abandoned, betrayed, and lost their families and we have united them to stand their ground against 'status' and 'THE UNKOWN'.Say, won't you help us to create a better world to not have any victims like us anymore? Don't you want to join our family?

FAMILY!!!!!! I sat and thought for some time. I was deep in my thoughts. What I experienced was a hellish life that I wish no one else would experience. Why not let me try it

I sprang up and shouted yes. The kid was so surprised that her eyes were yet to come out.

But how can this old man be of any help to you younger kids?

Aren't you a magician or a swordsman?

no way in the hell I have held a sword except an axe to cut the woods. And besides that, I don't even have a proper mana core to practice magic. The only thing I have is my knowledge of magic.

That's no problem we will kindly help you to reawaken.

How it isn't possible not even for the greatest magician in history itself?

Hey old man we are kinda different aren't we, don't you know about Earth, toilet, Nasa?

WTF how did she know it, I thought it was only me who knew it. when I was 15 years old when I told the village people about this they were laughing at my shitty talks but the only one who believed me was Evan who eventually died, I mean he was my best friend my everything he supported me in my hardest times, those 5 years was the best time of my life.

Then again what is it I tried to look up to it in all the books that I had but couldn't find a single thing related to it. Is it a secret paradise or an afterlife?

Only our leader knows he sometimes tells us stories about it being the origin of all and all of it being the origin. It's like everything is inside a point and the point is everything. We all know these facts and yet we don't know how we know it. Maybe it was our past life or just a signal. But the thing is it is what brought us all together, didn't it?

Besides that this special stone helps you to reawaken your power and build a mana core by reconstructing your entire body isn't that amazing

Hmmm! Is it painful?

Of course not it's like just a mosquito biting it doesn't hurt at all

Whew somehow I felt an evil grin on her face which gave me goosebumps

Then I suddenly kneeled and bowed to her THANK YOU for saving this old man's life, I will be sure to dedicate my everything to you and this organization. I will be sure to destroy the Guardian government

Please don't bow aren't we family? who in the family bows to each other?

Tears rolled down my face FAMILY. YES, WE ARE FAMILY I GUESS.

To ease my curiosity I asked what happened to Lawlet and how did we escape from the crowd.


My jaws dropped and my eyes popped out seeing her demon-like gaze. What she killed someone MURDER

The idiot did you want them to make you their ***hole

You won't understand if I told you now why I killed. When the time comes I will take you out personally to see their true nature.

Now go to sleep. I suddenly felt a loud thud behind my back And then my vision went black and I was unconscious. What was I even doing I could've run outside to ask for help no seeing her skills I think I would've been killed rather than had the chance to get up. Well well, It was black I felt like I was monitored deep down it was like an abyss. When I looked up it was like an eye that kept staring at me, it was kind of creepy.

I stared back then I heard a voice reawaken. I felt like a pen touched all over my body it was excreting pain all over my body. It felt like I was being written, it was like my flesh was torn and glued together it was like I was being crafted in a furnace. It felt familiar somehow but too painful to maintain my consciousness. I suddenly fell unconscious sleeping like a baby in the dark abyss.SINKING DEEP DEEP DOWN THE ABYSS.

[Editors note: Hello my curries some lines were too cringe for me to write please bear with it.It's gonna be epic]