
chapter 1

Have you ever felt like your life is stagnant, just like nothing good or nothing interesting is really happening. you just follow the same old boring cycle every day, as Nikita was pondering in her head her teacher asked a question. "Can anyone answer this question", Ms bishop Nikita's teacher asked. she eyed Nikita with her sharp feline eyes and long lashes, Ms casa grande can you answer the question ??? Nikita gulped she hadn't even heard a single thing the woman was talking about in the two hour lecture, she looked around her surroundings maybe praying for a miracle to happen. "We're waiting Ms casa grande" . "ummmmm "can you please repeat the question Ms" Nikita said in a shrugged manner. Ms bishop then asked again, "can you discuss in details the diversity in living organisms?? Nikita knew she was screwed, she wasn't listening and she didn't even know what the diversity in living organisms meant anyways, she even kept on wondering why she was even offering this course anyway. All of a sudden the bell rang, the sounds of books and pens grazing of the tables was like music to Nikita's ears. Ms bishop then gave Nikita a rather sharp look and turned away, both knowing she was saved by the bell. Nikita then proceed to wipe the beads of sweat of her forehead, she then packed her things and left the class room like a cheetah hunting it's prey.

That was a close one right?? Nikita then looked up and saw her friend Mavis. Mavis a rather tall beautiful girl with flawless melanin skin and black curly hair, she was really beautiful and intelligent. You can say that again Nikita replied, I mean I just don't know why that hag keeps picking on me ?? Nikita!!!!! be quiet Mavis said, you know she isn't picking in you. I mean you were a little distracted in the lecture. No I wasn't Nikita said !! if you weren't distracted then what did she talk about in the lesson. uhhhhhhh- reproduction !!!! Nikita said confidently. That's what we learnt last week Mavis replied." At least I remember lasts weeks topic" Nikita said pouting her lips. Mavis then rolled her eyes. As the strutted down the halls of the school they entered to cafeteria. Anyways more important thing, are you going to the party?? Mavis asked. You mean dirty frat boys, drunk sweaty people dancing around weed and sex ?? of course I'm coming. They both Laughed. "Hey girls", then a girl with blonde long hair came walking through the halls she then went to Nikita and Mavis table. what are we talking about ?? she asked in a light voice. Ellie she had long blonde hair that was so bright it could make you blind and deep blue eyes that were very crystal, she was about 5'4 with a cute aura around her. "we were just talking about the party" Mavis responded. wait you mean the summer party ?? " yep" Nikita said, "well it's not really my thing guys" I mean sweaty people and alcohol isn't my thing, Ellie said in an unpleasant manner. cmon Ellie it's just for one night ,Nikita said. okay take it like this, Ellie we won't leave your side Mavis said trying to convince her. promise?? Ellie asked, pinky promise!! , Nikita and Mavis chanted. Then something caught Nikita's eye, it was a flyer, she left her seat and went to pick it up. As she was glancing through it she saw something she couldn't ignore. she then took the paper back to her friends, "guys check this out" she said. Would you like a trip to Cuba just tune into 33.6 radio FM and answer a few questions and you get 3 tickets to Cuba. "That sounds like a bunch of baloney" Mavis said. "How" Ellie chirped . well for one they could be kidnappers and two who still listens to the radio. I do Nikita said with her eyes still glued to the flyer, she wasn't listening to Mavis she was fixated on the ticket I mean away to get out of here for summer it sounded good to her. Look guys, this is away for us to leave this boring town, I mean just imagine the smell of the sea, the sand in you feet and the hot guys?? Nikita said in a joyful tone. And the shark!! Mavis said, Sharks !!!!!! Ellie yelled. calm down Ellie , Nikita said. Mavis is just being a hater. I'm protecting you guys Mavis clapped back. Ohhh please Mavis, it's just a vacay cmon, aren't you tired of the same old thing over and over again the same old boring routine ?? Just give this a try would ya?? Nikita was a lot of things but convincing people was her strong suit." Fine" Mavis said, Ellie was already excited about the idea. Nikita was also excited I mean a lil vacay toncub who wouldn't.

Thank you for reading, this is my first time ever writing. Fell free to drop any ideas or advice ✨✨😉