
Journey to The End

This is the story of one man, versus the whole world. A Journey to The End. ===== DISCONTINUED

titanroll · Fantasy
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2 Chs



A small-sized continent, home to humans ever known to exist. Bustling land full of land trades, education, and peace.

As they are all united to one. No kingdoms, no countries, or rebellion ever existed. Humans focused on evolving, expanding their race. Devouring all dangerous animals in Pangaea, while educating themselves for better technologies. From inventing a wheel to a ship, humans started adventuring, leaving to find out what's behind the sheets of waters surrounding their small continent.

But to only not come back.

Many tried sailing towards every direction throughout the years, hopefully finding a spare of small land or at least reasonings why no Sailors came back. All failed, except one man named Colon Columbus.

Colon was a amateur sailor, signed to ship 'Z-09'. He was found unconscious on a small sand bank, fully wet. When he found him self in a bed in the Palace where 7 United Councilors resides, He told the story what he and his shipmates found.

The reasoning why no ships came back, was because in a few miles around the Pangaea, resides a animal. No, a monster. Snake like monster that has a dragon like head, with a fairytale that it can wrap around half of Pangaea if it wanted to.

Colon stated he only escaped because he hold on a floating wooden door that was floating on the water when the Sea monster smashed its head towards the front of the ship. Colon then passed out in the result of how cold the wind was, and how he got motion sickness along the way.

The Union, made out of 7 United Councilors canceled the Sailors Adventuring Program, as it's importance was useless. Even as people objected the fact that they could kill it, Opinions were rejected as it was to risky and time consuming.

Until 20 years later, an Unknown woman appeared slowly hovering 100ft. from the south end of Pangaea's sea. She was sitting on a yellow cloud, with a golden-gleaming rope lassoed to a head of. What was described. Dragon like head, with a snake body that faded away in its deep waters.

She was nearing a port on the south-side of Pangaea, city of Alo.

She stopped, as the dead Sea monster stopped, the water rippled through till it calmly faded away. She seemed serious and formal, just gazing at the pack of people and the big land.

Crowd of people stared at her, some were shocked, scared, even crying as some thought it was god coming from heaven.

"How is she flying?"

"Look mom, It's Jesus!"

"It's him! no her!"

"I'm bout to go to hell'"


As people began to run or gather to see her staring over the city. She finally shouted

"All Pagaeans, I am Luxia. Adventurer for the White Light Sailor guild established in the land of Austroll. It seems I killed this G grade Sea Lion, also it's family, and freed you from your shackles. I see no dungeon for me to go in. Nor I sense any mana from all of you. I Shall now leave as your pretty much useless. You can may come to Austroll if you just head directly towards where the sunrise is and will be in our territory. Oh, also here is your gift."

She let go the Sea Lion with her golden lasso, it's head submerging in the water as the dead Sea Lion floats.

Luxia then zipped away towards the sun,

As people kept on talking and murmuring. One male teenager was stun locked as what he had seen.

'What.. The.. Fu-'

Shocked, he dropped the crate full of vegetables he was carrying, and ran off towards the middle of the city where a tall clock tower stood.