
The Name is Jack

Year 2219 , this is a time after over population ,after the natural disasters become an every day event , after the natural calamity draw the human species to the brink of extinction.

naturally thous who survive gather to to preserve our species and to live in piece , but nature had the other plan for human shortly after few months some new born children stated to show the signs of abnormality as it is written "What doesn't kill you ,only makes you strong" .

this kids had powers which are very unique to each individual . it was a big turning point for human species ,naturally with evolving comes struggle .

in mist of all this chaos natural order of this changed dramatically weather,land,river,ocean and every other natural phenomena was affected.

in the end when the dust was settle humans manage to pull through it some how .

now back to currant time a little boy name jack with messy black hair brown eyes around 9 to 10 years old live with his aunt in a small village of berk .

jack is a very lively and energetic boy , he play all day along with other kids of village, village was small but piece full .

jack's aunt in not very rich but she earn enough money by harvesting orange from his garden so that she and jack can live peacefully and happily .