
Journey to the Absolute Peak

Our normal, Plain, Boring earth. the planet we all love, well.. most of us love it. some even consider it to be our mother, however something extremely unusual happened after a loud book sounded all over the earth, as if something exploded. But here’s the weird thing! Nothing was exploded, everyone across the earth looked and lookrd for a gigantic crator but none were to be found. except no one knew that this explosion was a gate being opened between worlds, changing the destiny of our lovely Earth forever…

Bon_Tabona_skhona · Eastern
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Chapter 2: Strange Phenomenon

Somewhere in America, Texas. in the giant state almost twice the size of france, in the texas desert something strange was occuring.

it seemed like..

the space was distorting, as if something or some one was doing this.

Slowly a small blue circular gate opened in the air, And within no more than 10 seconds it grew wildly from a size of 3cm to almost 3 Meters!

Out of it stepped a… person?

A young man no older than 23 dressed in some sort of ancient black robe with white markings all over it.

"denepo yllufseccus etag eht smees tI" He said in a strange unfamiliar language, he looked around as hi face suddenly scrunched up in disgust.

"ygrene tirips on sah ecalp siht" He said once more before suddenly levitating and preforming a few hand signs-


A Large explosion sound, sounded originating from the portal as it grew even larger until it reached 450 meters is size.

But then!

It suddenly stopped and then without notice it turned transluscent almost invisible with only those having supremely good eyesight being able to catch a glimpse of it within a second.

But even those with extremely good eyesight would wave it off as them seeing something that truly isnt there.


New York, New York City.

A few hours after the loud boom sounded eventually the guard and teachers let the students leave but not before calling the police and having them escorted and dropped off at their houses in pairs of 2.

Both Filly and Alex were brought to their houses which were actually next to each other, which is one of the reasons why they are best friends.

anyways aftee they were brought home rhe police said they would be later informed by what happened.

In Filly's house, Filly's Bedroom.

"Nah man i still got nothing" Filly said as he leaned on his chair while speaking with some one over the phone.

"This whole situation is weird as hell! Even though that boom sounded like a explosion big enough to blow up almost half of new york city yet there is no news of anything being blown up, not even a small building. Nothing, Absolutely Nothing!" Alex, Filly's best friend said over the phone.

"I know man, its weird as hell" Filly said, and like everyone else in the entirety of new york, The state was talking about it. No. The entire country was talking about it.

The sound of the explosion was so loud that it reverberated throughout the entire country!

U.S.A, Virginia, Washington, The Pentagon.

"Sir, We may have found where the sound has originated from" A man no older than 30 behind a desk working on, what looked like a highly advanced computer instantly stood up and saluted him when he saw another man, around the age of 50 walk up to him.

The older man was clothed in a military suit with alot of medals adorned on his chest.

"Tell me then, where is it?" The older man said authoritatively.

"We think it originated from the texas desert, and we have gotten several reports of a flying man in some sorts of ancient robe flying over some cities in, the state of texas" The Young man said, His name was John.

"Alright, Good job! keep on looking" The older man said as he turned around and left the room, said room was filled with several highly advanced supercomputers and several people like John behind these computers.

After he walked out of the room he went and walked for some time before he reached a glass room, with eight seats and seven out of the eight being occupied.

He swiped his card on the lock and the door unlocked, After entering he sat down on the emptt chair.

"Gentlemen, We have some information on where the explosion roughly originated from" The Old man said, this man is also called General Eilling.

"Well then, inform us General Eilling" another man said who looked to be around the age of 60 to 65.

"My team have told me the explosion originated from the Texas Desert, we still dont know exactly where but now we have a place to thoroughly sear-" Suddenly General Eilling was cut off as the building they were in began to shake as rubble began to fall off the roof.

"What the hell was that!" one of the men sitting inside the glass room shouted as he looked around in shock, the same could be said for the rest of the men excluding general Eilling.

He seemed to be used to these kinds of situations.

But before Eilling could attempt to calm them down, The fucking entire roof of the pentagon came off!

In the air a man was somehow levitating as he waved his hand up and the entite floor flew into the sky, clenching his hand he whole roof compressed into itself until it reached thr maximum compressed capacity, then waving his hand but to the left the giant metal ball what used to be the pentagon roof flew into the distance…

"W- Wh- What the hell is that! Is that a man?!" The same man who shouted before spoke again.

"htrea fo snamuh" The man said in a language nobody understood, as he looked down he saw the mix of confusion and fear in the eyes of the workers of the pentagon, sighing he mumbled to himself before speaking again.

"Humans of Earth, My name is Djun Kian! and i am here to Welcome your measly planet into the council of Scattered Heavens Realm!" He said grandly as he spread his arms.

"Who are you!" General Eilling was the first to speak as he looked at the man without a trace of fear.

"Aha! You must be some sort of leader around here" The man said as disappeared and Re-appeared right in front of General Eilling.

"Indeed i Am, and who are you Djun Kian?" Eilling asked.

"I the child of Rtan Kian of the Golden Councilmen of the Scattered Heavens Realm, and like i said we invite you to enter our Organization. and judging from your expression you know jack shit about what i'm talking about" he said as he waved his hand and somehow a chair appeared out of nowhere as he layed down on it, "dont worry im gonna wait here for a few hours until the rest of the leaders of your small little planet come, in the meantime. dont mind me" he said with a toothy grin