
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Sara Blowjob (R-18)

While he was taking rest, Sara couldn't help but keep looking him with love, Yes with love all this time fighting and living with him had developed her feeling of liking to love for him.

Even she realized that, But didn't knew why she loved him and always asked that question to herself but only rely she gets was her beating heartbeat that increase every time she looked towards him.

She sighed in sadness and thought to herself,'Why in the first place have I fall for him, Even after knowing he is just heartless person who doesn't like this kind of things,' She also knew that her love would never be responded by him.

Holding her both knees and face on her knees. She looked at him again and went in deep thought,'Maybe he is strong, And how fearless he is like a dependable man, Having higher soul talent than me, He has every qualities of a man that every woman's like' she was no different from other woman in this matter too ,'But only problem is he is heartless. Or else I wouldn't have contain my feeling and said it. Well I can't expect someone to be totally perfect man,' She sighed again.

Looking at him she wanted to do something for him, So she did went near him.

I was just relaxing myself, When suddenly I felt her hand on my dick, I was startled for a second and opened my eyes and looked at her and asked,"What are you trying to do?,"

She looked at him and said ,"What do you think I am doing?" She answer his question with her question. It was not like I didn't understood what she was doing but I was startled for a sec because she never did this in here only at her house every night.

I wanted to speak, but saw her removing my pants, And my dick that was already half erect because of her touch came out.

"Actually you always pleasured me with this thing, So I wanted to pleasure this thing in different way myself," She said while moving her slender hands on my dick up and down stimulating it till it became fully erect standing tall ready to peirced her inside.

I was confused what she meant by that but seeing her bringing her face closer to mine dick, I couldn't help but gulp mouthful of saliva realizing she was talking about giving me blowjob.

Even though we had sex every day all this months that we lost count off, but we never get tired of each other and always got same Pleasure as we used to get when we did first time. But she never done that, And I too didn't said anything about that thinking, She wouldn't like doing that but what got into her all of sudden that she was doing this.

she kissed my tip of a dick with her soft lips. I wanted to moan but controlled myself, While she could see with just her kiss his dick twitched a little with excitement, Which brought smile on her face looking at him she said in seductive smile, "Ohhh...See how excited your little brother got with just one kiss." But inwardly thought to herself ,'Now that I am looking his dick from this close, I can say it's too big would I be able to take this fully inside my mouth,' She gulped thinking this.

I replied ,"And whose fault is that, Now I  think you should take responsibility of it," In this months even I started to open up with her a little so I didn't minded to say that.

Her smile only grew bigger hearing this, Bringing her tongue out she started licking his tip.

It became more hard for me to controll my moan feeling her warm tongue on my dick, But she didn't needed his moan to understand how much Pleasure he was feeling because his dick was twitching now and than.

She didn't had any experience of giving a blowjob, Infact it was her first time doing it. But she knew few thing about this, So she took this slow at a Same time tried to pleassure him as much as she could.

So she didn't wasted anymore time and took his dick little bit inside her mouth and started moving her tongue around his tip which was inside her mouth now.

Finally I couldn't controll and released a muffled moan,"Ohhh!" She moved her eyes from his dick to his face hearing his muffled moans looking at his face which was full of pleassure she felt good inwardly.

She was the only one who used to moan when having sex, While he only used to moan when he released his load inside her. So seeing him moan because of her blowjob made her happy.

After adjusting his dick inside her mouth a little she started going down to take more of his inside her slowly. Taking his 4 cm of his dick inside her, She knew she couldn't take any more of his dick.

So she started moving her head up and down, Giving him blowjob all this while she kept looking at his face seeing him moaning with pleassure.

"Ahhhh,... Mhhhhh!!!...Fuckkk your mouth is so warm" I couldn't control myself anymore of my moans, Feeling her warm mouth and seeing such beautiful face giving me blowjob that gave a very different kind of satisfaction.

After some second she finally got hang of this, So she increased her movement, While used her hands to stimulate his balls, And another one holding his dick that she couldn't take inside her.

After some more second I felt how sloppy her blowjob was, Even I had blowjob before myself So knew this was her first time but still it provided me pleasure more than the woman in earth gave me, So I instructed her,

"Sara don't just moved your head but use your tongue to suck my dick hard," I said, While she stopped and nodded at me still having my dick inside her, In understanding.

After one minute of giving him blowjob, She finally got hang of it and started sucking his dick, using her tongue.

"Shlurp!,Shlurp!" I could clearly hear voice coming from her mouth every time she suck my dick. And I felt pleasure like never before.

She kept sucking me for 5 minutes, and after each minutes she was getting better at it, She was quiet a fast learner.

I could feel that I was close to Cummings, So to make this much more pleasurable. I hold her head from both my hands had moved my hips, Thrusting my dick fully inside her mouth.

She widened her eyes, Buy his sudden movement and felt his dick touching her throat. She felt little uncomfortable by this and wanted to coughed up badly removing his dick, But stopped feeling his dick twitching inside her mouth more than  usual. She knew he was going to cum so he let him trust his dick inside her mouth.

"Yes, Ahhh, Ahhh, Yess I am going to cumm!!!" I kept Thrusting inside her more fiercely and kept releasing moans of pleasure. Feeling my dick finally fully inside her.

After some more second I gave one last thrust touching her throat and cummed inside her.


Her cheek got puffed up a little with a amount of his spearm he released inside her, She wasn't experienced in this so she couldn't take all in, Some dripped down from her mouth while rest she took in with some struggle. The taste She felt was little sticky and salty but it didn't tasted that bad.

Only after I saw she had taken my fluid all in that I released her head and removed my dick from inside her mouth, It was fully covered in her saliva with some of my fluids.

She breathed hard after been relesed with a pout she said,"You know it's quiet rude to be so rough with a slender woman such as me,"

"How about this I would make it up for that rude behavior, By providing you with pleasure, " I said with a smile knowing she wasn't angry but just acting.

And as I thought she smiled next second with a nod, "But before that shouldn't you clean my little brother, See how sticky it is by your saliva." I said

She didn't deny and was just going to take my duck again inside her mouth but I stopped her and said ,"Not like that but use your tongue to lick it clean, From my balls till my tip entirely."

She did what I said and brought her tongue out as much as she could and bent till my balls. Licked it from there to my tip in one go.


While I  enjoyed the view of her licking my dick just like a dog and felt another kind of comfort.