
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Sara (R-18,2)

In the Inn. One of the room.

Having done with foreplay I couldn't wait any longer I removed my pants. My dick of 6cm came out fully erect ready to peirced through those pink cave of Sara.

She looked at his dick with lustfull eyes been little supriesd by his dick size gulp a mouthful of saliva in anticipation. Said in a seductive voice "You Have quiet a assets too Ray~" Running her imagination wild seeing his dick size which she have never saw before of anyone she slept with.

I smiled too then climed on her having her under me, She too spread her legs wide to let him have clear way for his dick to enter her inside, She to got more interested and couldn't control her lust.

Been in missionary position. While I been on top and she under me. My dick started poking her cave. She felt his dick poking her cave too and was feeling little pleasure from it. But wanted to feel more pleasure feeling that inside her.

She brought her hand towards my dick holding it carefully directed it toward her inside of the cave. I too didn't waited any longer and started moving inside her slowly.

"Aaaahhh ~ More deeper ~~ Yessss!" She moaned with pleasure and demanded to go deeper.

While I to felt pleasure feeling her warm cave sucking my dick from every side. I slowly Penitrated my dick inside her the deeper I went the tighter her inside became. I moaned feeling the great pleasure inside her honey cave.


There was a time Once I was addicted to sex but due to my brother I couldn't continue that and now having sex after so many months I couldn't help but remember why I got addicted towards it because of this pleasure now I was feeling maybe even more pleasure then I felt that on earth.

She too moaned with pleasure feeling his hard dick inside her fully "Aarghhh!~ I haven't felt someone going this deep inside me~,"

I too enjoyed the pleasure for few second then I grabbed her shoulder started kissing her white fair neck smelling her feminine smell. While she grabbed my butts while another hand holding my head.

I pulled my dick back from her tight cave only having my head of the dick still inside her then thrust in one go fully inside her.

We both moaned together feeling pleasure.

"Aaahhhhh!!" "Aarghhh!!".

I started thrusting her inside while the voices of our flash hitting each other became loud enough to be heard.

'Pahh', 'Pahh' , 'Pahh' , 'Pahh'.

And she kept on moaning with pleasure with each of his thrust, kept asking for more.

"Aarghhh~deeper~ yeaaaaa, tha...Aahh' It"

"Aarghhh~~More~~Ooohhh~keep going."

I too got lost in my lust kept thrusting her inside without stop while she kept moaning near my ears. Hearing her asking for more I couldn't help but move my hips up and down with more speed wanting to go more deeper inside her to explore it.

I kept moving my hips non stop for last 5 minutes without stop and I soon felt that I would cumm.

She too kept moaning feeling pleasure in his every thrust soon felt his dick twitching inside her cave. She understood he was going to cumm.

"Yes~~Rayy Cumm Inside mee~Aarghhh".

I started drilling inside her with more speed and going deeper in every thrust. Then hearing her, I gave my last thrust with more force and I cummed inside her.With a moan


I wasn't to worried about Cummimg inside her because I already knew that the people who can manipulate mana can destroy man fluids inside their own body, So child doesn't happen. And since we where having sex for fun I knew she would do just that.

She to arched her back feeling his warm Fluid inside her and moaned out loud.


Seeing her I couldn't resist to kiss her those pink soft lips. And did just that. She to kissed me back.

Soon we broke our kiss she smiled seductively and asked in challenging voice  "You aren't tired right by just this~?"

If it was before I would have been tired after Cummings one's but now I could see my dick was hard as it was before and my lust had not calm down yet. Since I had more Stamina then normal humans had. So replied with a smile too "Ofcource Not,".

She smiled sweetly and kissed me again. I hold her wraist then removed my dick from inside her cave which was still holding me tight. Providing pleasure to me. My cumm was leaking out from her cave a little.

Feeling his dick been removed from inside her she opened her eyes breaking the kiss wanting to ask "What happened I thoug..." but before she could continue. She was turned around by him, She to understood what he wanted so she went in her four limbs. Showing her sexy ass to him and letting him fuck her from behind.

I too didn't wasted any more time, and directed my dick towards her honey cave from behind and thrusted inside her in one go.

She moaned in feeling jolt of pleassure "Aaaahhhhh~" While her both tail wrapped around my waist, I felt it was quiet soft and gave some tickling sensation.

And also Seeing her butts giggle by my thrust I couldn't hold myself and spanked her ass. A crisp voice came with my spank. And she too turned her head towards me said in teasing voice.

"How could you be so rude to Hit my ass~"

"What can I do Your ass is so sexy I can't hold myself" I said it with a smile then grabbed her both ass feeling those soft and firm ass with my hand and started drilling inside her cave.

She too continued with her moans without any restrains.

15 minutes passed by while I kept drilling inside her honey cave from behind.

She kept moaning felling pleasure from my dick which kept drilling inside her cave back and forth without any mercy, While her ass became quiet red from his constant spanking from time to time, She didn't disliked it but felt little more pleasure from his spanking to.

I finally felt that her body was trembling a little, I got my cue that she was going to orgasm. I too was near it.

With my constant thrusting I speed upped my hips movement. Then seeing her boobs bouncing, I couldn't resist to hold those big melons and did just that.

I let my body weight on her a little and gripped those bouncing large and soft boobs with my one hand. She felt a sudden jolt of pressure all at once feeling his dick penetrating inside her more, been him putting his weight on her and her boobs been grabbed by him.

She moaned more loudly by this jolts of pleasure.

"Aaaarrrrrggghhhh~~ Ooohhhhhh!!"

She arched her back with pleasure and brought her hands back and hold his neck with one hand while another grabbed his firm and strong ass for support and went on her both knees like him.

I soon grabbed her another boobs with my another hand and started kneading them and pinching her nipples, While I started drilling her with more speed.

"Aahhh~Yes Ray~ Fuucckk Me Harder "

Finally She couldn't take it any longer her whole body was trembling with pleasure shouted out loud.

"Raayy~ I Am Cummings"

Rolling her eyes little back she orgasm and like dam was released she to released her fluid from her cave.

I suddenly felt my dick getting sucked more tightly then before inside her honey cave which gave me mind blanking pleasure and heard she was going to cumm, I too reached at my limit and gave one last thrust inside her with little struggle and moaned with pleasure.

"FUCK, Your cave became more tight"

"I Am Cummings Too, Aaaahhhhh!!"

I too released my fluid inside her while I felt my dick been bathed by her fluid.

She kept releasing her fluid for 5 seconds.

While I kept my chin on her shoulder, Sweats was coming from both our body's but we where not tired a list. Smelling her femine smell coming from her sweats which I liked a little.

She spoke finally feeling her orgasm was over, "It was my best orgasm ever Ray~" in her sweat voice.

I looked towards her. Seeing in her eyes which was looking in my eyes to. We both still had that lustfull looks in our eyes that was saying 'We aren't satisfy yet'. I smiled then kissed her while she too. We enjoyed the aftertaste of our orgasm with this kiss filled with lust.

We exchanged and tasted each other saliva while we kept watching in each other eyes. I bit her lower lips a little then broke the kiss.

Then finally removed my dick from inside her, Her fluid mixed with cumm leaked from inside her again.

She released a muffled moan feeling his dick getting out this gave her a little pleasure too. I took her to edge of the bed stood up hold her fair and soft thigh then entered her Inside again in one go.

It went inside without any effort, her inside already been wet because of her orgasm but tightness was same and pleasure too.

She moaned feeling his dick getting inside her again.

"Aaaarghhh~I Can't Get Enough Of~Aaahh!"

"Your~Aarghhh~Long And Hard~Dick!"

I continued with my thrusting and she spoke while moaning with pleasure.

I hold her one thigh with my both hand and kept trusting inside her and hearing her moan I felt more good. Feeling her soft skin I started kissing her leg.

Keeping my phase I kept drilling inside her for 4 mins then changed the position bringing her both legs on my shoulder putting my entire weight on her. While Her ass went upward, Than I started fucking her even more hard.


My balls kept hitting her ass

, pahh, pahhh

The voices started coming of our flash meeting each other.

Seeing her boobs that was giggling with my every thrust I grabbed both her boobs. Started kneading, folding and pinching her pink nipples to my heart content.

"Yess~Aarghhh~Pinch It~Aahh More~Harder,"

She felt another jolt of pleasure feeling her boobs been pinched and kneaded by him.

They kept fucking each other like animals for last 30 mins straight.

If someone came to the room anyone could smell the fuilds of both man and woman that can make many start feeling lust just by it.

And two being, One demon and another being Beast-kin woman with Fox tail. Demon upon her while she being under him fucking each other.

In the meantime they had already orgasm two more times. While again been in missionary position fucking each other.

Finally both of them moaned together having their last climax.

I finally felt to tired to continue after Cummings and my lust been satisfied fully. I rolled beside her started panting. Trying to catch up my breath.

She said in quiet low voice"You Have haa.. Quiet a Stamina haa..." She to was feeling little breathless after been orgasm 4 times.

"Haa.. What Can Haaa.. I do See...ing Your haaa.. Sexy Body.. I Couldn't haa..hold myself,"

She smiled hearing his reply.