
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Reaching Rank 15.

While Everything was happening Leader watched this behind the rock, having his people been burned to dead, But didn't felt bad for them , for him they where disposable pawn. Thought in anger "What the fuck this damn demon can use magic. If not for him we would have enjoyed all those money we would have got from them now fuck I can't do anything to him this path is too narrow even before I went close to him I would be dead by that fire only thing I can do is run' ;

"Just you wait demon I will not let this go, you would pay for this." Seeing that fire stopped he didnt wasted anymore time and ran from their.

I saw leader running from here. I knew I wouldn't be able to catch up to him even if I ran at my full speed and I didn't wanted to let him go, Since this was mountain area and he could ambush us in our journey. So I used my another mana nature wind nature which I learned in this trip. I knew it was faster then even me in speed.

Concentrating my wind mana nature on my two finger, I slashed it horizontally.

I named it wind slash "Wind Slash,"

The wind slash went horizontally with speed twice of mine, Soon hitting the leader's left leg, he stumbled because of this loosing his balance he falled. Blood coming from his left leg where the wind slashed hit him having a deep cut on it.

Taking this chance I soon catched up to him with full speed using my magic to create fireball in one of my hand in order to finish this all.

Leader having a pained expression because of the cut, but then his beast-kin instinct kicked in feeling danger he saw toward the direction of the instinct, Seeing demon with a fire dancing in his one hand, from which his instinct was screaming danger. In panic he yelled "Demon Don't you dare kill me or else...." but before he could speak any further fireball was released and hit his head killing him.

I sighed seeing him dead I watched my surroundings looking at the aftermath of the fight burned body laying around , I sighed muttered " Well that was one hell of mess I cre-- ougggg" suddenly I started vomiting everything I have eaten , my face went pale and heartbeat quickened placing my hand on chest i went on my knees.

I started panting "haaa.. haaaa... haaa.."

"What the hell is this haaa.. I think this is what happen when someone kill human for first time" Saying this I vomited again emptying my stomach felling little bit off I took some time to let myself get normal.

Even through they wheir not human but in look they where identical but I didn't felt bed killing them knowing this that I would have been in their place right now if I haven't acted helped me a little to calm down making my heartbeat normal.

Still feeling little unease I got up intending to go toward my carriage so that I could take a little nap that might help me . The first thing I saw was the merchant face whose eyes was bulging out, if it got even a little more out it may fall from the socket while his mouth opened wide jaw touching the floor like he have saw something unbelievable if in normal circumstances I would have laughed but now I was not in any mood for that and went straight toward my carriage.

The merchant took at least 2 minutes to come out of his shock and muttered, in disbelief, not understanding what he saw

"W-what the fuck was that! How could he use the magic wasn't he just a newborn demon ? Or are every demon is like him?" He shook his head in denial thinking even if he didn't saw any demon he had heard about them little but never heard that any demon that was this talented.

"He must be quiet a genius demon even among them to learn and even use two type on mana nature with such good proficiency. In such less time I must try make a good relationship with him if not then I must do my best to not anger such person."

Thinking this for not more then a minute he stood up and started finding anything that could be valuable in dead bodies of bandit but didn't felt anything clearly used to see this.

Searching for 20 minutes he muttered "5 spacial ring with some basic weapon and 20,000 MS in it . They had quiet a wealth must have robbed some lone adventures I would give all MS to sir Ray and would ask If I could keep this weapon they can be sell for some MS but if he allow it. I don't want to anger him in any ways." He sighed and had more respect and fear for Ray.

The carriage soon started moving continuing their journey while Ray took nap.

Sleeping for an hour he woke up. 'Sleeping for some time now I feel good haa..'

I opened my status to check the stat points I obtained from killing those bandit.

Name:- Ray Smith

Race:- Demon

Rank :-  (14)

Strength:- 910

Agility :- 880

Stamina :- 806

Vitality:- 825

Magic :- 927

Energy :- 2000

Stat point:- 424

(Demon eyes!) (Demon Aura!)

Unique skill :- (Creation!)

Thinking about how to distribute my stat points I distributed it.

Name:- Ray Smith

Race:- Demon

Rank :-  (15)

Strength:- 1010 (+100)

Agility :- 980 (+100)

Stamina :- 880 (+74)

Vitality:- 890 (+65)

Magic :- 1012 (+85)

Energy :- 2000

Stat point:- 0 (-424)

(Demon eyes!) (Demon Aura!)

Unique skill :- (Creation!)

'Ohhh, I reached 1000 mark in my stat point and also crossed rank 15. Well they did give me queit the points. Now that is done I need to practise on my aiming if I perfect my aim I would became more powerfull."