
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Mock Battle With Sara.

I saw how suddenly her aura changed when she removed her spear, Which was sharp from one end while plain from another. And a blue mana core shining on between her spear. She looked quiet serious and clam at a same time, The playfulness which she carried with herself was now all gone.

I also removed my Katana and took battle stance. She said,"You can start the battle with an attack," I gave a nod and started my attack with my wind Slash.

"Wind Slash"

She frowned seeing the attack speed but dodged easily, thought to herself,' Isn't his attack speed more than it should have or is it because of his wind mana nature that its so speed,' She knew that this attack speed was not released by someone who was at rank 22 but definitely above but also not sure yet.

"I need to take this more seriously, That speed was same as me if I even got one second late I would definitely get hit by that." She muttered in low voice.

While he thought,'Ofcource, What did I expect that it would hit her, She is not slow as monster or brainless. I need to corner her first than target her when she had no where to dodge.' He used wind Slash again but this time used it 4 times from all side trying to corner her so that she can't dodge.

She smiled and muttered,"How predictable you guys are," She brought her palm in front.

"Water sheild" She said.

Vortex of water appeared around her from her palm and blocked his Wind Slash. After dodging his first attack, She had already started concentrating her mana on her hand to use it as a sheild. She had already predicted this attack from him, This only showed how experienced she was in one on one battle and not only against monster.

She said out loud,"This kind of trick won't work on me Ray, You need to try something better."

He was obviously shocked seeing his attack was blocked that never happened before. And thought,'She blocked all my attacks, So wind mana nature attack is useless. I can't use fireball types attack too she would easily dodge been even slower than wind style, And to charge fireburst would take time that she wouldn't allow. That remain with only one thing to fight with her in close combat using wind mana nature,' He started concentrating his wind mana all over his body.

And moved with his full speed reaching her In just 4 seconds, Trying to strike his katana on her. She was shocked seeing his speed but knew it was not a time to think about all that but to dodge, So she jumped backwards avoided his strike.

But he didn't stop there after that he soon attacked her from above, And She blocked his attack by her spear holding it above her from both the side than let his katana slide one way and made some distance from him. She knew while using spear she need to keep distance of atleast 3 to 4m from her opponents so that she can use spear in much better way.

He didn't stopped and kept striking her While she dodged some, And blocked that she couldn't dodge. After attacking her for last 10 more second he knew his wind mana nature was wearing off his body, So he tried to stab her from front way.

She knew, She wouldn't be able to dodge that So she counterattack with her spear in order to change the katana's direction and moved side ways to dodge it. She saw that after this attack he had stopped, So she made a distance from him of atleast 20m.

He sighed in defeat seeing he was not able to even land a single hit on her. She asked after making enough distance."Let me ask you Ray, What is you exact rank," After seeing his speed, ,She had no doubt that he was not at rank 22 but above and probably he was same rank as her, Because his speed was surely same as her only little lower than her.

All this time he had started trusting her so he didn't hide his rank either and said,"I am at Rank 26th now."

She widened her eyes in shock and muttered,"Whattt Rank 26" Thinking inwardly,'Wouldn't that mean he just moved 5 times in his rank in dungeon only in 2months, He had even more higher soul talent than I thought,'

Thinking about it more She also felt little sad,'He would probably reach at my rank if he keeps increasing his rank like this, And would soon leave this town than I thought,' She knew one day he would leave this town, Infact she would too but it would take her atleast 10 years but he would not even take 2 years.

Soon she forgot about those thing for now, And brought her focus on the fight,"Now I thinks it my time to attack." She pointed her spear towards me, started concentrating her water mana nature on her spear, She kept doing it for next 8 seconds.

She was very confused why he let her take time to charge her magic, She had expected some kind of attack to disturb her concentration and she was ready for that too. But now she didn't had any problems to charge her attack.

She said,"Ray you shouldn't let you enemy have his/her time to charge magic or else you would pay a heavy price, And I think you would learn that now very well," saying this she muttered.

"WaterGun" like fireburst but water instead of fire charged toward him.

He already knew what kind of magic she was trying to do, But he didn't disturb her and let her use that magic, He had his plans ready. Seeing her attack was getting near me, he quiclkly flapped his wings with wind mana nature.

"Wind Splash,"

The pressure of wind was strong enough to cancel out her water magic attack, he was blown away too little but all this time he learned now to control himself with this pressure.

She was impressed by his counterattack that cancel her move couldn't help but say," That was one hell of a way to use your wings too," She didn't wait for his reply and ran toward him with her full speed and Thrust her spear targeting his face.

He tried to Perry her attacks with katana, Knowing he wouldn't be able to dodge, But due to her high strength than him he was getting pushed back each time and getting difficulty to block her each thrust attacks.

He soon understood that if this keeps up he would get cornered and nowhere to go, So he let her attack hit him, And counterattack on her so that he could hit her, But she have already predicted this kind of moves too, So she used her water sheild again, But only where his Sword was going to hit her.

He didn't expected water sheild again, Because all this time she was attacking, So when did she got time to charge her magic. But she had learned how to keep her magic ready when needed even while attacking.

He thought hard, How to escape her onslaught attack. Finally he got the idea, And used his wind splash with that help he was able to great distance from her and she was also pussed back by the attack. But didn't felt any damage because it was not damage type attack.

He thought,' She had quiet a good experience, She is able to predict my every move ahead of time. I need to try something different direct attack won't work on her,'

She didn't took long for her to get hold of her footing and went on attacking again. He also got ready to block her attack, But frowned seeing her spear thrust attack wouldn't reach him. But got surprised next second seeing water like spear released from her spear, he tried to move left but he was late and hit him on his shoulder, He cried in pain.

She didn't bother with his cry and continued with her attack same that hit him, She muttered

"Water spear attack!"

That was also able to connect him, So she used it again, But this time he controlled his pain and used Wind Slash to cancel her attack and made his distance from her.

She was impressed by his pain endurance, And thought,'He is clearly very good at adapting things fast, And his weopon skill is probably even higher than me, It's just bad he doesn't have any battle experience or else he would have been a monster.'

She Soon ran after him and started attacking him while he kept dodging and blocking her attacks, And fight went on for last 30mins, And finally she stop seeing his Stamina was all gone, While many cut marks on all over his body blood dripping from them. But she didn't cared about it because nothing was serious wound that could kill him. And it would soon heal up on its own.