
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Learning About Magic 3.

After having a lunch I went back to room sat on the bed while thinking all the information I learned from Athena.

Taking some rest I went back to learning magic trying to imaging fire while running my mana towards my palm having my eyes closed I started to concentrate.

Almost two hours later I opened my eyes only too see the fire in my plam but not feeling and burning sensation I smiled " So this is the wonder of magic " mumbling to myself I went again on concentrating without any delay.

One more hour later, I closed my palm the fire on it to went off . Opening my eyes I took a few deep breath opened my hand stared at my palm after two minutes fire lit up . Seeing this I sighed " two minutes haaa, till the time I use my fire I would be dead"  shaking my head I saw toward window seeing the night I to stopped practicing and went to sleep.

In morning I woke up by the noise of the knock I saw toward window seeing its already morning I went to open the door.

Seeing Athena on door I woke up from my still sleepy mood and asked " Lady Athena what can I do for you ? "

" Ohhhh am I not welcome here ?"; She asked still having those signature smile.

" No no that not what I meant "; I shook my head in denial.

"Fufufufu ~No need to be so worked up I came here to teach you the next step of magic lesson I am sure till now you have master the flame? " she asked.

"Yes I did " while opening my palm concentrating for a minutes a fire lit upped. Seeing this she nodded in approval.

" Ok now " saying this she sat on the wooden chair folding her one leg upon another seeing the way she did someone would think she Is trying to seduce someone but thats her normal way of doing.

" Next step is harder then the first. So now you need to keep on inputting mana Into it until it became like this "; She showed her palm wheir flames was dancing while getting bigger until it covering her whole palm " Then you need to cut the mana even if you do that you would be able to feel the fire and would be able to control it and you have to do that keep it closer to your palm then the direction you want this fire to go put you palm to that direction while keeping the flames closer to you . Then push your mana inside of your body toward the palm that will make your flames go ahead the harder you will push your mana the faster and far distance it will travel. " Looking at Ray she understood that he was confused so she explained it again .

Hearing it again I understood go I gave Nod. Seeing this Athena sighed and thought ' that why I hate teaching magic it's so troublesome job but well for future fruit I can endure ' .

" Now that I thought you the basic you need to understand rest on your own. Free advice try to learn 4 mana nature together don't just stick with the fire because it will help you to master more mana nature , also helping you to counter weakness of the mana nature of your opponent and the faster you master the faster you will be able to learn fusion spell.";

" Ok " said Ray in appreciation for the advice.

" Now that's done listen carefully Never ever try to give advice or suggestions to another demon which can influence him for his next evolution because that's the demon code and the only code among all the demon unless that demon has lost his will to you in any way don't try it don't ask why you'll understand it in future do you understand",

Seeing the serious expression on her face for the first type I said " Ok I will not do that" , giving a nod.

" Good now take this" . She said while removing a necklace with some runes on it and a ring.

I catched it then looked her and asked" What is this? " "The necklace type chain is an artifact same as me while ring is known as spacial ring where you can stored anything accept living thing in the ring time doesn't work so whatever you keep inside in it ,it will remain constant its a common artifact so no need to hide it is just that the space inside of it is large then normal and the chain would help you to hide those red horn because it will bring trouble towards you the reason you will understand it later but never remove that chains Ok ? ";

"Ok" while not understanding why the horn would bring me problem but seen she didn't answer I didn't asked but when I heard about spacial ring I understood that from thier she was removing thing .I  looked at the ring with interest but soon asked " But how to use It ?";

" Simply put that thing on your hand and then input your mana on it ' it will register your mana signature then whenever you wish to bring something outside of the ring just think about it and to store you have to touch the things with ring to store it."

" Ohhhh it is very easy to use Thank you again for this wonderful thing ."I said sincerely.

" Now that everything is done I would leave and would meet in future or haaa... join the adventure guild in this town it will benefit you and when time will Come I will collect my depts from you ...fuffufuuf... Ok bye Ray" saying this she vanished and I took my time to process thing what she told ' I know what you want to clear my depts ' I sighed while thinking how would I escape from this situation but didn't dwell on it any more and mumbled " adventure guild I guess I know what it does ".