
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
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82 Chs


Receiving the mana stone I left went to my room to sleep while thinking all the things learned.

Basically the mana stones are also of different type low grade which most people call only mana stone then above it midium grade mana stone whose Quality is above low grade mana stone ,  above it is high grade mana stone and last is pure mana stone.

Their value can be defined as 100 low grade manastone = 1 midium grade mana stone , 100 midium grade mana stone = 1 high grade mana stone and 1,000 large grade mana stone = 1 pure mana stone .

Well mana stone are not only used for payment but it also plays an important role in increasing one power basically every being get powerfull by getting the essence of other being by killing it and that essence gets attached to one soul but doesn't provide any power so one need the natural energy of surrounding to remove this essence and to absorb them.

But from where they can get this energy well here comes the use of mana stone which contain the certain amount of energy like low have{20% energy 80%mana} , mid have {40% energy 60% mana} , high have {60% energy 40% mana} while pure have 100% energy that why it is called pure.

When one jump the major rank like 10 , 20 , 30 , 40  and so on their soul to get powerfull and so does essence grip the soul powerfull so to remove it one would require more amount of energy like if one cross the rank 30 from then on low MS(mana stone) won't work on them they would require mid MS .and so on .

To consume the energy we just need to connect are mana with MS then absorb it through are mana . So I also tried but to my disappointment after taking at least 50 MS I didn't even got a single energy when i asked the system she said (it wasn't enough the amount of MS you took only gave 25% energy. you would require at least more 150 MS to get one energy)

So I didn't consume more feeling that I didn't need it right now I didn't know what to create or any sort of idea that could help me for now but if I would need it in future I would consume it so until then I would collect as much as I can do for future use. That became one of my goal to collect MS.

while I was at it I also learned that one has certain amount of soul capacity which can also be called soul talent wheir one soul won't be able to strengthen itself after reaching to certain power it means it have reached its peak power and every different people have different soul talent .

But it can't be measured only can be feeled by himself like if he tried to jump to next major rank when their soul Is not compatible to get more strong it will hurt him not any normal pain but the level of pain that would not be hard to notice that would be his sign that he reached the max rank his soul could handle so he would stop the essence to release itself further but if he tried to move another rank then his soul would break and he would die.

After that person would block the essence from entering his soul by using mana even if killed anyone or else too much essence on the soul could burden it and it can be the reason for his dead to one soul can only handle enough essence. But I didn't needed to do any of this for me everything my system would do so I didn't needed to waste my MS.

And monster doesn't require to do anything. They can increase their strength by devouring other being to get powerfull. They don't require much of Mana stone or anything. But that to work on them, but mostly prefer to devour to increase their power.

While at it I also learned that my soul was powerfull enough to reach the peak on the rank through system and what that rank was I didn't asked I wanted to learn that on my own or else it would be no trill in knowing everything. For now I knew it was rank 90.

I also learned that in this world someone's age can't be defined by one appearance because when one cross major rank (10 then 20) their life span would also increase. It like From rank 1 to 9 a being can only live for 100 years , but when it crosses rank 9 and reaches 10 their longevity increase another 100 years when it reaches 20 it increases another 200 years it is like the longevity would get double when one reaches next major rank.