
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Killing The Wolf.

Reaching the inner area of the forest I began my search while getting some stat point killing some wolf in outer area who came in my view. But they give very less so I didn't bother with outer area much.

Twenty minutes of constant searching I finally came upon a wolf pack hideout . I activated my Demon eyes to know the clear number which I would able to see because of the magic power even if some are hiding it won't go unnotice this one of the few things I learned to know a clear number of enemy before attacking , while one of the uses of the eyes.

Having clear number I deactivated my eyes in order to not lose my much of mana. "Their are 22 wolf with that one inside the cave been a leader " I can say it because it has much more magical power then other . But even if they have they don't know how to use it so I didn't bother with it.

I checked their Rank to conform. After checking everyone feeling the leader in rank 8 while other been rank 7 to 6.

Finding the group of wolf enjoying a meat of the deer they have killed and having the lowest defance right now I started Gathering my fire but having 50 to 60 m distance from them in a few seconds I released on them but still connected it with my mana . I learned this a new way to use my magic . It's can cover the good amount of area and that what I needed to kill this group of wolf on one magic attack. It keeps on releasing the fire from my palm and spread more the far it go.

The fire connected the wolf not giving them enough time to dodge. The fire showed its effect started burning the wolf and some got killed right after connecting because of attack power. They began to howl in pain while some rubbing themselves on ground but it didn't helped and fire started to spread on their body.

Seeing and hearing the wolf's other started howling to warning other that they have been attacked and while some started running toward the direction of fire from wheir it came.

I to stopped my fire and started creating the fireball targeting the wolf who wheir getting closer some missed while other connected. I still had problem to target moving targets. But which connected they started getting giving them damage stopping them from their tracks. While some catching the fire burning them . Fireball like this have low chances of burning their targets.

I didn't stopped knowing that they would need some more seconds to reach me while I was creating the fire ball only in 2 to 1 seconds. And also running backward while using fireball trying to kill as many as I could this way.

After doing it for 15 to 20 seconds. They catched up with me so I stopped using my fireball. Taking out my katana.

Stopped from my track and ran at my full speed toward the nearest one and cuted his head of not bothering to see the result I attacked next one and started my slaughter with a grin on my face.

It took me 20 minutes to kill all the wolf. I Sat on one of the stone to catch the breath. After feeling my breath normal although I was not tired but it did make me feel breathless. I opened my status to check if I gathered enough stat point.

Name:- Ray Smith

Race:- Demon

Rank :-  (9)

Strength:- 421

Agility :- 410

Stamina :- 370

Vitality:- 330

Magic :-164 /462

Energy :- 1200

Stat point:- 472

(Demon eyes!) (Demon Aura!)

Unique skill :- (Creation!)

" I have enough stat point to bring my at least 4 our of 5 power stat to 500."; I said feeling happy finally I can reach first major rank of this world.

But I didn't distributed now. "Haa this is the most boring thing I like to do collect this bodies." ; seeing the body and blood laying all around him still not used to this but not so worst either. Started collecting the bodies.