
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

In The Past, Lady Sara

Outside the room.

Both of them set on sofa facing each other.

Healer started the conversation" How have you been I rarely see you now days. I know you must have been completing the guild mission to earn MS",

Emma sighed hearing this knowing she must have known this from her assistant who is also an adventure.

She replied " I am fine and for the mission I have to do so to collect as many MS I could before she starts her journey as ranker, so that it could help her in it."

Many being in this world mostly starts their journey as a ranker when they are at age 14 since little beast-kin girl was 7 year old she only had to wait for 7 more years to start her ranking journey.

The old Healer said " I know what you mean by it since lady Sara was at rank 30 already and we dont know how far she could have gone in her journey either, When giving birth to her she would definitely have higher soul talent since I don't know who her father was atleast I can say she would reach 20 rank or maybe more. So you are collecting it so she can use it ,".

Lady Sara she spoke of was the beast-kin woman that gave birth to this child.

Emma gave a nod , old Healer continued with a sigh "Haa... I still remember when lady Sara came to our town many years earlier. At first we wheir afraid of why such a high ranking person was doing in our small town wheir barely rank 13 guy keeps watch on it. And even more so when Mayor announced that she would be living here but that was all for not slowly we changed our mind about her seeing so kind hearted she was helping the town people , we rarely see such kind of people in this world,"

Emma to said "Yes she was Miss Sara never treated anyone wrongly infact of her superior rank and power. She even saved my life, When I went out hunting the monster, I was after all, Alone at that time all on myself I needed to earn MS myself in order to eat and survive But she saved me when monster almost killed me killing that monster on time. After learning I was alone she took me in with her and helped me to survive and gave me love that I never got. And also Gave me someone whom I can call big sister ," small tear started coming out from her eyes remembering about her past.

Seeing this Healer changed the subject not wanting to make her feel more bed" So what name have you given her?"

Emma wiped the tear and replied " I gave her , her mother's name Sara, "

"Is it haa.. well it's a good name," the old healer hesitated for a sec but asked anyway.

"Since Sara calls you Aunt it means you have said her everything about her mother?"

Emma shook her head in denial replied " No! I haven't, she is too young to know about her mother right now and she may feel hurt hearing about this and I don't think she would be able to take everything right now so when she would start her ranking journey I would say the truth."

"Ohhh... But I think she is old enough to understand about mother and father so she would have definitely asked about them to you ?" She asked with curiosity.

Emma sighed " Yes she had but I didn't say anything only said I would tell her when time come. She ofcource was sad and maybe be angry on me for that but I can't say her about them to her,"

"You said about them so do you know about who her father is ?"

"No I don't know about who her father is but I know little about him through Miss Sara and I would say that to her,"

Old healer thought for a sec then said what she felt " Wouldn't it had been better for you to let her call you mother and adopted her and when she asked you just say you didn't know much about them so she would have also stayed happy with you forgetting about them till the time pass?"

Emma hearing it shouted "NO !!" But soon controlled herself then said " I am sorry for my outburst ".

Old healer was also startled a little but accepted the Apology knowing it was just her question that brought such reaction from her.

Emma continued seeing she accepted her apology " I would not be able to bring myself hiding those thing from her. And even Miss Sara wouldn't have wanted that her own daughter doesn't know about her , I could not face myself in mirror after all Miss Sara did for me and I was repaying it in that way , This is the least I can do for Sara to let her grow happily , while knowing truth about her parents and I would make her happy as long as I could." She smiled having a strong conviction in her eyes.

Old healer to gave nod understanding her point of view. After that they talked for more 5 minutes until the room door opened Sara and beast-kin woman holding Sara hand came out.

Emma seeing that Sara injury was healed turned toward old healer then asked "How much do I need to pay for this? ,"

Old healer laughed a little then replied " You do know lady Sara have even helped me once when I needed so this healing thing is the least thing I can also do so whenever she got hurt bring her to me I would heal her for free" with a smile.

Hearing it Emma to smiled then bowed her head to show her gratitude " Thank you lady healer " but didn't rejected the offer.

Doing everything while Sara learned about magic through her new big sister was exited , thinking when he could also use such magic.