
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Guild 2.

In the guild.

She asked "Since everything is done may I ask how many bandit attacked you and if you can guess their Rank in any way? , their may not be much of bandit group that may make rank 10 guy run when you are at rank 14 who was with them."

I answered "Their wheir 11 bandits who attacked us and for their Rank I can say that they wheir either rank 7 or above but not exceed rank 10 but 1 maybe their leader was at rank 15 I can confirm this because he himself said it."

I only gave her my guess not confirmed anything specific or their detailed rank or else they may get suspicious how could I have know their Rank. Their was not much ways to find someone's rank only some artifact.

But didn't hide anything I could have convinced merchant but what about the guy that left he would have spilled the beans . Knowing this they would have gotten more suspicious about me for why was I hiding it.

She looked shocked hearing this a rank 15 guy then asked me "Are you sure he was at rank 15 and was not trying to bluff you guys?" Because mostly bandits are found  are at rank 6 to 12 not more then that so she looked shocked.

"No I am pretty sure he was at rank 15 the speed he had was above me and that to quiet a good speed that could only be of rank 15 guy". I confirmed it again.

She started thinking then asked "Then how you guys got out of this situation did someone helped you guys?"

But didn't thought that demon alone had handled them or even killed them if they wheir only 10 guys without rank 15 she could have guessed it that it was me who did it . It was easy to dominate for a 4 rank above person to lesser rank people. But rank 15 who was only 1 rank above but that to makes the difference.

Merchant didn't stay quiet and answered before I could "Hahahah.. ofcource not. We where not that lucky but we didn't needed anyone else to help us because sir alone handled them by killing them all." Said with a small laugh.

She got another shock , asked but this time little loud that she couldn't control hearing what merchant said,

"W-WHAT!! , you are not joking with me right sir because I have to mention it in the record , so I would love that you dont joke."

Clearly little skeptical and not believing him.

Merchant to knew she would not belive such thing even though it was not impossible to defeat someone at higher rank above you but it was not normal either.

He further said "ofcource I wouldn't have belive it if it have not happened in front of my eyes but sir here is very talented in magic he used fire magic to kill them , when leader saw that he started running in fear but sir again supriesed me he used another mana nature wind , even through guy was speeder then him the wind magic sir used was way faster then him then killed him with his fire magic." With a proud face like he did it.

I got irritated again hearing him say everything about my magic power not liking more people to know about this it may give me trouble later . I wanted to beat this guy for not knowing to speak less but controlled it only gave him the glare from my eyes.

Feeling his gaze he felt shiver run down his spine getting his clue that he spoke a little more then he should have , gave me a wry smile while scratching his head.

Girl looked toward me with shocked expression not knowing what to say or even believe what she was hearing but they had no reason to lie to her or a guild.

She thought 'woooo he is that talented in magic to control two nature and is handsome too he must had good talent ,many girl would love to be with him and mostly that vixen would not leave him ' thinking about that vixen she sighed and removed any thought of been with him knowing that he would leave her the time he meet that vixen.

Even though her look wheir good but everyone would consider herself inferior to her in this town.

I coughed a little trying to get her attention,

Girl to came out of her thought and gave me a smile then said,

"OK sir I would Register everything and if that guy shows up we would take a action against him."

I became curious seeing her expression obviously she looked toward me with interest but next second that was gone. I didn't mind it if she was interested in me or not because i knew I was not even if one can have many woman I would not be with anyone but curiosity was that what I had. What made her loose interest in me so quick but didn't ask that.

Instead I asked "And what action guild would take?"

"If we found he was at wrong. We would not allow him to take any kind of mission from the guild for next six months and would charge some MS as a fine."

I felt good hearing this even though it may look easy but for people like them mostly depend upon the guild for their earnings of MS and in the world wheir MS was the only thing accepted as payment he would be in deep problem. And I too felt bad that he left us in danger, this time I handled this because enemy was not that powerfull but what about next time.

After this I collected the MS for mission completion , merchant also gave the MS he collected from the bandit and weapon. spacial ring I didn't took because it was of no use to me. And didn't wanted to go around to sell it so I made a deal the total MS he gets after selling everything he would give me 40% ofcource I would not leave it I have done everything so It was mine in a way.

Merchant too didn't mind feeling it was good deal he would still get 60% of total MS selling everything.