
Journey To Eternity

Love to sleep but wish to venture into the wonders of the world. Leave the world he never saw his own Room at all. His habit of sleeping.... never left him and changed his fate. The Gods were troubled and then: One day his abnormally normal life flipped due to God's generosity, He couldn't thank them enough! After coming to new life, He was asked to marry and he as a responsible person married...A man as his bride. But Li Yan only fulfilled his parent's last wish, No other desire for this wife and this made other's including the bride involved think that he was abandoned by Li Yan. ---- Xue Lingxin only married away because of his Master, He knew that he could divorce in 2 years. First meeting Between MC and Ml: XLX: I don't care about you. I will divorce you in 2 years! LY: Great, Good wife! After spending two Years: LY: It's been two years, My Wife, You can divorce me. XLX: Heh, You want to divorce me so easily? Dream on! LY:...? Wasn't it what you wanted? XLX: Didn't you say you were a responsible man? LY:... *********** Fun, comedy, families, and many new ideas are added please enjoy on your own accord as it is BL. The genius of a millennium, Beautiful yet lazy as hell MC Shou X Great Martial Artist, Extremely Handsome yet moody ML Gong.

Velester · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Little trouble of Xue Family

Waking up to a new day, Li Yan found that Ned was quiet. He looked around but still couldn't find Ned than he looked at his bed.

'What the hell? When did Ned Climb my bed?'

The small blue ball was sleeping cutely and softly on Li Yan's bed.

Li Yan threw it away with a kick and climbed off his bed.

The porcelain legs looked weak and because Li Yan didn't go outside much, His fair Jade face was slightly pale. He looked like a sick beauty.

Li Yan took a bath with difficulty and found that this world had many issues Like there was no shower...No Soap, No Shampoo, No Facewash, and No Toilet...He missed his washroom back at Earth so much that he had tears in his black eyes.

After refreshing, Li Yan once again found out that There was no hairdryer either...

"I seriously respect the scientists who made such gadgets, How can I live now? This world is not for me...Is It some kind of punishment??"

Li Yan changed his clothes, The hanfu was a very cruel dress, Li Yan thought. he had to toss and turn in these clothes so much but he successfully wore them. After that came his long long knee-length hair...WTF!!

Finding the comb, Li Yan sat down and combed, combed and combed at least for an hour he combed. After fixing his hair with a hair crown which was also another hassle, He thought back to the clips and hairbands of his sister and found himself envious...

With all this down, Li Yan once again kicked Ned but found the ball was still asleep...Is this retribution of not waking up?

"Ned I will suicide."

[WHAT?!! WHY?!! NO WAY!!]

It works? Li Yan chuckled. Ned who found him smiling understood that he was made a fool of.


Xue LingXin sent a letter written with blood and sweat back to his Father Emperor and packed his belongings to go back to his Empire and have a face-off with his shameless father.

The Emperor got the letter in 3 days and his face became red with anger, Xue Lingxuan was also there with his wife, They were having a family dinner after so long and because his wife had become pregnant, He had asked his little brother to come home for some time and spend time with Father, So that he could spend time with his wife.

Looking at the letter in his father's hand, Xue Lingxuan was sure his little brother had made trouble again.

"Father, Is everything alright?"

The Emperor threw the letter at the head eunuch's face and said with gritted teeth,

"Your brother wants me to revoke his position as Crown Prince."

Xue Lingxuan choked. Hey, wait what???

"Little brother...Just to escape from Marriage wants to revoke his position as Heir?"

Emperor solemnly nodded, He looked at the couple in front of him and sighed. He had three sons because he loved his Empress so much and never opened his Harem. They were happy to have three sons too and never worried about the Ministers saying how the heirs were less yet...

His First son, Xue Lingxuan married another Sect's Heir who was actually a man, Though it is possible for males to give birth that is after taking a Spiritual Fruit 7 times and doing dual cultivation for a year to change the physique a bit. Because of the strong love between the two, They had no time to work for the Empire, and Xue Lingxuan, The First Prince gave his position to his Second brother Xue Lingxiu.

The Emperor and Empress gritted their teeth and because of the pure love between the couple, They allowed it, Yet Xue Lingxiu only had aspirations to an artist and ran away from home and threatened the Emperor to revoke the Decree and give it away to his third brother, And like this, the Second Prince obtained his freedom.

The Emperor almost died from anger but thought that his third son was more manly and was extremely handsome and had good martial arts skills, He reassured himself and his wife that nothing will go wrong but no! His third son who hated cultivation ran away to join the cultivation sect saying that he hated Material possession. The Emperor was about to off with his sword to find his son but his wife stopped him and saved the unimportant life of His third son, He kept Xue Lingxin as Crown Prince for 2 years, and now both the father and son were tired, Xue Lingxin wanted to be a great general while Emperor only wanted a Crown Prince So that he could retire early.

The Emperor left the dinner and went to go find his wife and saw her sitting in a pavilion waiting for him. He came and sat down and sighed, The Empress whose age was above 50 looked extremely beautiful, Not a sexy beauty but a kind and serene one.

"A'Xin made trouble again?"

The Empress served the Emperor tea and smilingly asked. She felt distressed for her husband and Sons, these 4 people hate the Royal throne. The three loved and hated each other just because they couldn't toss the throne at each other.

"It's alright, He will understand sooner or Later."

TheEmpress gently said, But the Emperor blew up.

"He will understand my grave!! Today, he send us the letter saying, 'Royal Father, I respect your wish to go in bed chambers with Royal Mother all day round but can you at least think of this single son of yours? He got dreams, Ambitions, and also has his own life!! The time has come to finish this, Father, I will take any punishment you give me, Just please revoke the decree and take away my title of crown Prince!!' My Dear wife, Can you believe him?! He is saying like I am in the heat all day!! He is cursing me!!"

This Time even the Empress frowned, She never thought that her son would be this stubborn and even say something so mean, though it was not new. The Emperor continued.

"Dear wife, I am tired of all this, Now that our son-in-law is pregnant, It's time for our eldest son to retake his title of the crown prince."

The empress smiled and nodded.

"You are right, My highness. But what will you do with A'Xin?"

The Emperor smirked and took a sip from his tea. The Empress became a bit curious about the punishment and looked at the Emperor expectdely.

"Marry him off."


Emperor looked calm but the Empress became anxious, The Emperor sighed and added.

"I asked him to marry someone yet he cursed me, It's not even something new, For 2 years I am holding this grudge with him, So now that he doesn't want to marry someone in, Then I will marry him off, I don't need so many sons with nothing to do."

Empress: Somebody come, the emperor has gone insane!!

The Emperor continued.

"I asked my Senior brother in Wise Night Sect and he also told me about a great candidate. I have already talked with the Master, He is sending his eldest disciple with A'Xin. The Master said that A'Xin will live 'Very Freely' over there, I am sure his ambitions will also come true, What do you, My Dear?"

Empress coughed and glanced at Xue Lingxin's black face, standing behind the Emperor, She said.

"Actually we don't need to be this harsh right? And A'Xin wants to be a general if we marry him away, How will his ambitions come true?"

The Emperor oblivious of his son standing behind him spoke with confidence.

"His ambition will come true, I am sending him to Middle continent, I heard that it was the most chaotic place If he can unify that place, Then what else will he need? He should go off and create his own strength and spread our Empire to Middle Continent too, Well forget his ambition, My dear wife, I was thinking of sending some capable children as a dowry to A'Xin's husband's sect, What do you say?"

Empress; Look behind my dear husband, I might become a widow today if you keep speaking!!

Xue Lingxin had enough and roared from behind the Emperor.


The Emperor was calm, He knew that Xue Lingxin was standing behind him and didn't speak. Xue Lingxin roared again.

"I never knew you took me the same as the First brother!! He might be a broken sleeve but my sleeves are not broken!! Even if they did I will throw them away!! How could you even think of marrying me away!! Did you forget how I helped you in keeping secrets from Royal Mother?! Is this how you repay me?!"

The Emperor was calm and then had enough of Xue Lingxin, He pointed to a chair to his left and said.

"Sit down first."

Xue Lingxin was hot-headed and stubborn but he was also a Prince and knew manners, He sat down but his anger was still boiling.

"I am doing it for your own good."

Xue Lingxin smirked and said mockingly.

"I just didn't want to be a Crown Prince and you said you wanted to marry me off as a bride, Where is the good for me?!!"

The Emperor coughed and looked away with a little guilty conscience but didn't give up.

"This is something that has to be done if you want to keep your life."

Xue Lingxin calmed down and looked at his father with a frown.

"What does that mean? If I don't marry away, I will die? Did you had no other excuse?"

Empress was embarrassed on Emperor's behalf but the Emperor continued shamelessly.

"It is just a marriage, You just need to be together with your Hus- Your partner for 2 years only, Just two! After that, you can divorce and come back to be a general or whatever you want to be, I will never say anything, If you need anything I will give it to you too."

Xue Lingxin's face blackened with each word of his father and he once again roared.

"Why do you think I will be coaxed like this?!!"

Before the Emperor could say something a heavy voice came from behind Xue Lingxin.

"This is what your Master has ordered, You dare disobey your master?"

Xue Lingxin flinched, The one person he hated and feared the most was this Master of his. Xue Lingxin quickly stood up and respectfully bowed to his Master.

The Master was an old man, he had white hair and a wrinkly face but he was still vigorous and walked straight.

"Stand up, No need to be respectful when you know you can't be."

Xue Lingxin looked away but his eyes didn't move from the ground. The Master observed his little disciple and knew how hot-headed the child could be. He sighed and asked.

"You wish to know why I am doing this right?"

Xue Lingxin immediately looked at his Master and nodded. Master continued.

"That's what I promised My senior Brother 14 years ago, His eldest disciple's fate had an upcoming tragedy in his fate, he discussed it with me and I calculated for him but the result was unexpected. He needed to marry a child from Superior Yang energy to cancel the Yin in his fate. But after making many matches, We couldn't find one, For 14 years he and I are working on it but couldn't find it, I looked at yours by mistake and it matched, Though it was still not enough, the child could pass his tragedy with this match at least. Because I promised him, I said that for some time his disciple and you can marry, The minimum time is 2 years, after that you can divorce."

A bit helpless, Xue Lingxin asked.

"Master, I understand all this but I didn't consent to it!"

The Master looked at him and said in a wise and aloof tone.

"Child, In this life you should try every experience, Go through every hurdle, This will give you enlightenment earlier than you can get from staying here. You might become the Greatest general ever, And because it is in Middle Continent, no one will know about it, And you are already in Nirvana soul 7th stage, Have passed 3 heavenly punishments, you can rest assured that you will be able to suppress your hus--Your Partner with ease, Just think of this as a vacation."

With this much encouragement from his cold and aloof Master and damned Father, Xue Lingxin gritted his teeth hatefully and agreed!

"Alright! I agree to...to...go on vacation!"

The Emperor stood up suddenly right after hearing him saying this. He quickly shouted to the head eunuch and said.

"Hurry up and go, Tell the Imperial Guards to gather the children for third prince's dowry!"

Empress:...Sigh, I feel like I am wedding a daughter, My tears are coming automatically...

Xue Lingxin almost vomited blood from anger but kept calm, Calm.


Li Yan woke up refreshed, he went out from his courtyard and went to the Main Hall where his Master and teachers were.

[Why are you going there?]

"Because I am going to get some materials and invent something."

[...?What are you inventing, No, Why in the world are you even inventing host??]

Li Yan flicked his long hair's in annoyance and said with a grievance.

"You won't understand the troubles of a modern man."
