
Journey To Eternity

Love to sleep but wish to venture into the wonders of the world. Leave the world he never saw his own Room at all. His habit of sleeping.... never left him and changed his fate. The Gods were troubled and then: One day his abnormally normal life flipped due to God's generosity, He couldn't thank them enough! After coming to new life, He was asked to marry and he as a responsible person married...A man as his bride. But Li Yan only fulfilled his parent's last wish, No other desire for this wife and this made other's including the bride involved think that he was abandoned by Li Yan. ---- Xue Lingxin only married away because of his Master, He knew that he could divorce in 2 years. First meeting Between MC and Ml: XLX: I don't care about you. I will divorce you in 2 years! LY: Great, Good wife! After spending two Years: LY: It's been two years, My Wife, You can divorce me. XLX: Heh, You want to divorce me so easily? Dream on! LY:...? Wasn't it what you wanted? XLX: Didn't you say you were a responsible man? LY:... *********** Fun, comedy, families, and many new ideas are added please enjoy on your own accord as it is BL. The genius of a millennium, Beautiful yet lazy as hell MC Shou X Great Martial Artist, Extremely Handsome yet moody ML Gong.

Velester · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Elder Gu And Elder Yao's disciple.

Li Yan took them to Crystal lake city because Luo Yan was still sick and couldn't travel much. Looking at his condition. Li Yan decided to paint more and get more money.

After they came to the courtyard of his Actor Team no. 1. He let Yao Qing and Luo Yan rest.

"Manager Zhou, Get the 7 chefs to pack up. They will get a change of job."

Manager Zhou said nothing else but acted immediately. After looking at this he left for Blackmarket.

[Why are you going there now?]

Ned asked confusedly.

"Because I am going to open a restaurant. These 7 chefs will open that, And I also need to prepare some servants for Luo Yan and Yao Qing stay at their Master's peak."

[Oh, You are very caring toward them.]

Li Yan didn't answer, He was given a responsibility, He will complete it. So caring is a given, They will be living together for years to come.

After getting 30 Slaves. Li Yan went to buy the building for the restaurant. Because there was no Kingdom, There weren't Officials only Nobles ruling certain Cities. This was why Li Yan knew that if he collect some more wealth two or three cities can be taken by him for Taiyi Sect. And on his wedding day, He will decorate those cities with a festival mood. It's his wedding, Once a lifetime occasion!

And also he feels a bit of pity for his bride, She might not even know that her groom is changed without her knowledge.

He should talk to his master about this matter too.

Luo Yan saw Li Yan giving directions about the restaurant and came to him.

"Should I help?"

Li Yan looked at Luo Yan and nodded. Luo Yan was not surprised by how he agreed because he could see that Li Yan was not interested in business, He was doing it for something big and had to force himself.

Luo Yan was grateful to Li Yan and if he could help, He wanted to repay him.

"These 7 will be main chefs, except these 3, Other 27 are to be waiters and security. And the Security will be responsible for both theater and restaurant for time being.

Luo Yan listened and sighed, Li Yan was definitely not suitable for business. He quietly and proficiently allocated the people and funds. It was noon when Li Yan took them and 8 slaves back to the sect.

At the sect, He went to Elder Gu's Yaowu Peak or Medical Peak. He settled 4 of the slaves to Yaowu Peak's dormitory in the outer area. He gave instructions similar to before. Then took Luo Yan and Yao Qing to Elder Gu's abode.

Elder Gu Rong was in his herbal field as always. When he noticed Li Yan's presence, He turned around and smiled gently. His light blue hair was tied in a messy bun and he looked like an energetic young man. Though he is over 300 years old. The 5 Elders including Sect Leader are in the middle level of the Sage Stage while Guardian Han is at the higher level of the Sage stage.

"Yan-er, It seems you have restarted your cultivation and already achieved Qi Collecting 2nd stage in a week. You are really talented."

Li Yan looked at the herbal field and his eyes shone, Some immoral ideas went through his brain for a second but he answered.

"It's nothing Teacher Gu, I was only bored and paid little attention to my Cultivation."

Elder Gu came out of the field and looked at Luo Yan with surprised eyes.

Li Yan noticed his change and then introduce him.

"Anyway Teacher Gu, This is Luo Yan and Yao Qing. I saw potential in them, so I took them here, But this person, Luo Yan is a bit ill so I wanted to ask you what is his disease?"

Elder Gu listened to Li Yan and nodded, He softly said.

"Luo Yan right? Come here."

Luo Yan glanced at Li Yan and then saw him also smiling at him, This was actually the first time, he saw this causal person smile. He went to Elder Gu.

Elder Gu held his wrist and checked his pulse. For some time there was only silence. Luo Yan tensed, Yao Qing held his other hand, But she was nervous too.

Elder Gu Rong finally spoke and his voice had a bit of laughter.

"It's not a disease, His spiritual roots are mutated Ice roots. People with Normal Ice roots are mostly Girls because The Ice element mostly have Yin energy but Boys can also have Ice roots, The difference is that if they don't cultivate, they become weak and sick easily and die."

Yao Qing was so startled that she grabbed Luo Yan's arm and tensely looked at Elder Gu.

Elder Gu softly continued.

"But as it is not a disease, It can easily be solved. He can start cultivation."

Luo Yan sighed with relief. Elder Gu saw Li Yan smiling at him. He knew that Li Yan also wanted him to accept Luo Yan as his Eldest direct disciple. Because the mutated roots are very rare in the whole Orid, Having one here was a blessing.

Elder Gu Rong asked Luo Yan, If he wanted to become the Eldest disciple of his peak, It meant that he will be Gu Rong's heir. After agreeing, They decided that the Ceremony for Master and Disciple acceptance will be held at the same time when Elder Bai Yaling and Xiao Su will decide.

After telling about the servants, Li Yan gave 1000 Gold taels to Luo Yan, So he can handle the Yaowu Peak matters later. As for spiritual Stones? He will think about them later.

After thinking about getting healthy, Luo Yan immediately went with his Master and started his cultivation, ElderGu was more worry-free now because the servants were very honest and hardworking. He took his disciple to his abode to teach him the basics.

"Miss Qing?"

Yao Qing felt a bit at loss, She was with Luo Yan every second of her day, Now that he is not with her, She is feeling like crying again.

Li Yan knew her personality already a thug-like crybaby girl. Very Modern If he says. Li Yan took the remaining 4 servants to Elder Yao's Wushu Peak, She was an external Martial Arts Master, And with the condition of disciple she wants, Li Yan feels that Yao Qing will go well with her. See their surnames match too.

After Li Yan settled the disciples. He took Yao Qing to Elder Yao Yi, She was doing her basic boxing practice in the field.

"Teacher Yao!"

Elder Yao of course knew that Li Yan was here, But she had her last move remaining, So she completed it before she looked back at Li Yan, She found LiYan was already in Qi Collecting 2nd stage and laughed happily.

"Yan-er, You seem back in shape."

"Yes, I am because I am a nice disciple."

"Oh~ Then you won't mind getting homework from me right?"

"No, I mind! I lost memory, not my brain."

Elder Yao laughed at how Li Yan wanted to avoid the topic of homework. Before she could say anything, she felt a hot gaze at her, She turned to a sweet and energetic-looking girl who was staring at her with admiration.

"Elder Yao, She is your Disciple candidate, You see if you like her."

Elder Yao smirked and nodded. Li Yan knew that she will like Yao Qing, His Instincts said so.

He gave 1000 Gold taels to Yao Qing and left. The 1000 Gold tales were monthly Money for a peak to use. Meaning, Li Yan needs to give pocket money to each peak every month, As a genuine lazy guy, He was thinking of a plan to solve the problem.

He also went to Sword Peak and gave Xiao Su 1000 Gold Taels too. Now he was left with 753 Gold Taels.

He went back to his Peak, Then calculated with Ned about the future problems.

"The PocketMoney needs to be increased Because a peak needs Daily necessities and stuff every month."

[You should also provide some Spiritual Stones to your Master, Teachers, and Junior Sect siblings.]

"And there is the wedding preparation, I need to get Clothes and Furniture ready, Then the food problem too."

[You also need to advance in Cultivation.]

"Then there is the business and stuff."

[You got to fill the sect too.]

"And there is my experiment too, I want to build two labs in my peak."

[Oh, You also need to learn Martial Arts and Formations stuff.]

"...the list is quite large."

[And your wedding is around the corner too.]

The two System and Host spread themselves on the table in Li Yan's bedroom and ate fruits all day.

Li Yan asked if there was a way for him to get spiritual stones. The System answered.

[Of Course, You can condense Qi and make your own but that is possible only at the Celestial Soul stage. A second method is to find a natural cave of spiritual stone.]

Li Yan didn't even think before declining these two methods.


[Yes, Only for you that is!]

Li Yan raised his eyebrow and smirked. Ned continued.

[You can take Quests from Gods and ask for rewards.]

"That will do."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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