
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Whis death

"Whis to think I'm almost at your level," Seth said after send Whis flying back.

Whis got up as he wipes the blood on his cheek before looking back ad Seth.

"you grow fast, but you want to hear a Secret? we angles are not able to go all out in this realm; the angle realm is where I would be able to show my full power." Whis said with a smile.

"so how much have you been weakened," Seth asked with a smile.

"50%, right now, you are fighting only half of what I'm capable of." whis said softly.

'troublesome.' seth thought as he shrugs and disappeared.

seth appeared in his dimension as he quickly made a clone.

"kotoamatsukami," seth said as he looked at the clone.

(he had his clone get angry)

The clone suddenly held his head as it starred roaring like a made monkey, slowly or hair started turning from white to gold matching his rinnegan.

The clone body started enlarging as it looked at seth with hatred.

'damn, he is power.' seth thought as he punched so hard, his stomach exploded.

Before seth could catch himself, the clone was in front of him with another attack.

"all mightily push," seth yelled as he put everything into his eyes.

The clone was sent flying far off into the blue sky as seth caught himself.

'now, if I can master this power.' seth thought as his body shrunk just in time to dodge his clone attack, which at some point in time appeared behind him.

'even with my rinnegan, it's hard to keep up." seth thought with a smile.

A black staff appeared in seth, and as he used it to dodge the incoming attack. Before seth could even know what happened, the clone fist was going through his chest. Quick seth opened his mouth as a large golden beam hit his clone.

But the clone grabbed seth face. Energy started gathering on the palm, which was holding seth.

"release," seth said as the clone turned into smoke.

"The day I can enter and exit that form is the day this world will be my," seth said as he looked at the damage he took.

"I want to have mastered it by when kid as born, after which I will absorb everything in this world... I should start making a divine tree that could cover everything in this world," seth said as he put his hands together.

'this is going to be hard. All I know right now is that it's going to take a long time to this. Also, I need a moon big enough to cover all of the realm and timelines.' seth thought with a frown.

'when I do get everything, just how powerful will I be?' seth asked himself.

"I don't know," seth said softly as a smile grew on his face.

"There is something in this world I don't know. Let's begin my training until Buu arrives," seth said as year's went by, each day he would make a clone as use kotoamatsukami on them, like this year's went by as he slowly starred controlling that power.

Seven years later, seth stepped out of his dimension.

'kid Buu is already out. Let's go get him." seth thought as he disappeared as he appeared behind Buu, who was hitting himself like a gorilla.

seth calmly grabbed its neck as he absorbed him. Buu seemed to be shocked by this as he tried to move. But his body started shrinking slowly, entering seth body.

'now onto Whis.' seth thought as he ignored Goku looking at him in shock. seth appeared by Whis side, who was looking at his staff watching the fight between goku and Buu.

"Seth, where were you," whis asked as he looked a seth, who appeared in front of him.

Seth body suddenly doubled in size as he rushed towards Whis, not giving him a moment to act. Seth hand started melting as it began to cover Whis body starting from the stop.

While this was happening, seth didn't forget to absorb Whis, sucking all of the energy he was trying to use. Slowly Whis was covered by seth as he absorbed into seth.

seth then waved his hand as 12 peace of his skin fell to the ground, as they took the form of seth.

There was 12 Universe in the world of dragon ball, each with a god of destruction and a angle.

seth had the 11 clones fly off to the other universes while seth had the last clone absorb this universe. As for seth, he went after Zeno and the Grand Priest.

'does the grand priest know of my actions.' seth asked himself

"yes, and he is angry," seth said softly.

"This will be fun," seth said as he used his eyes to appear before the Grand Priest, who had a dark face.

"Who are you? You don't believe to any of the 12 universes," he said as his staff appeared in his hand.

"you are about to become on with me. Why ask so many questions," seth asked as he flew towards him.

The Grand Priest body seemed to move on its own as he dodged seth attack can counter at the best moment.

As when his staff hit seth, seth body exploded as it almost Swallowed the priest.

The grand priest suddenly threw away the staff as there was the flying thunder god mark on it. At the same time he threw it, seth appeared above that staff as his staff hit the ground.

"so close, don't you think," seth asked the grand priest who destroyed a part of seth that almost touched him.

"Just who are you." the grand priest asked.

"I'm behind you," seth said as the clone that was in-universe seven appeared behind him, swallowing him up.

"now for him," seth said with a smile as he began walking towards zeno. At the same time, his clone was absorbed back into him as he got a lot of things from the grand priest.