
Make Mi Tose desperate

"Death smoke" Mi Tose released a technique to kill Chu Yuechan.

Chu Yuechan waved her hand and immediately expelled the smoke.

Chu Yuechan's wind swept away the smoke.

"Bastard" Mi Tose was angry with Chu Yuechan. Chu Yuechan was too easy to repel his attack, which injured Mi Tose and made him feel defeated.

"Enough until here" Chu Yuechan moved her hand, by doing so, she made Mi Tose's body float.

"Huh? What happened to me ?" Mi Tose was shocked to see what had happened to him.

His body suddenly moved by itself. He had no control over it; it was like Chu Yuechan was restraining and controlling it directly.

"Damn, what have you done to me" Mi Tose asked Chu Yuechan, he wanted to know what Chu Yuechan had done.

"Oh, that, I just used the wind power I have to bind all your body parts, you are now under my control" Chu Yuechan told what she had done to Mi Tose.