

Scáthach indeed still have her old personality. She's diligent and capable. She only acts spoiled when she's with Shin. After their all night talk (they did not do anything other than talking and cuddling), she agreed with Shin in consolidating the changes in her body. She now have dragon lineage, so he left her to train after promising her that they would cuddle more later.

Scanning the whole building, everyone was still asleep. So he went down to the park area and sat down to meditate, and decided to go into his Soulscape to get more things done, as the time dilation inside had expanded along with the growing strength of his soul.

Inside, she was greeted by Yggdrasil's avatar in his Soulscape.

"Shin! Congratulations on having a new servant and waifu~" (Yggdrasil)

"Why do I feel that you're enjoying this more and more?" (Shin)

"Fufunn~ Of course, it's one of my entertainment so to speak. So what will you do now. You should be able to accomplish more here in your Soulrealm." (Yggdrasil)

"Yeah.. wait! What Soulrealm, I thought this is a Soulscape?" (Shin)

"No silly~ You have already exceeded the threshold of a Soulscape. It is now the Soulrealm. Once you exceed 10km, and 20x time dilation, then it will upgrade automatically to Soulrealm. Cool right~?" (Yggdrasil)

"Huh.. so is there additional benefits with the upgrade?" (Shin)

"Of course! Aside from you being able to bring life here, you could even store God's Cradle here to hide it, if you don't have any parking space outside. Another thing, you can bring your family inside, but that's a bit complicated on how to bring them here." (Yggdrasil)

"Why's that?" (Shin)

"You're the only one who can jump here with no worries. If others did the same thing, your soul will automatically block them, even if you restrain it. Don't worry, there's a way~" (Yggdrasil)

"And that is..." (Shin)

"Create a door outside, and set that up as the door to your Soulrealm.. Hep hep!! I'll tell you how ok, just find the perfect door first." (Yggdrasil)

"(sigh) Alright.. I'll tell you when I find one. For now, let me finish what I've started." (Shin)

Shin decided to not summon another servant, and would wait later, like how he did with Scheherazade. Although Scáthach agreed to become his wife, he still wanted to strengthen their bond first. So he looked at the items he had that could be used, he found that he still have four "Random World Specialty" so he'd gone ahead and used them. Shin got the following.

Zanpakuto Creation (Forge)

Description: "Zanpakutō are the trademark weapons of the Shinigami. Capable of cutting spiritual bodies, they are among the few weapons which can be used to combat Hollows, and each Zanpakutō is unique: the swords are reflections of a Shinigami's power and soul, and sentient beings unto themselves. The Zanpakutō's name is the name of the living spirit which empowers the sword and lends its strength to the Shinigami who wields it. These beings can vary greatly in appearance, and have their own distinct personalities, which are similar to their owner's."

Job Change: Samurai

Description: "Far across the rolling waves, towards the rising sun, there lies the island nation of Hingashi. In the distant past, the realm's great lords vied for supremacy over its sea-girt confines in a long and bloody conflict. And taking to battle in their lieges' names were noble swordsmen whose art was forged in the crucible of war, the samurai. Eventually, the nation was unified under one banner, and these warriors came to wield their katana not upon fields as part of an army, but upon streets as protectors of the peace. But as a neglected blade grows dull with rust, so too do men forget their purpose. Amidst waning memories of the old ways, a determined few hold fast to their convictions, hands by katana grips, awaiting the moment for steel to sing.

Job Change: Scholar

Description: "In an age long past, when mankind flourished under the radiance of arcane mastery, the island of Vylbrand was home to a city-state called Nym. Though the history of that age tells of countless wars waged with earth-shattering incantations, it was the brilliant strategic maneuvering of Nym's scholars that allowed their mundane army of mariners to throw back would-be conquerors time and again. These learned men and women defended the freedom of their tiny nation with their unique command over spell-weaving faeries, utilizing the creatures' magicks to heal the wounded and bolster the strength of their allies."

True Longinus

Description: "One of the Holy Relics known as the Holy Lance alongside the True Cross, Holy Chalice, Holy Nails, and the Shroud of Turin. A spear that was said to have pierced the side of Christ as he lay on the cross, wielded by a Centurion named Longinus, according to legend, who gave the weapon his name. The spear is one of the holiest objects in existence, having been blessed by the blood of Christ and making it an extremely powerful and effective weapon against Devils and beings related to darkness. The True Longinus is a Sacred Gear, and gave its name to all Sacred Gears capable of slaying Gods."

"Holy Cow! You finally got yourself a Zanpakuto Shin! This will help you open up the world where it's origin comes from!" (Yggdrasil)

"I'm more surprised with the third item.. True Longinus! This thing is a bug.. a cheat in the system.." (Shin)

"Welp~ There goes your ticket to smooth sailing.. you better learn more seals, so that you could cut down your power, especially when using those 'broken' things." (Yggdrasil)

"Ugh.. you're right. How about the seal that you've used on me before?" (Shin)

"I can only use it to seal a small part of your power, now that it's getting way higher, it won't be enough.." (Yggdrasil)

"(sigh) where would I get a strong enough seal? Meh! I'll deal with it as it goes. For now, I'll let my shadows do all the work so that they could strengthen up. Shadow clone might help. I'll experiment a bit more on it." (Shin)

"Good idea.. in the meantime, I'll make myself busy. I'll leave you to your own for now Shin." (Yggdrasil)

"Oh? What are you going to do?" (Shin)

".... Sleep, maybe? fufunn~ Just kidding, I'll surprise you with the result soon~" (Yggdrasil)

"If you say so.. good luck with whatever project you're making!" (Shin)

"Count on it! I can assure you, you'll be happy with it!" (Yggdrasil)

Yggdrasil disappeared like a ghost right after that. Shin has an amused expression looking at the place where Yggdrasil disappeared from. He then got right back to his items, and started using them one by one, as Yggdrasil's suggestion, he will have to make even a pet in his inventory to become strong so that he would not lose them in the future.

Hin started with the Devil Fruit Creation ticket as well as the random devil fruit, to see what else he would get. The random devil fruit unexpectedly, a Logia type fruit, the Wind Wind fruit. He thought that this should be one of the speculated fruit that Dragon have.. he wanted to verify this, but for now, he will just put this at the back of his mind, because someday, something may have already been changed when that time comes. The fruit creation ticket glowed in front of him and stayed there waiting. Shin realized that it was waiting for him to start the process but what confused him is that it did not gave him any instruction.... so he proceeded to experiment and see if it will react, which it did, when he start picturing a fruit in his mind. The ticket change into various shape of fruit and those were what he was imagining in his mind. He push the idea that formed in his mind and after a few seconds, a prompt appeared in his view "Finalize Creation?", which he agreed to. The changing image in front of him took it's final form and a round pure white fruit that has the usual swirl of a devil fruit was floating in front of him. Upon completion, he suddenly felt tired, like he had beeb drained of energy or have fought fir several months. With how deep his energy reserve are, and how fast it regenerates, even if he did fought with nothing but using energy, it will only, possibly drain around half of his reserve, but just this simple creation, it took too much!

Shin could only shake his head and sigh, he reach out to the fruit, then noticed that on each swirls, there were runic symbols around it. This was the first time or he might have not noticed it before? Anyhow, he decided to just let it go for the meantime, and think about it later. He really have no idea on what to do about it.

Shin crushed both fruit and started absorbing them into his body. Like all the fruit he absorbed, it gave him the knowledge about the fruit and the how to's, however, the white fruit only gave a single knowledge. The white fruit that Shin created, he named it "Time Time fruit". He aspired to learn about time, as he's already learning about the elemental and Space, so only thing left is "Time". But to his disappointment, the only knowledge it gave him was "how to stop time for a single second". He was stumped at this result, and thought that he made a blunder. "Damnit! And that was the only fruit creation ticket that I have..".

Shin did not give up though, he focus all his thought on the Time Time fruit's ability, and wanted to awaken or get close to it's awakening. But to his surprise, he's unable to get close to it. Every time he advance, he would find another way to use the time fruit, and he had to cover it's usage and start in the beginning.

For example, Shin started with one second time stop. As he learned, he was able to increase time to two seconds. This is after spending almost a whole day in learning the intricacies of time. He only wanted to stay in his Soulrealm for 24 hours which is equivalent an hour outside, but due to his frustration, he spent more time within. It was still too early anyway, so he spend another 50 hours and made a breakthrough, increasing time stop to 4 seconds. As he approach the increase to 5 seconds, the rest of his family was waking up. He already created a few shadow clones for the rest of his family and wives to assist them in training, while his original were focusing in advancing the time fruit.

When he reached the 5th second of Time Stop, a new branch opened up, and he was then barred from continuing to improve the Time Stop ability until he improve the new branch, which is Time Reversal. He can only scratch his head as he couldn't do anything further, as he would be wasting time if he force it through with the Time Stop ability. He can only cursed it in his mind, "I'll get to you sooner or later, mark my words!!!..... (sigh) The heck is wrong with me, I must be really stress with this fruit ability for it to get to me.."

Shin ignore it for now, for his sanity, so he continued his initial objective and pulled out a couple of things from his Soul Storage. What came out are a small furry animals, two pokeballs and a large egg.

Nyaromon (sealed)

Tier: In-training

Attribute: None

Family: Nature Spirits, Virus Busters

Description: A Lesser Digimon. It is a tiny Digimon which has cat-like characteristics. It is always capricious, and that behavior seems to have been attached to Nyaromon as a result of its being like a "cat". Although it is sometimes frivolous due to its overflowing curiosity, it also has a lonely side.

Tyrunt (sealed)

Royal Heir Pokemon #696

Height/Weight: 2'07"/26.0 kg

Type: Ground, Dragon

Description: a bipedal, dinosaurian Pokémon that resembles large a theropod. Its body is bluish with a small hump on its back, and its belly and lower jaw are a lighter gray. The head is large in proportion to its body and has a blunt snout with a ridge above the nostrils. Two teeth are visible in the lower jaw, while the upper jaw has two tooth-like spikes. On top of its head are two orange spikes and it has a black around the lower edge of each eye. Around its neck is a spiky ruff of white, primitive feathers. It has tiny forelimbs with two white claws each. The hind legs are more developed and have rectangular, armor plating over the knees, three white claws on each foot, and a smaller, fourth digit lacking a claw off to the side. Its tail is short with an orange spike near the tip. Tyrunt has a selfish, spoiled nature. If it encounters something it dislikes, it will throw a tantrum and run wild. Its strong jaws have enough force to shred an automobile, and it tends to unknowingly inflict injuries while playing. This Pokémon lived 100 million years ago; theories suggest it might have had a different form then.

Dratini (sealed)

Dragon Pokemon #147

Height/Weight: 5'11"/3.3 kg

Type: Dragon

Description: A serpentine Pokémon with a pink body and a white underside. It has white, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a white bump on its forehead. Above its round, white snout are oval, purple eyes. Dratini's life energy is constantly building, so it is always growing and can reach lengths of over six feet. As it grows, it sheds its skin regularly and hides behind a rapid waterfall during the process. Although this Pokémon was originally thought to be nothing more than a myth, a small colony has been found living underwater. It stays near the bottom and feeds on food that sinks from the upper levels. In the past, Outrage was its signature move.

Digi-Egg (sealed)

Description: An unhatched digimon egg. You'll never know what monster will pop right out when it hatched.

Shin curiously stared at the 3 monsters and the egg. Back on Earth, because he had already watched his favorite anime, and no updates yet, he tried watching other titles, and he wind up watching Pokemon and Digimon. Although, they're both monster type anime's, their concept were different. One was on the lighter side, and the other is a much more extreme (Pokemon does not show the killings of Pokemon, while Digimon does). Now, they're in front of him, and he don't know what to do, but he'll give it a go of being a trainer.

Shin began to unseal the 3 monsters first. He released the two Pokemon from their Pokeballs and for the small fur ball like monster, as soon as he unsealed it, he prompted by the system "Auto equipping Digivice as catalyst to manage digivolution of monsters that originated from Digital World". Shin was surprised, but remembered that this things were used by the characters in the series as well. Upon waking up, the three focus their sight to the only person in the area. The 3 monsters eyes shines in light, similar to when a chick was first waking up, seeing the first monster as their parent. These monsters, instead, were printing Shin's image into their brain, becoming their most important person. Even without the loyalty, Shin's charm, luck and aura would have made the 3 to become loyal to him. At least now, because of the printing, they would not be afraid and submit due to Shin's overwhelming aura, instead, they would bask in it and grow. The three immediately tackled Shin and start rubbing their head on him. Shin was laughing at how cute these animals were, and they immediately warmed up on him. After petting the 3, he told them to stand back, as he wanted to hatch the digi-egg. After being prompted by the system, the digi-egg started shaking. Cracks started to form, then piece by piece, the shell of the egg started to break and fall down, until an eye of a monster peak from the crack. The monster broke out fully from the shell, and it revealed a digmon with round hairy ball like body.


Tier: Fresh

Attribute: None

Family: None

Description: A Slime Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody. Its whole body is covered in a tough fur named "Mithril Hair". It manifests an aggressive personality immediately after being born, and despite its fangs not yet being grown, it opens its mouth wide and completely intimidates the opponent with the manner in which it snaps at them. Because of this, there exist many Digimon which are completely deceived, but it is still a rare Digimon.

Although, base on it's description, that it has an aggressive personality, it did the same like the previous 3 monsters, it's eyes shines in light and printed Shin as well. And it hopped towards Shin, rubbing it's head or body as a form of loyalty and endearment. Of course, the other 3 joined and Shin was overjoyed and satisfied with these monsters. In the future, he will have more, but this 4 will be his oldest and will lead the others that comes after.

He then check if the monsters could understand him, so he tried talking to the 4 monsters, and to his surprise, they all listened, even the newly hatched Dodomon. Similar to humans, Shin told them about the world, not minding if they don't understand most. He also mentioned about being strong, and being part of the family. Shin could see that after telling them all about the current situation, in the eyes of the 4 monsters, are resolve, to follow their master and to also stand by his side, and never become useless. Shin nod and were more satisfied. Monsters were actually much simpler than humans, and they're more easier to get along with, so he knew that they will definitely show their worth. He also told them about the family, especially his wives, which they should also protect.

Just like his family, where he gave them Arcanum, for these monsters, he asked them if they would like to become familiars. He explained what those are, and what it will do, especially how they will grow stronger with it's perks. The four agreed, so they were immediately enveloped with light, and entered stasis mode, one of the features of the Familiar system. While in stasis, any creature within will absorb energy from the surrounding, even though it isn't as broken as Shin's Devour ability, those minuscule energy where pure energy that was refined by the system before getting absorbed by the familiars. With this, it will be easier for the familiars to grow and evolve.

He plans to assign these familiars to each of his wife, so that they will have extra layer of protection when they go out or he's not with them.

Updated the chapter, made a mistake, I found that there's another item for the world specialty on another category which I fixed. My apologies~


-every 10 soul power adds 1 meter to soul realm.

-every 500 soul power is equal to 1 increase time dilation.

lnosmirClcreators' thoughts