
Journey Throuhout The Multiverse

What would happen when the strongest existence in the entire multiverse 'Chaos' awakens from his deep slumber and for some reason, he has to groom a successor for himself. ___________________________ It's the Story of 'Aiden', our protagonist. Starting from a 'lump' left from the copy of consciousness created by 'Chaos' trillions of years ago. To....... Going on a wild journey from one world to another to become the successor of 'Chaos' itself. ___________________________ Here is the link to my Discord: https://discord.gg/WZ5Sd6Sbq3 On Discord, I will be posting polls and updates regarding this novel in the future. ___________________________ I do not own anything except the main character and self-created characters in this fanfiction. ___________________________ Now let us start Aiden's Journey..

Iam_Cat · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

'Journey Begins'

(1600 Words)


(Null Void)

'Chaos' had made a body with his very best, just like the body he would make for himself, this body was almost like a 'Divine Artifact' even for Gods in the league of 'The Almighty Rulers'.

He was currently integrating Aiden's consciousness into this body, this process was very delicate so he took all his time.

When the process was complete, he started to integrate the 'System' he made, in this body, and after everything was done he also integrated the 'Space' and 'emotions' with the body.

This body was made up of 40% inner 'Pure Energy' energy and other materials he found in the 'Null Void', those materials were strong enough to survive in all this 'Pure Energy' so their durability was off the charts.

Just when 'Chaos' thought that everything was finished after the integration ended but he was wrong as the body somehow started absorbing 'Pure Energy'.

'Chaos' was shocked seeing and was going to stop it as it could damage the perfect structure of the body but he saw that the 'Pure Energy' being absorbed was being converted to 'Essence' and used to nutrition the body.

He thought that this might be beneficial for the body so he let it be.


(5 Years Later)

'Chaos' had been seeing this body absorb 'Pure Energy' like crazy and reinforcing every single thing possible in the body to the smallest extent possible.

Even Aidans's consciousness was now reinforced with 'Essence'.

Seeing this monstrous body-like artifact even 'Chaos' could have been tempted for a second but had no urge because he couldn't leave his body anyway.

With this 'Chaos' closed his eyes for a second,

A tremor was released and when he opened his eyes he saw this body for one last time before it converted to the size of a newborn baby and disappeared.

With this 'Chaos' once again looked in the 'Null Void' all alone again without any goals so he decided to watch all over the multiverse as it sometimes could be fun.


The tremor 'Chaos' released was to breach space-time and place 'Aiden' in a place where no one was supposed to be until now and the best place to start his journey.

This tremor once again caused the 'The Almighty Rulers' to be alerted but they continued searching as talking, again and again, was no use.

And like that 'Aiden's new life started away from these strong beings.

* * * * * *

(The Original World)

This world was regarded in the category of the supernatural world, it had many different species of living beings besides humans but the most dominant were the werewolves, Witches, Kitsune, Malach, Psychics, Angels, and Demons.

Almost all the supernatural species in existence had the ability to transform into their human form except Psychics.

The strongest species in terms of power was undoubtedly Psychics because of their mental power but they were almost extinct, so the ruling species these days were Humans as they had a very large number compared to other species.

But soon it was going to change.

* * * * * *

Aiden had been transferred to a womb of a human woman,

Originally she was not supposed to give birth anytime soon but 'Chaos' changed everything and lead to all this.

(Aiden POV)

Aiden opened his eyes and at that moment he knew that his journey was started and this was his first world, he felt excited because of his emotions but his personality was still calm so he studied the surroundings.

The first thing he saw was the room he was in was made up of wood and grass, the next thing he saw was pair of his mother and father.

He didn't know why he knew such things then the answer to the question came to his mind,

{Host, You know that because I implanted basic knowledge about living beings and common objects of this world in your mind. It will help you to adapt to the world faster.}

Aiden listened to answer while remaining calm and asked,

Aiden "Are you the System that 'Chaos' created for me?"

{Yes, I was created by him based on his knowledge and to best support you in your journeys.}

Aiden listened to this and thought before saying,

Aiden "I will call you "Livie" from now on."


{Host, I recommend you to talk to the people around you or they will find it odd.}

Aiden accepted the advice and looked up to his new parents.


Aiden was born as the first child of the Mikaelson family.

His father's name was 'Mikael' who was a Viking and a wealthy landowner in Norway, and his mother was 'Esther', she was one of the most powerful witches of this era.

Both of the parents were shocked to see the child, as the child was too beautiful to even for them.

They also saw the child not crying which made them think that child was not alive but the next second 'Aiden' opened his eyes seeing them they sighed in relief.

Aiden's mother 'Esther' was a little worried seeing the child not crying and while looking at him asked 'Mikael',

Esther "Is he fine, normally a child should cry but why is this child not crying?"

'Mikael' listening to also accessed the situation and said proudly,

Mikael "He is the son of a Viking, so why would he cry and see everything is normal, if you want to confirm why not use magic.

Mikeal said while not caring about Esther's health as he was always controlling, domineering and authoritarian in nature.

Esther sighed but still used her magic, but as soon as the magic touched 'Aiden' it got absorbed into him which was a shock to her, so she tried 2 more times and it got an effect on the 3rd attempt.

Seeing this both 'Esther' and 'Mikael' were shocked, then Esther said,

Esther "I don't know why, his body is absorbing magic but If I want to give an accurate answer then I have to do it after I recuperate."


Mikael was very happy to see this and said in a happy tone,

Mikael "He will be the greatest Viking ever, I must give him the hardest training possible."

Esther just looked at 'Aiden' with love and nothing else but as she was very very fatigued, she handed him over to Mikael and fell asleep in an instant.

Mikael laid 'Aidan' on the place next to his mother and left to hunt for food.

* * * * * *

'Aiden' after being left along his sleeping mother decided to talk to 'Livie',

Aiden " 'Livie' tell me the things which I am supposed to know."


{Host, For your Journey, I will be your partner and as more the task of collecting energy is completed more uses will I have }

{But for now, I can help you do the most basic things of the world we are in, you will understand it in the future when you need this ability.}

{But, Before you ask any further, let me give a message left from my creator.}

Aiden just listened as he knew this would be a message from 'Chaos'.

Then some memories of his body and 'Chaos' voice played in his mind,

{Hello, Aiden, Now you must have some doubts about these memories, so let me clear them.

The body I made for you had some intriguing changes and absorbed a lot of energy but you don't need to worry as it has become better than before and the things it can do will be informed to you by the 'System' and about how will you go to next world, you will be informed of a safe way when you have completed the task in this world.

So this is our bye-bye and let's meet again someday.}

After listening to this 'Aiden' sighed and signaled 'Livie' for an explanation,

{Host, Your body is now completely reinforced with 'Essence' and is 10 times stronger than the original body you were supposed to have.

Your body will also function to absorb any energy within its capacity like how the first two attempts of your mother's magic failed but the third succeeded, that was due to your limited capacity and the capacity will increase with the development of your body.}

{Your mental power is off the charts and your mind is an almost impossible place to infiltrate.}

{These are the only benefits for now as your body is in its '1st Form' but when you grow more powerful and meet some specific conditions the benefits increase.}

Aiden listened to all this and after thinking for a few minutes he asked,

Aiden " Livie what about my 'space'?"

{Host, It will unlock along with some other powers but only after you have achieved perfect control over your mind and emotions.}

{This was set up as the requirement because perfect mind and emotion control will prevent you to make any rash decisions after being influenced by emotions.}

Aiden just thought silently for quite a long time and said to himself,

Aiden"Well I can only practice meditation as everything else is out of my reach until I grow up"

With this 'Aiden' closed his eyes and went to sleep for the start of a new day ahead.


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