
Journey Through The Obelisks

'"H-how," Atlys forced out as she looked at the spear that was protruding from her chest and looked back to the person she considered to be one of her oldest friends, someone she knew before she awakened, and then continued to ask, "How could you?" "I'm sorry Atlys it just had to be this way." The man spoke calmly.' Follow Atlys Ryft on her journey through the Obelisks, as well as a Journey through her past.

Sliplis · Fantasy
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2 Chs

16 Again

"..yft." A voice called out lightly

"Ryft." The voice spoke once again clearly more annoyed this time as the voice grew slightly louder.

"ATLYS RYFT!" Atlys snapped her eyes open and looked at the voice calling her name in confusion, She saw a man with a large belly and a rounded face looking at her with his face clearly red from anger.

"You think that just because you are awakening tomorrow, you can just ignore me like this?" The bloated man asked angrily as he pointed a finger at Atlys' face.

"What?" Atlys asked confused at the situation that is currently happening around her. She then slowly started to recall what the last thing that she remembered was, she remembered participating in a Obelisk run and when they were nearing the end she was betrayed by one of the people that she had trusted the most.

As she remembered what happened, her eyes started to change into a piercing glare and her aura started to release a coldness that seemed that it would freeze you solid if you got to close or were on the other side of her rage. Atlys then muttered under her breath, "You Bastard."

The portly man was originally terrified when Atlys accidently released her aura into the surroundings, however when he had heard what Atlys had said, he snapped out of the fear that he was feeling and started to turn even redder with rage, both at what he had assumed that Atlys had called him, as well as the fact that he was afraid of a person who was not even awakened yet.

With his face so red it was surprising that steam had not yet started to come out of his ears, he burst with rage and yelled at Atlys, "ATLYS RYFT! YOU ARE FIRED! Get out this instance or else I would be forced to resort to drastic matters."

Atlys still slightly confused from what had happened to her managed to snap herself out of the memories that were starting to overrun her and took a second to observe her surroundings.

Observing the surroundings that felt both familiar and unfamiliar to her, Atlys started to question to herself in her mind, 'What Happened? Didn't I just die?'

Seeing that Atlys was in a daze and not replying to him, the portly man yelled at Atlys again and decided to push her out of the building himself as she obviously was not going to do it herself. When she exited the building Atlys looked around at her surroundings and was shocked and murmured to herself under her breath,

"Isn't this the place that I worked at before I awakened and became a runner?" Atlys put her hand to her forehead as she tried to remember. "How, I know that there was not somebody nearby with the ability to resurrect someone, and I definitely know that I had died just now."

Atlys then looked down and saw that the clothes that she was wearing was a uniform that belonged to a restaurant that she had worked at before she had awakened which she resigned from shortly afterwards. She then turned her head back slightly and confirmed that the building that she had just walked out of was indeed the restaurant that she had worked at.

Atlys then looked around her and noticed that the street she was on was also familiar, slightly confused Atlys questioned to herself, 'How am I here, not only am I still alive but I am also nowhere near the Obelisks.'

She then noticed something odd and looked at her hands. Her hands were way too smooth. No matter how she looked at then they were missing all of the calluses, and scars that she had gained in battle. It was unbelievable to her. Sure, there were indeed abilities that could remove scars, but she never got rid of hers as they were a sign of all the efforts she had put into surviving.

Atlys started walking in a slight daze, but then she suddenly stopped herself and thought, 'Wait. The store owner said that my awakening is tomorrow.' Atlys then looked up at the sky with a lost expression on her face as she continued analyzing the few short clues that she had, 'Which means I should currently be 16 years old, but that's impossible, I am 25 years old not 16.'

After some thoughts quickly flashing through her head, Atlys came to the conclusion that she was either in an illusion, or she was really 16 again.

After she made that realization, Atlys was slightly stunned and attempted to remember the route back to the apartment she used to live in at this time. The apartment that she currently rents is one that she had received from an inheritance from her parents when she was 6 years old. From what she could remember, her parents had died in an Obelisk expedition when she was younger, and she had no other family to take her in. She grew up living in an orphanage and it wasn't until a few months ago that she was old enough to receive the inheritance that her parents had left her.

They had left her quite a bit of money as well as the apartment that she was currently staying in. The reason that she was still working at the restaurant despite getting a lot of money was because she was planning to save the money for when she awakened and thought it would be a good idea to still have a source of income for her daily needs.

After wandering the streets for a bit, Atlys had finally managed to make her way back to her apartment. When she walked inside she was hit with a slight wave of nostalgia, she had moved out of this apartment not long after she had awakened and hadn't re-visited it once. Not even until the moment that she died at the age of 25.

Atlys slowly made her way to the bathroom and started to wash her face in the sink, after a few moments she raised her head and looked into the mirror, she saw a younger version of herself and spoke aloud, " Since I had somehow made it back, and am 16 again, let's change things up and fix some of my mistakes."