
Journey Through Fictional Realities.

In the realm of ordinary mortals, an unassuming man met a tragic end. Little did he know that his fate would take an unexpected turn. He was reincarnated in a different world, a new world that looked ordinary at first. Initially, our protagonist led an unremarkable existence, simply trying to adapt to his newfound surroundings. He grew accustomed to the customs, the people, and the era. Days turned into months, and months turned into years as he embraced the simplicity of his ordinary life. But as fate would have it, tragedy struck once again. An event unfolded, uncovering a hidden power within the depths of his being. As his world crumbled around him, he stood amidst the chaos, transformed by a force he never knew existed. Join the mc on his journey through varies fictional realities to grow in strength, make friends, find love and discover the secrets that surround him and his mysterious clan. A/N: Will update 3 chapters per week. Feel free to check out my pat3on to read up to 15 chapters ahead and donate. Hungrymushroom. View the tags before reading. First world is a Mix between Oda Nobuna no Yabou, Samurai X and Demon slayer for those wondering.

HungryMushroom · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 23

While Ginryu meditated in the serene solitude of the mountain during his rigorous training, he experienced various things.

As he delved deeper into his consciousness, he came to a realization.

Deep down, he still held onto remnants of his humanity, falsely believing that possessing a human mind and heart was essential to his identity.

However, he soon recognized that this notion was nothing more than an illusion.

In the vast expanse of fantasy worlds, there existed numerous sentient beings, each with their own unique emotions and ways of perceiving the world.

It was liberating to realize that he no longer needed to confine himself to the limitations of human existence.

Contemplating this revelation, Ginryu found solace in the concept of defining his own moral framework, one that would serve his pursuits and aspirations.

By creating a set of principles that aligned with his own desires and values, he felt unburdened and unrestricted.

At least that's the way he chose to to cope with the craziness of his situation.

The parting words of his adoptive grandmother - her simple wish for him to find happiness - reverberated in his thoughts, and he resolved to honor her memory by embracing this newfound mental freedom.

Ginryu felt blessed to have been bestowed with a new life as a member of a powerful and long-lived race.

He possessed various extraordinary abilities, he could also travel to various dimensions. This meant that he could possibly meet characters that he only knew from fiction.

Additionally he could now fulfill certain fantasies and fetishes that he bottled up.

Perhaps all that he needed to complete it all was the presence of a companion or several companions to share it with.

As Ginryu meandered through the enchanting mountain forest, bathed in the gentle glow of the morning sun, he immersed himself in the symphony of nature.

The melodious chirping of the early morning birds wafted through the air, harmonizing with the caress of the soft winds, carrying with them the delicate scents of flowers and earth.

This familiar embrace of pristine wilderness made him hesitant to venture into the bustling town nearby.

The prospect of engaging with people, most of whom he found vexatious, seemed unappealing in comparison.

He had grown to cherish the tranquility and untarnished beauty of undisturbed nature, finding solace in its simplicity.

Although nature wasn't always adorned with flowers and rainbows, the presence of its inherent laws provided a sense of order and purpose.

It was this understanding that brought Ginryu a sense of harmony, a belief that everything happened for a reason within the boundaries of nature's design.

"Hmm, please stop, Yin," Ginryu scolded the mischievous tiger cub. Yin had poked her head out of the bag and started nibbling on Ginryu's hair.

He had given her the name Yin because she was female and her fur turned white with black stripes after she ingested his blood daily.

On the other hand, Yang, the other tiger cub, was male and his fur changed to black with white patterned stripes.

In contrast, the bear cub didn't undergo noticeable changes. Being a brown bear, its fur remained brown and had a glossy appearance.

The only noteworthy transformation was its eyes, which had a cartoon-like appearance, making it look cuter and slightly bigger.

Upon hearing Ginryu's scolding, Yin hastily retreated into the bag. However, following suit, Yang decided to pop his head out and continued the playful game of nibbling on Ginryu's hair.

The tiger cubs seemed to have turned it into a game, delighting in popping in and out of the bag to nibble on his hair.

"Sigh, just stay put, okay?" Ginryu uttered in defeat, finally offering them some dried meat to keep them busy.

The only one who remained calm and undisturbed was Tora, the third cub. He didn't bother Ginryu as much as the others but possessed an unusual level of cuteness.

Their bond was a peculiar blend of affection and amusement—each cub displaying their distinct personality traits and bringing joy to Ginryu's otherwise solitary existence.

As the hours slipped away, the tiger cubs eventually settled down for their daily repose, while the summer sun reached its zenith, casting a scorching heat upon the land.

Ginryu retrieved a simple straw hat from his inventory and placed it atop his head, not necessarily to combat the warmth but rather for the aesthetic it provided.

Soon, Ginryu reached the outskirts of the town. While it would have taken an average person a considerably long amount of time to cover the distance, Ginryu managed to arrive by late noon.

Knowing that he didn't have any usable currency with him, he hurried to reach the town before the market closed for the day.

However, Ginryu was aware that his physical features, which he couldn't change despite his efforts, would attract unwanted attention.

According to Lucia, his AI companion, these traits were inherited from his parents and couldn't be changed.

With his silver hair, blue eyes, and dark skin, Ginryu had no choice but to accept that he couldn't modify these distinctive qualities to easily blend in.

As he approached the town gate, a guard intercepted Ginryu, raising his weapon cautiously. "Halt! State your identity," the guard demanded.

"I go by Ginryu, a traveler," he introduced himself, deciding against claiming to be a merchant, as they were often looked down upon.

"What is your business in this town?" the guard inquired, suspicion evident in his voice.

"I'm here to sell my wares and rest for the night before continuing my journey," Ginryu replied, presenting the animal hides he planned to sell for currency.

He had anticipated encountering such situations, so he remained calm and composed.

"I see. I'll be taking some of these," the guard asserted, taking some of the deer hides Ginryu had presented. Ginryu chose not to protest and simply allowed it to happen.

"You may proceed, but I'll be keeping an eye on you," the guard warned before granting Ginryu passage.

Ginryu entered the town, contemplating the fact that the guard, who seemed wary of him due to his appearance, didn't bother searching his bag.

He had expected more complications bringing the cubs into town, but luckily, things had worked out in his favor thus far.

Once inside the town, Ginryu made his way to the market to sell the hides he had brought with him.

With the sun beginning to set, he noticed that the market was closing soon, urging him to expedite his sales.

During the trade, he discovered that the official currency used in the area was the "mon."

Coins denominated in mon were cast in copper or iron and circulated alongside silver and gold ingots.

The currency system was based on shu, bu, and Ryo, with 4000 mon equating to 16 shu, 16 shu equaling 4 bu, and 4 bu being equivalent to 1 Ryo.

With money in hand from the successful sales, Ginryu managed to secure accommodations at an inn for the evening.

Though he only planned to stay temporarily, he was uncertain how to find or contact the Ubuyashiki clan.

Consequently, he decided to head towards Mount Fujikasane, a location he remembered from the demon slayer series.

He speculated that he might come across someone from the clan in that area, making his chances of connecting with a demon slayer higher compared to randomly stumbling upon one in a village.

Ginryu couldn't help but worry about the strangely docile behavior of the cubs ever since he entered the town. However, he found solace in the fact that they weren't causing any trouble.

A/N: I have no idea the point of this chapter too. (-_-)

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on pat3on and donate.

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