
Journey Through Fictional Realities.

In the realm of ordinary mortals, an unassuming man met a tragic end. Little did he know that his fate would take an unexpected turn. He was reincarnated in a different world, a new world that looked ordinary at first. Initially, our protagonist led an unremarkable existence, simply trying to adapt to his newfound surroundings. He grew accustomed to the customs, the people, and the era. Days turned into months, and months turned into years as he embraced the simplicity of his ordinary life. But as fate would have it, tragedy struck once again. An event unfolded, uncovering a hidden power within the depths of his being. As his world crumbled around him, he stood amidst the chaos, transformed by a force he never knew existed. Join the mc on his journey through varies fictional realities to grow in strength, make friends, find love and discover the secrets that surround him and his mysterious clan. A/N: Will update 3 chapters per week. Feel free to check out my pat3on to read up to 15 chapters ahead and donate. Hungrymushroom. View the tags before reading. First world is a Mix between Oda Nobuna no Yabou, Samurai X and Demon slayer for those wondering.

HungryMushroom · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 10

It was just another ordinary day in the quaint village, and Ginryu was returning home from another successful hunting trip in the dense mountain forest.

The villagers had mixed opinions about his actions, as they found it either commendable or bizarre that a 10-year-old boy could accomplish something that even adult hunters found challenging.

Adding to their intrigue was the fact that Ginryu was different from them; he lacked the general black hair and eyes that were common in the village.

Being a foreigner only further fuelled the sense of alienation that he felt, resulting in only a handful of people still interacting with him.

Initially, this sense of isolation was not so apparent to Ginryu when his beloved grandfather, Ryuu, was alive.

However, ever since his grandfather's passing, Ginryu started to notice these subtle differences in treatment.

Upon returning from his hunt, Ginryu made his way to the local butcher to sell his catch and collect the payment. He then continued to the village market.

Despite the winter setting in, people still needed their daily supplies, and Ginryu had become accustomed to this routine - waking up early, tending to his sick grandmother, venturing into the forest to forage, returning to sell his goods, heading out to hunt once again, and finally returning home to end his day.

While navigating the bustling market, Ginryu's attention was suddenly drawn to a peculiar item being peddled by a merchant who had recently decided to stop by and sell his wares in the village.

Such occurrences were not uncommon, as it was not rare for merchants to come and go around this time. Fixated on the item, Ginryu couldn't help but wonder if it could be what he thought it was.

Lost in his thoughts, he heard the merchant's voice calling out to him, "Are you interested in buying something, kid?"

Ginryu snapped back to reality and inquired, "Yeah, but what is this item, and where did you get it?"

The merchant replied, "I obtained it from a friend who is also a merchant. It's a rare coloured Spider Lily. How about I sell it to you for this price?" The merchant gestured with his fingers, indicating the amount.

Ginryu's heart raced as he contemplated the significance of this find. If the flower truly was the Blue Spider Lily, it held great importance in the world he believed he currently resided in - the world of Demon Slayer.

The potential danger that lurked if this was indeed the case weighed heavily on his mind. Aware of his limited budget, Ginryu knew he couldn't afford to waste a substantial sum on something that might be a mere imitation.

"It's just a rare flower," Ginryu countered, attempting to negotiate a lower price. "How about this much?" Ginryu offered.

"My sick grandmother has a particular fondness for rare flowers," Ginryu added, hoping to strike a compassionate chord within the merchant. The merchant donned a contemplative posture, taking a moment to consider Ginryu's offer.

Finally, he replied with a sigh, "You drive a hard bargain, kid. I will sell it to you at that price."

"Thank you," Ginryu said gratefully as he clutched the precious flower in his hands. With trepidation, he carried it back home, the weight of its potential implications and dangers bearing down on him.

Once safely back in his humble abode, Ginryu carefully stored the flower in a jar and filled it with water. As he did so, his mind raced with uncertainty.

"I haven't heard any rumours about demons roaming around. What should I do?" Ginryu muttered to himself. Though he now possessed what could be the Blue Spider Lily, he had no clue how to use it.

The mere fact that he held this flower in his possession felt like an immense burden, as it meant he had already interfered with the story's timeline.

If the main villain, Kibutsuji Muzan, somehow obtained the flower because of him, it would be his fault if the entire world narrative is unraveled and changed.

In an attempt to clear his mind, Ginryu slapped his own face gently. "It's all just speculation," he reaffirmed to himself.

He knew that he needed to take some form of action, but first, he needed to gather his thoughts.

Placing the jar with the flower at a safe distance, Ginryu made his way to the kitchen, preparing dinner for himself and his sick grandmother.

Though the uncertainty of the circumstances lingered, Ginryu reassured himself that he would find a way to navigate the situation and face whatever challenges lay ahead.


A week after Ginryu had acquired the exquisite blue spider lily, an unexpected snowstorm enveloped the village.

The weather was so severe that everyone in the village remained huddled in their homes, seeking warmth and shelter from the biting cold.

As Ginryu gazed into the crackling fire, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. "Sigh, luckily I stocked up on food long before deep winter," he muttered to himself.

He knew that being well-prepared was crucial, especially now that he had to take care of his grandmother through the harsh winter months.

Feeling that it was time for his grandmother to eat, Ginryu mustered the strength to rise from the floor and gathered some food for her to eat.

After feeding her, Chise, his grandmother, weakly muttered, "Gin, I am sorry about this." She could sense her impending death, as old age took its toll on her frail body.

Despite her desperation to hold on for Ginryu's sake, she knew that she couldn't overcome the inevitable.

"It's no problem, Grandma. You will get better this coming spring. I have saved up enough money to call a doctor from the big city," Ginryu assured her, although deep down, he knew that even if he could save her, it would only grant her a few short years due to her advanced age.

But those few precious years were enough for her to find peace and resolve her regret towards her son, Ryuunosuke.

Ginryu understood that his grandmother never truly hated her son. It was in a fit of rage that they had left things in a bad way. Chise, overcome with emotion, struggled to speak amidst a coughing fit.

"No, I know my body well. I will not make it," she managed to say.

"Shhh, rest now, Grandma. Don't think such things," Ginryu replied hesitantly, his voice laced with sadness.

He understood her acceptance of her fate, but it didn't take away the pain he felt at the impending loss.

"Listen, if you ever see my son again, tell him that I forgive him," Chise squeezed out before falling back into a deep sleep.

Ginryu returned to the kitchen, feeling a mixture of emotions. 'At least she ate everything,' he thought, as he cleaned up.

He had saved most of the rice for Chise, using meat as sustenance for himself. With the winter season, it was somewhat easier to store meat.

That night, despite the heaviness in his heart, Ginryu found solace in a peaceful sleep. In a peculiar dream, Chise cradled his head in her lap, gently caressing him to sleep, just as she used to when he was younger.

He could almost feel the warmth of her touch, transporting him back to those blissful years.

"Be happy, take care of yourself and have a large family. I will be watching and praying for your happiness my precious grandson 'Ginryu'. " Chise whispered in the dream.

Her face radiated with happiness and tranquility, bringing him a sense of comfort he hadn't felt in years.

It was the best sleep he had since losing his grandfather five years ago.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ginryu woke up the next morning, feeling surprisingly good. He prepared breakfast for Chise as he had done every day, unaware of the profound change that had occurred in the night.

When he placed his hand on her, he felt a chilling coldness that confirmed his fears. She had passed away in her sleep, her face adorned with a serene and beautiful smile.

"So even you left me, too, huh," Ginryu muttered, a flood of emotions overwhelming him. Amidst the mixture of grief, regret, and sorrow, he questioned himself.

"Should I have fed her the blue spider lily? Could it have saved her?" Despite knowing that the flower possessed medicinal properties, his lack of medical knowledge left him uncertain of the potential consequences.

Perhaps it could have healed her, but it could have equally turned her into a demon.

Tears streamed down his face, his heart weighed down by the pain he had anticipated since he was five years old.

He had thought that he had prepared himself emotionally for this moment, but the magnitude of his loss was far greater than he had anticipated.

In that moment, he remembered Chise's words from the dream and made a resolute decision. He wiped his tear-stained face and vowed to be happy.

Despite his initial plan to leave the village after her death, he still knew that the world wasn't a place where a 10 year old could roam freely.

He still had a few friends and acquaintances in the village so he changed his plans to travel when he was 15 years of age.

"Rest in peace, Grandma," Ginryu whispered, finding comfort in the memories they had shared. Little did he know that during this winter a great calamity was about to descend on his little village.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on pat3on and donate.

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