A second chance at life… A chance to be powerful… Liam isn’t sure how he woke up in a fictional universe nor is he completely sure why it happened for that matter. Though it may seem to be an arduous task, he’d do his damn best to enjoy this new life.
[You have killed a Hero Faction candidate! You have offended the Hero Faction!]
He was honestly confused as to what was going on. 'Hero Faction…what the hell is that?'
As usual, he was met with silence. He couldn't think of anything else other than the fact that there apparently was a whole faction of reincarnated people.
'That is troublesome.' He thought with a frown.
He began thinking back to his interactions with people as far back as he could remember. With the possibility that there could be another reincarnator lurking around, he had to be even more careful than before.
Though there wasn't anybody who struck him as odd or weird…so far.
Narrowing his eyes, he turned his attention to the still skewered but steaming Cart Titan. Quickly making his way towards it, he found a black haired female attempting to free herself from the ice.
A large part of it was still stuck in her stomach, slowly steaming as she struggled.
She had witnessed his abilities and because of that, she was going to die. He couldn't let them become known just yet.
Though hers and Zeke's titan would end up transferring to a random baby, he'd be done with the titan problem before they could do anything important.
His palm lit up in flames, the heat drawing Pieck's attention to him.
"Please! No!" She begged but was ignored as he let loose a stream of flames, engulfing her form in those flames.
Her screams only increased as the fire continued to burn until eventually, only ashes remained.
[You have leveled up!]
He barely looked at the notification, turning to the village which was filled with unconscious people laying on the floor.
The gas canisters with Zeke's spinal fluid were empty but it didn't matter anymore. The gas canisters that Liam dropped before engaging Zeke was filled with the 'Titan Cure'.
'It should quickly undo the paralysis effect of Zeke spinal fluid.' He waited until the cure had spread through the entire village before picking up all the canisters and storing them in his inventory.
He was the only one who knew how to make the cure so he couldn't leave any trace of his activities here.
The bodies of the Beast and Cart Titan had quickly dissipated in steam, the heat in the air still present. The only evidence of fight left were the scorch marks on the ground but it wasn't like he could do anything about that.
Downing an invisibility potion, he disappeared with a soft pop, appearing at the top of the Survey Corp headquarters.
He almost whistled at the scene he came to. The survey corp soldiers stood with their weapons ready some distance behind the Attack, Female and Armored titans.
In front of those three titans were the steaming bodies of the titans that were once attempting to attack them. The blood stained ground was slowly returning to its usual look as the titan blood steamed off.
'Having three titan shifters on this side makes things like these much easier.' He thought before shifting his attention to the soldiers.
He saw his clone standing beside a relieved Krista and a fuming Ymir standing a few feet behind them. 'I guess I should speed up my plans a bit.'
It would take a few hours for word to get to the garrison and the other military forces about the titans so the scouts had to begin immediately.
The orders were given to move in the direction from which the titans approached to ascertain the exact location of the wall breach.
With Ragako being in the same direction, some of the soldiers were split into a group to evacuate the citizens. By this time, Liam had already switched back with his clone.
He watched Connie's devastated expression as they reached Ragako village…or at least what was left of it.
The village was in ruins with large footsteps on the ground and the buildings destroyed. What caught Liam's attention was the pile of bloody flattened corpses that rested where the horses were supposed to be.
'Titans usually ignore horses which means that Zeke is personally responsible for this. With him knowing the plot, it was most likely an attempt to reduce the supply of horses the soldiers could use.' Liam thought as he and the scouts moved around the village.
"My house…my house!" He heard Connie mutter as he rushed in the direction of his house.
They couldn't spare manpower so besides he and Connie, there were only three other soldiers, both of whom stayed silent in consideration for Connie.
They split off to search the village for anyone or anything that could possibly still be present. Lazily moving around for a while, Liam circled back to Connie's location, finding the boy standing in front of his house with a shocked expression.
On top of the partially destroyed house was a blonde titan laying on its back, unmoving. Its body was disproportional, with its arms and legs being incredibly small and thin skinned.
He saw the realization settle on Connie's face. The scouts were now all aware that humans could be turned into titans so seeing a female titan where his house was supposed to be with facial features somewhat similar to his mother's, Connie nearly fell to his knees in shock.
Just then, two of the other three soldiers arrived behind them. "Did you find any bodies?" One of them asked.
Liam and the other man shook their heads, causing the man to grit his teeth. "Titans invade and there aren't any bodies or blood?" He asked rhetorically as they too realized what happened.
"M-mom…" Connie muttered, still in a state of shock. "D-dad, Sunny, Martin…I'm s-sorry."
He could easily turn the woman back to human but it was unnecessary at the moment seeing as how they hadn't revealed yet that they were able to 'cure' the titans. He also didn't turn her to normal immediately because he wanted the pain to set in properly.
When he eventually 'cures' the woman, he would have Connie's immense gratitude and, knowing how the boy was, possibly loyalty. Though he didn't need Connie, it was nice to have another pawn to move on the board.
"Captain, I found something!" The last soldier called out some distance away, drawing their attention.
The soldiers, with the exception of Connie, ran in his direction to see what he had found.
"What the? How?!" The captain questioned in shock at what they were seeing.
On the floor in front of them was the unmoving body of a blond, bearded man with his upper body bare. On the ground beside his face were shattered glasses.
"He's dead sir. I found this in his hand." The soldier said, holding up a gas canister to the captain.
Liam held in the smirk that threatened to emerge. Before he burnt Zeke to ashes, he had pulled off a handful of hair. He needed someone to take the fall for this incident and chose Zeke seeing as how he was the one to actually cause it.
He had improved his attempts at a polyjuice potion, managing to make a permanently lasting one…at least it was permanently until taking the potion antidote.
One of the corpses in his inventory finally found use as after pouring the potion mixed with Zeke's hair into them, they were transformed into Zeke's appearance. A health potion closed up the wounds but didn't bring it back to life.
Annie would surely recognize him as well as his ability to turn Eldians into titans. If the walls were inspected and no holes were found, suspicions of a traitor/spy would grow within the walls now that they were aware that titans were once humans.
And with Liam being the only one who knew how to make the serums, suspicion would majorly be thrown his way.
Zeke's 'body' would give them a target and quell any possible suspicions for the moment.
'You were finally useful, even if it was after death.' Liam thought, watching as the captain frowned in thought.
-[Underground Chapel]-
The cave was now properly organized with tables filled with the equipment Liam used for alchemy as well as ingredients.
Some furniture was brought into the cave to make it habitable for long periods. As easy as it would be to make furniture from ice, he'd rather enjoy the real thing.
Liam's ice clones walked about, fulfilling various tasks. One was at the alchemy table, making a stock of potions while another one was at a table at the other side, putting together gas canisters filled with either his titan serum or the titan cure.
At that moment, a pop sounded as another clone teleported in, holding an unconscious man in its hands.
The man had short black hair and wore a military police uniform, a bruise on his face from when the clone knocked him out.
Djel Sannes, a soldier of the interior police who was extremely loyal to the king. The man was extremely unlucky as Liam had chosen him to use for his plans.
The real Liam may be outside keeping up appearances but that didn't mean he was idle in the slightest.