
Journey Starts from SAO

For every 100 power stones you bestow, I will reward you with a bonus chapter. ............................................... Arthur awoke in the immersive world of Sword Art Online, but his journey took an unexpected turn when he unlocked a proficiency system, granting him unparalleled mastery over skills. With his swordsmanship already at the pinnacle of LV7, Arthur embarked on an adventure where each level-up could grant him abilities from across anime realms. As he navigated through various anime worlds, facing formidable foes like the One-Eyed Owl, Arthur realized he possessed an extraordinary system beyond his wildest dreams. Prepare for a thrilling multi-world odyssey where Sword Art Online meets the fiery intensity of Tokyo Ghoul, seamlessly blending virtual reality and daily life into an unforgettable saga of power, prowess, and peril. ................................ If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498. Hey everyone, Thanks for checking out this translated novel! Just a heads up, I’ve done a lot of editing on this version. I’ve removed some toxic stuff and made the story more positive overall. I’ve also made some big changes to the story itself. So, if you’re familiar with the original, don’t expect this to be exactly the same. There will be new twists, different character developments, and maybe even a different ending. My aim is to make the story better and more enjoyable for a wider audience. So, while you might recognize the basic plot, expect some surprises along the way. I hope you enjoy this revamped version as much as I enjoyed working on it! Thanks for your support and happy reading! Original Novel:刀剑神域之老子是挂逼

LORD_INDRA_ · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 6 Pain of poor

Although Kayaba kidnapped ten thousand players into Aincrad, it was apparent that he didn't just abandon them to their own devices. After all, he had marked some high-level areas on the map. After all, he kidnapped ten thousand players to fulfill his childhood dream. If all the players died, what would be the point of fulfilling his dream?

At this moment, Arthur was heading towards one of the high-level areas marked on the map.

Although there were supply issues, the first floor was quite large, so there were villages in some wilderness areas where players could rest and resupply.

As he traveled northwest, Arthur happened to discover a village on the outskirts of the forest area. This time, he intended to level up and increase his proficiency, so resupplying midway was essential.

So Arthur stopped his steps toward the forest and instead entered the village. Perhaps this was a village that hadn't been discovered by other players yet, or perhaps the players who had come to rest here had already left. Therefore, when Arthur arrived at the village, he didn't find a single player; only some NPCs were walking around according to the set program.

According to the signs on the houses, Arthur came to the pharmacy in this village. After looking at the exorbitant prices of the recovery crystals, he swallowed hard. Looking at the amount of Cor he had now, it seemed that he couldn't buy many, but just to be safe, he still bought two recovery crystals.

Then, he bought several crystals that could remove abnormal statuses. After all, there were many monsters in the forest area that could cause abnormal statuses. After spending half of his Cor, Arthur left the pharmacy.

Next, Arthur came to the tavern in the village. Although it was called a tavern, it also sold food, and Arthur wanted to try the taste of the drinks in the game.

Arriving at the tavern, there were only a few tavern NPCs busy inside, and there was no one else present. Arthur casually chose a seat, and the next moment, the NPC responsible for serving in the tavern appeared next to Arthur.

"!!!" Arthur looked at the NPC that appeared beside him like a ghost, his mouth twitching.

After ordering a steak and a mug of beer, Arthur stopped his slightly trembling fingers. It was because the food here was too expensive. When he was in the Starting Town, he had visited the tavern there, but the food prices there were only half of the prices here! Indeed,Kayaba, as a capitalist, was well-versed in the ways of the unscrupulous merchant.

But fortunately, it was still worth it. After tasting the beef from the tavern, Arthur's face showed a satisfied smile. After drinking another sip of beer, Arthur completely let go of himself.

An hour later, when Arthur walked out of the tavern with a flushed face, the Cor that was originally abundant on him had already bottomed out. He regretted slapping his cheeks and bought a few stale breads with the few Cor he had left. Yes, this was one of the new player gifts given by Kyaba to all players!

Originally, he thought he wouldn't eat this kind of food that even pigs wouldn't care about anymore, but unexpectedly... indulging in food and drink is a momentary pleasure, but the Cor incineration yard, ah.

Arthur looked back at the tavern behind him with hatred, made an international gesture towards it, and then walked towards the forest area outside the village.

The forest area was already considered a relatively dangerous area on the first floor. At this stage, except for some closed beta players, ordinary players would not set foot here. Naturally, Arthur was extremely cautious. As soon as he entered the forest, he drew his single-handed sword from his waist.

Following the path, Arthur entered the forest.

Not mentioning the potential dangers in the forest, the scenery in the forest was still very beautiful. After all, Maoya Akira was a perfect idealist. Since he decided to do it, he naturally strived to do his best. Under his paranoid thoughts, the scenery of Aincrad could be said to be a beauty that reality could not replicate.

However, although the scenery in front of him was beautiful, Arthur wouldn't stop because of it, nor would he relax his attention, after all, this game could kill people.

After walking for a while, Arthur didn't encounter a single monster, which made him frown. This was a forest, not the plains around the Starting Town. How could there be so few monsters here if they weren't cleared in a short time?

So, maybe someone else got there first. Arthur narrowed his eyes, and his pace quickened.

Five minutes later, Arthur indeed heard the sound of fighting ahead. He tightly gripped the single-handed sword in his hand and slowly approached.

Pushing aside the bushes in front of him, Arthur squinted, and before his eyes appeared an endless number of monsters. A petite figure in the midst of this terrifying tide of monsters was like a floating duckweed, in danger of being overturned at any moment.

Arthur wanted to see clearly who was surrounded by the monsters, but unfortunately, that person was also wearing the same cloak as the girl he had met before, making Arthur itch with hatred. You people, all like to pretend to be mysterious, huh?!

Should he intervene or not? Arthur hesitated as he held the single-handed sword. He instantly understood that this was a trap after seeing the opened treasure chest not far away. He remembered that Kayaba, in order to restrict closed beta players in the early stages of the game, deliberately changed some settings from the closed beta period, such as the refresh point of treasure chests or directly turning treasure chests into traps, and even changing the skills of the bosses cleared during the closed beta period.

And the situation in front of him was very obvious.


If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498.