
journey of

The Record of the Story And journey of a certain man facing adversities along the way making both acquaintances and enemies alike.

A_dazed_shroom · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Start Of The Journey

Inside an old building lies a sleeping child with a pale white skin and ashen black hair that reached it's shoulders in lenght wearing only but an oversized white t-shirt that reached to it's knees and a dark underwear, despite looking like a little girl because of it's pale complexion and small body it was infact a little boy with it's eyes closed sleeping peacefully on a bed inside an old and dilapidated house. As the night fell and the sky began to brighten up, the child's eyes began to flicker as he slowly began showing signs of waking up.

(Perspective switch)...

Waking up I rubbed my eyes as I slowly got out from bed. It has already been three days since I first woke up in this run down building, at first I was disturbed and confused as to why I woke up inside an old building but throughout the three nights I spent inside this building I slowly grew to accept it. If in had to point out another strange occurrence other than waking up inside this building it is that I have no memories or recollection of what I did before I woke up but strangely enough I do have memories of learning things before except that they are muddy and takes a few minutes of mental exercise to remember and everytime I tried to remember a splitting headache would assault my head causing me immense pain but because of that I did remember a couple of things first of is that I was running away from something and took shelter here and that I am somewhere at the eastern side of the continent.

During my stay here I found out a couple of things, like there are ghouls constantly roaming around the streets so I figured out that must've been what I was running away from and that I can read books! Because of that discovery I had no problem idling around here for 3 days. But I didn't just stay idle during those three days I walked around inside the house t look for stuff, in one of the rooms I found a library where I found out that I could read the text written on the paper... Well you might say that's something noone should be surprised about but considering that I only have very little memories that I can remember it came as a pleasant surprise, the next room I found was the kitchen I know from my memory that people used to cook foods here to be eaten when they were hungry but strangely enough I didnt feel too much hunger even though I haven't eaten a single thing after I woke up three days ago but that didn't mean I wasn't hungry or anything so I searched around the kitchen for something to eat. And eventually after searching for a few minutes I found food! Though as you'd expect the state of the food wasn't something that could be safely used for human consumption, well it would be a lie if I said that I didn't get my hopes up. Moving on I also found a storage room? Yeah something similar at least since I found a dagger stuck on the wooden wall,a backpack lying on the ground and a notebook placed on top of the table.

The book peeked my curiosity so I opened it and began to read the texts written on the pages, Entry No.1 "Hello I'm Kersett, my friends told me that I should write a diary but I don't know what to write in it..."

"Oh it's a diary not interested hah... I thought it was gonna be something interesting" Expressing my disappointment I continued to flip the pages of the diary.

Entry no.47 "I found a secret room in the library, it was hidden behind a bookshelf. Hehehe I'm gonna use that as my secret base then, oh just thinking about me having my own little secret fills me up with so much excitement."

A secret room? Now that's something interesting, wanting to find out more about the secret I flipped through the next page of the diary.

Entry no.48 "I'm gonna go explore the secret room tonight when my parents are asleep so that they won't scold me hehehehe."

"Wait that's it?" I murmured in confusion.

Flipping through the next page of the diary as I looked forward to reading the next entry I was met with a blank page.Confused thinking that the writer must've skipped pages or something I flipped the remaining pages of the diary only to be disappointed.

The writer stopped writing after visiting that secret room that they found, maybe he didn't come back after entering that secret room? Maybe something held them captive or in the worst case scenario took their life... But there is also the possibility that the writer just stopped writing in the diary or switched to write in a new diary.


Well this is a bit unnerving but I should go and check the that hidden room, since the writer didn't specify where the secret room is other than them mentioning it was somewhere in the library. Since it's a hidden room or as the writer called it a secret room the entrance to it is probably hidden somewhere behind a trapdoor or behind a wall with some strange mechanisms attached to it, since the writer didn't write anything in the diary after going to explore the secret room I should be careful since there could be potential dangers lurking inside that room that caused the writer to disappear. Not only that but considering that there are ghouls lurking around the streets similar creatures might also be hiding inside the room so I should be wary and stay vigilant, since the writer explored the place at night and potentially didn't come back I should explore it during the day to avoid potential dangers lurking at night.

After some careful deliberation he decided to explore the library early in the morning...

Leaving the storage room he decided to take the bag and the sword that was hanging on the wall and proceeded to head back to the bedroom to take a rest, heading back to the bedroom he saw the bright moon through the holes on the roof and basked in it's light before lying down on the bed and taking a rest.


As the cold wind flowed through the broken window and inside the room, the boy fell into deep sleep without knowing what the future has in store for him.


As the night fell a new day started as the sun rose up proudly in the sky bestowing it's majestic light upon the ground, it was already morning...