
Journey of White Devil

(some problem came in personal life, as i will stop novel from time being, and dont't know when will i able to strat writing again) Su Hao comes to Tianluo Continent and for past ten years he lived alone as he cannot practice martial artist but then he met two peerless beautiful women injured he help them and as well get the way to practice martial artist and now he embarks on the journey. -------- This cover photo is get from internet not mine

Reany_Rex · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Test From White Women

Tianluo Continent, Wilderness Borderland

It's a riverside that's completely deserted, with no trees or life.

I had just finished my training and become the Low-Grade Physical Training Stage and this was the first step to towards becoming the saint

Right now we are in Wilderness Borderland, situated between the Last Fire Kingdom and the Mystique Water Kingdom.

Our aim is to reach the Last Fire Kingdom, which is located to the east of the Wilderness Borderland and to the west of the Mystique Water Kingdom. Mystique River is on the south side, while Last Fire Volcanoes is on the north side.

Me Situ Youoyu and Bing Lingying spent three days in Wilderness Borderland. We had no idea how long it would going to take to get the Last Fire Kingdom.

"This is it, Little Guy, congratulations to you for officially entering the world of Martial Artist " the White Devil Women said.

"Yes, this is awesome, I am... I am simply too happy right now," I said, my face beaming. I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

After I calmed down from my excitement, White Devil Women spoke

"Little Guy, now that you've entered the world of martial arts, there's a test from your master that you have to pass, are you ready?"

"Ahh... what really is the test, White Women?" I ask puzzled.

"Ohhh.... your test is.. just...Just conquer the Last Fire Kingdom,"

"Didn't you just thought about this test, Right" I mean, she stopped for a moment and then thought it. I'm very sure this White Woman just thought about taking this test.

"Yes, and whatever time I Thought about test, it doesn't matter because you have to conquer the Last Fire Kingdom and that is the 1st test and for your second test, we talk about it later"

"Just tell me you haven't thought about the second test yet."

"Yes, I still haven't thought about the second test...yet"

"You, White Women, are really honest women."

"Yes, I am the truly honest one, but my Little Guy, you must first pass the first test within 5 years."

Wow, What a master I got who randomly thinks about tests, but then again, tests are tests. As an end, we have five years to conquer The Last Fire Kingdom. We should first measure the Strength of the Last Fire Kingdom.

I sincerely hope there is no Infant Spirit Core Realm, because if there is, conquering this kingdom will be extremely difficult.

Since the world's strength is divided into four categories: mortal, immortal, gods, and saints, and we begin with mortal,

There are three divisions in Mortal. Physical Training, Muscle Altering, Bone Forging, Blood Moving, and Opening Meridians make the first division. For Second and Third Divisions we talk about it later

As of now, i am just Low-Grade Physical Training Stage, but because White Devil Spiritual Root is somewhat special it gives me the power of High-Grade Physical Training Stage.

And if I transform in the White Devil Form, I have power comparable to the Middle-Grade Muscle Altering, so it is a very powerful Spiritual Root, I get,

I believe that in just 5 years I will reach the Peak of Opening Meridians, making me the most powerful man in the Last Fire Kingdom if there isn't anyone in the Infant Spirit Core Realm.

Well, i am quite excited about conquering the Last Fire Kingdom,

Still, it going to take a lot planing and also have to build force,

let's go back to the cave where are we currently living, as for conquering the kingdom we think about that later,

-----Situ Youoyu

I'm standing at riverside, looking at my reflection in the water. My long black hair falls down my shoulders, my face is as white as snow with a small nose and red lips, and I have a Red Phoenix tattoo on the right side of my cheek. It's a tattoo of a Fire Phoenix.

Bing Lingying is currently living with Ice Phoenix Queen, who is helping her in her cultivation. However, some mysterious White Women appeared and decelerated herself as Su Hao master; that woman was totally white, and I couldn't even see her facial features.

She is suspicious, and I tell Su Hao about it, but he still allows White Women come inside his body, where she give Su Hao Spiritual Root and heal him of diseases that will probably going to kill him in two years.

Although this White Woman did nothing wrong, in fact, she saved the Su Hao, I still don't trust her completely.

Also, since that Su Hao and Bing Lingying have their masters to help them in their cultivation, the current Fire Phoenix Queen, said she would help me on my Cultivation.

Honestly, I don't really need her help till I reach Immortal since i was once a Immortal and also she is Phoenix, I don,t have Phoenix bloodline like Bing Lingying or any fire related talent.

My Spiritual Root is about Space, and I never really found anyone who is more better than me in Space Arts.

But Fire Phoenix gave me a Void Body Arts,

She said that she got this Art from Space Portal Police, aka SPP

This Void Body Arts is incomplete; I can only practise till I become immortal, but Fire Phoenix promised to give me entire Void Body Arts before I become immortal.

So I started practising this Void Body Art. This is the First Part is Mortal Void Body Art, divided into Three Layers like Mortal Three Divisions.

The First Layer of Mortal Void Art required that I start practising with Space Flower, and there's no way I'm going to find Space Flower in such a barren Borderland.

Still have to find this Space Flower at any cost since this Void Body Art makes my body immune to Space Force, which means that once I rip down the space, the space force will not harm my body, and I can easily travel millions of miles in seconds.

As a result, the Body Method is extremely valuable to me, and I am grateful to Fire Phoenix for giving me this Body Method.

Situ Youoyu don't know that this White woman is one who brought Su Hao here from the earth as she thinks why a stranger woman appears and wants to be Su Hao Master.

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