
Journey of The Spirit Dragon

Shen Xiao the main lead of the story, faces many hardships after his parents went missing. He and his sister losed everything after the property that left behind by his parents is acqired by other big families and they are betrayed by the subordinates of his father. He wanted to everything back and give them the same humilation that he and his sister suffered but he was to weak for that. Afters years of strugle he awakens his bloodline of the Spirit Dragon and steps on the path of cultivation. He is introduced to the world of cultivation that his hidden in another realm connected to Earth. His adventures leads him to know many secrets that are burried in the history of this planet. The Fate of universe lies in his hands as he is the Spirit Dragon whose name has vanished in the time. The ruler and protector of spirit races with a huge responsibility on his shoulder yet unaware of it. Follow Shen Xiao's journey to what lies ahead and how he overcome the hurdles in his journey.

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40 Chs

Meeting Yu Sisters

In side a hotel room at top floor a young man was standing wearing a mask and beside him a girl was standing and she also wore a similar wooden mask. There was nothing good about mask it just a plain wooden mask to cover their faces.

The young man then sat down on chair beside the window and that girl started massaging his shoulder like a maid.

The room of the door opened and two beautifull ladies entered the room they bith look twins as they almost similar in height and figure. Although they were in their late forties but their appearance was that of late twenties due to their cultivation in middle stage core formation realm. Both looked little nervous. When they entered Yu Huan eys lit up as she looked at Young man who was none other than Shen xiao and thd girl beside him was Qin yuan.

Shen Xiao also noticed her gaze. Suddenly time origin fairy appeared there as she said to him "Master scan that lady Yu huan"

He did as she said and her data appeared there


Name: Feng Ruxue

Age: 44

Race: human

Cultivation: middle stage of core formation realm


Veins: Water Profound Veins

Physique: yang devourer physique


Partner:-Ye Zhen and many more 


"What is Yang Devourer physique?" shen xiao asked 

"It a when a womens body produces large amount of impure yin energy and because of that person needs lot of yang energy to balance it, which causes a persons lust to go out of control. Because it it produce impure yin energy it needs more energy to purify it so that is why a persons cultivation also slowes down." time origin fairy explaind

"But it will be still usefull to you master as Yin qi prodced by her body is still a lot and it is already overflowing within her body. If you dual cultivate with them then you can definately reach core forrmation realm because her sisters yin qi is also quite potent. Moreoner, due to her physique she can also sense your pure and large yang qi. Your Yang qi can help her greatly to control her lust and blance her condition as it will help you even more. " She further explained and disappeared.

Yu sisters came inside the room and Shen Xiao asked them to sit in front of him. He looked up and down at them, he could say that they both were beauty coveted by people because they excluded a charm of cultivator. On the other hand they also sensed his and Qin yuan's cultivation which made them dispirited as qin yuan's cultivation was higher then them still she was standing as maid next to him.

"before we talk first lets seal their cultivation, idon't want any disturbance while talking." He said to qin yuan and she sealed their cultivation by supressing them as she has lived in jade realm a lot more them and was much stronger then both sisters, who only had cultivation but not experience as her and they were not able to put a fight against her. 

Their faces paled as were not able to sense their cultivation anymore. "why are you doing this to us and who are you?" yu hua mustered courage as she asked.

Before answering her question Shen xiao place his hands on their breast as he has already bought slave marks to plant on their souls and a black dragon symbol formed below their navel.

They wanted to move but they were restricted by qin yuan. "Now that slave marks have been planted on your souls so you can't betray me and can't divulge any information about me to anyone." as he said that he removed his mask

Both the women were devastated hearing about becoming slaves but when he removed his mask their expression turned to shock and they forget just what happened with them.

"So its you, Shen Xiao, no wonder you are doing this to us. Ye fan told us that you have become a cultivator but i didn't expect you make a move so soon." Yu hua said as she recognized him 

"you are very relaxed like you know everything that is going to happen" he asked

"What else can we do. we are already in your hands and we can only wait but i knew nothing good is going to happen if we stay nervous" she said, this was not the reason but she knew that Shen xiao was very kind hearted like his parents but she didn't knew that his bloodline is affecting him and he is not that kind anymore. On the otherhand Yu huan can not take his eyes of his face as she was completely fascinated by him and can't wait to pounce on him.

"Allright first lets start with question, I want to know why you guys betreyad my family and what do you know about their disappearance ." he asked, although many people told him including ruxue and uncle tang that they have nothing to do with their disappearance but he still has doubts in his heart.

"We have betreyad Shen family but we have nothing do with the disappearance of your family. Actually your parents were not the only one to disappear like this but your grandfather also disappeared without any trace few years before you were born. But the news of his disappearance has been suppressed because he was a strongest cultivator at that time."

Shen Xiao was surprised to hear that but he didn't know anything about his grandfather.

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