
Journey of The Spirit Dragon

Shen Xiao the main lead of the story, faces many hardships after his parents went missing. He and his sister losed everything after the property that left behind by his parents is acqired by other big families and they are betrayed by the subordinates of his father. He wanted to everything back and give them the same humilation that he and his sister suffered but he was to weak for that. Afters years of strugle he awakens his bloodline of the Spirit Dragon and steps on the path of cultivation. He is introduced to the world of cultivation that his hidden in another realm connected to Earth. His adventures leads him to know many secrets that are burried in the history of this planet. The Fate of universe lies in his hands as he is the Spirit Dragon whose name has vanished in the time. The ruler and protector of spirit races with a huge responsibility on his shoulder yet unaware of it. Follow Shen Xiao's journey to what lies ahead and how he overcome the hurdles in his journey.

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40 Chs

Core Formation Realm

After he felt that the effects of the pill has subsided he decided to cultivate and breakthrough. As his partners were also exhausted, they also needed proper rest and time to cultivate.

He left the palace and went to area of sacred tree, he sat cross legged under the and tried to form his core. With the amount of qi he gathered from dual cultivating it was easy for him to break the barrier of his cultivation. Now the most important part was to form the core. He didn't klnow how to do that. He was just doing what he was told by Qin Yuan.

Core is the base of our future cultivation and the are formed based on what element we have. There are very less people that have double element in jade realm but the core the formed will still be based on a single element, the moore dominant one.

He already has 10 of them but he doesn't know which is dominant for him as he only used during practice in last five days as he was still new to cultivation and he have not even decided on fighiting techniques that he will use in future. So, he decided to go with the flow.

As he was he concentrating something unexpected happened but he didn't show any reaction to that. Several origin fairies were watching him intently as 10 colors started gathering around him.

bright red represents the Fire element, clear blue represents the Water element, light green represents the Wind element, yellow represents the Earth element, dark green represents wood element, Snow white represents the Ice element, golden represents the Lightning element, pure white represents the Light element, Pitch black represents the Dark element, silver represents the void element.

All these elements were hovering on his head and he looked like a diety sitting and meditating. Slowly these colours started to materlize and became steadt as they formed into 10 different cores. These cores were gathering large amounts of qi from his body and from surrounfings as large vortexes were formed of energy that can be seen with naked eyes.

"If this phenomenon was to witnessed by any sane cultivator they will definately become insane. Everyone has one core but our master has formed 10 of them. Every core is of the best qualitly. Time slowly passed and this process cotinuted for 2 days untill these 10 cores were formed and all them were relatively large size compared to normal ones. 

After that all the cores started to form rays of light and his whole body was shinnig with different colours. All cores started to turning into rays as they started dissipating and gathering in front of him They started forming another core which was colourfull and contains every elemental colour.

This process lasted another 2 days, after it was done one can see a Qi core of the same size that of the first formed qi cores of different elements but the energy inside this one many times larger than previous ones.

"Finally he is done, now he just needs to stablize hi realm." said time origin fairy.

Core finally entered his body and he officialy reached at core formation realm. He did not get up but decided to cultivate as he needed to stabilize his realm as this is the most important realm in nine mortal realms to progress further. No one disturbed him in his cultivation and 6 days passed.

It has been 10 days since he ended his dual cultivation but few things changed during this period of time.

While he was in seclusion, Yu sisters returned to their house but they were little tensed as because of what they were going to do.

It was already evening and Ye Zhen arived back. As he sat down Ye sen asked "How was it? Are they going to help us?"

"I don't know as he replied very vaguely. He said he will be back in few days but i don't know if there is anything they can do. if they don't do they will have also to suffer losses because we can't pay them interests that we have promised them."

"Are there any new from your side?" Ye Zhen asked as he wanted to listen some good news.

Ye Sen felt little embarrassed at his gaze full of hope but then he collected himself and told what aspired when he was away. Instanlt the began shake from anger after he heard about him son. He wanted to find the culprit and torture him. He took some time to calm down as he was held back by his wife and brother. He was also shocked as listened about Shen Xiao and Feng Xing.

They both didn't have any clue but their wives were planning for them as they fully trusted them. Soon the night fell and they started planning about their moves.

Meridian rupturing pill can be given through food easily but not the other one as it can be found easily As they went to sleep they didn't notice that they were losing their cultivation slowly. Both of them wanted to have fun with their wives but they tactically ignored them. Most shocked was Ye Zhen as he had seen his wife saying no sex for the first time. Soon the night fell and they became unconcious due the effects of the pill. 

Taking this oportunity Yu huan and Yu hua gave them another pill that will make them devoid of having sex. Slowly they started showing signs of aging as they lost their cultivation. Both of them and collected everything they can including important documents and papers related to their works on earth.

It didn't took much time to reach at Qin yuan's house but they didn't find anyone as she was still cultivating in spirit space. When they reached there Mei arrived in front of her and collected everything as she already knew that they had completed their task, and complety ruined them. She has already deleted the photos and any proof of their escape from cctv.

"Ye family done for but their patriarch remains as he is still in Jade realm as he hardly comes out from there." Yu huan said. She was now completely devoted to shen xiao, after experiencing the pleasure of being with him. She did not regard her husband in the least but their was slight regret for her son Ye fan but their was nothing she could do at the moment, she was already Shen Xiao's Slave.

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