
Journey of the Last Saiyan

In an infinite multiverse, exists a realm of remarkable power, the Super Saiyan God Realm, home to divine warriors, the Super Saiyans. Their society is structured by strength, with Gula, a direct descendant of the Super Saiyan God, leading as the Division Captain. In this society, a low-born Saiyan, Cress, rose to become a leader through sheer determination, leading the efficient Delta Squad. Despite societal expectations, Gula and Cress fell in love, giving birth to a son, Orach, who exhibited a great power from a young age. Their peaceful life was shattered by a war. Cress, Gula, and their squads sacrificed themselves to ensure Orach’s survival. In death, Gula joined Cress in reincarnation while Orach landed in the DC universe, carrying his parent's legacy. Orach's journey spans across universes, shaping him into a warrior and influencing the Super Saiyan God lineage's destiny. In the DC Universe, Orach learned from the world's heroes, particularly the Justice League, despite disagreeing with their no-kill policy. Over time, Orach became a protector, growing stronger with each challenge. His parent's sacrifice served as his strength and motivation, pledging to honor their memory by living as a protector, warrior, and representative of the Saiyan race in the new universe. Orach's saga begins, a tale of a young Saiyan navigating life in a new universe, symbolizing the Saiyan race's enduring spirit and honoring his parent's legacy. ______________________ Point to note: ->No Zeno, Beerus or angels from DB universe ->This story blends Dragon Ball saga and cultivation concepts, featuring various realms. ->Saiyans can destroy planets only if they surpass or understand the system's primordial laws. ->Higher realms experience more destruction from forces like singularities due to the potency of these laws. Hence, mastery of these laws is as crucial as increasing the power levels.

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Chapter 66 - Timey Wimey Past - Part 2

"ARRGGH...I don't...know...what you're...talking about," Flash stammered, struggling to escape Orach's grip. He tried to use the Speed Force to phase out, but it was ineffective against Orach. He was genuinely clueless about what he had done to upset Orach.

Seeing the confusion in Flash's eyes and the faint remnants of the law of time, Orach began to realize that Flash had likely interacted with the primordial law of time inadvertently. Given the sensitive nature of the situation, Orach decided to take the conversation somewhere private. Before the rest of the heroes could intervene, Orach grabbed Flash and soared into the stratosphere, creating a sound isolation barrier with his Ki and allowing Flash time to breathe and process what was happening.

Looking down at the clouds and seeing no ground beneath his feet, Flash panicked. He screamed, "HOLY CRAP! ORACH, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID TO ANGER YOU, BUT PLEASE, DON'T KILL ME! I'LL MAKE AMENDS!"

"Stop talking! Have you time-traveled recently?" Orach asked. Flash's expression shifted from fear to shock and then to bewilderment. However, seeing the seriousness in Orach's face, he ignored Dr. Well's advice and nodded, saying, "Yes. But how did you know?"

With Flash's confirmation, Orach pressed further in a chilling tone, "Tell me EVERYTHING from the BEGINNING! DON'T LEAVE OUT ANY DETAILS!"

Flash, unnerved by the icy tone in Orach's voice, began to recount the events that had transpired. He described his confrontation with Mark Mardon, also known as the Weather Wizard, and the threat he posed. He shared how he almost lost Joe West, the man who raised him, in the chaos. A massive tidal wave threatened the city, forcing Flash to push his speed to the limit to counteract it.

In doing so, Flash unintentionally breached the space-time continuum, traveling back in time. He captured Mark before he could carry out his destructive plan, altering the original timeline.

Orach listened to Flash's account with calmness, his expression unreadable. Once Flash finished, Orach opened his eyes and said, "Never again! You WILL NOT time travel AT ANY COST! It's too dangerous, even in desperate situations. Unless I'm present, you're forbidden to do so. If you accidentally enter the time stream, find me immediately. The laws of time are not to be meddled with by those who don't fully understand them. Your unintentional time travel has damaged the time laws of this system. Fortunately, this was a minor violation, and I can fix it. If it were a major distortion, the consequences could've been catastrophic. Do you understand?"

Flash was taken aback by Orach's stern words, but he was more concerned about the fixes Orach mentioned. He asked anxiously, "Orach, will your fix undo my changes?" Orach, understanding Flash's concern, replied, "Just this once, I'll make the current timeline the main one. But remember, do not repeat this unless I deem it necessary and am there to help you avoid disaster."

Relieved, Flash agreed. He was shocked by the seriousness of his actions but understood Orach's point. Orach then said, "Now, I'll bring you back to the surface and fix the damage you caused. When I have time, I'll visit your city to study your Speed Force. Until then, don't discuss this incident with anyone. Understood?"

Flash nodded. Orach guided Flash back to the ground.Once Flash was safe, Orach returned to the stratosphere, leaving the rest of the league both confused and alarmed by his actions and Flash's refusal to reveal their discussion's details. They were informed that Orach was about to rectify a mistake Flash had made before the war, as a favor to them.

Despite their curiosity, they didn't press for details due to Flash's uncharacteristic seriousness. Just then, they noticed the sky slowly turning a crimson hue.

Orach POV

"I hoped to go to a separate pocket of space to try this form, but this will do," I grumbled, climbing higher. Upon reaching a suitable altitude, I steadied myself, closed my eyes, and calmed down. Unlike my Super Saiyan transformation, which needed an agitation of my bloodline, I was now exploring my inner realm. This is a space deep within all who have understood the primordial laws and follow the path of God Ki.

When I delved into my inner realm, my dormant God Ki awakened, illuminating the heart of my realm. In the center, a striking blue world with a red-hued sky, nestled in the hands of a large silhouette with folded wings, was revealed. As my consciousness explored this world, golden statues of my loved ones came into sight, from those I consider my siblings in the division to my family.

Surprisingly, among the statues of my family members, I found a new one, that of Diana. This caught me off guard, as our relationship had only recently begun and we were still in the early stages of getting to know each other. I was in the process of trying to understand the nature of the bond that initiated our relationship. As I moved towards the center, past my parents' statues, I noticed the statue of the God I worship, smiling gently at me. I knelt and bowed in respect and worship, then sat in the lotus position facing the idol. Until now, I have restrained my God Ki and only used a sliver. However, it's time to fully unleash it. As if a circuit had been completed, I fully reconnected with my God Ki.

My God Ki rejoiced, and I felt whole again as my inner realm synchronized with my consciousness. The silhouette's wings unfurled as my God Ki responded to my call, flowing freely through the realm and brightening it.

As I continued to tap into my God Ki, allowing it to course through my veins, my link with the primordial laws reactivated. Soon, a loud heartbeat resounded.

lub dub

I felt a warmth as my crimson aura began to envelop me.

End of POV

The clouds churned in response to this powerful, alien energy that painted the world's sky red. Orach's body became leaner, his eyes, hair, and tail fur turned crimson. For the first time, this lower realm was witnessing the emergence of a higher realm powerhouse. Orach then ascended into space, feeling the system's void and flexing his muscles as he felt his familiar power return. Without wasting more time, he released his aura from within.

His aura expanded, taking on a large form that resembled Orach. The inhabitants of Earth watched in a mix of horror and awe as the sky turned crimson and a giant silhouette appeared in space - a figure so large it could potentially hold Earth in its hand.

The figure reached out towards the system's yellow star. Using his understanding of the primordial law of time and his God Ki, he began repairing the damage, cementing the current events as the main timeline. During this process, he tapped into the river of time and witnessed another time law violation. He saw a speedster with red lightning attacking a home, battling another speedster, and ultimately killing a woman. He saw the speedster's power declining as he knelt. Though Orach only grasped pieces of these images, he decided to investigate further once his current task was complete.

As he repaired the system's damage, his aura spread throughout, startling all entities - Gods, Devils, and Demons alike. They looked towards Orach in shock, intrigue, and fear. His aura surpassed even the Godkings, attracting the attention of alien entities, including the new gods and the guardians of Oa.

Earth-LA LUX-Top Penthouse

Lucifer was enjoying whiskey and planning his time with his new acquaintance, 'The Detective'. Suddenly, he sensed something alarming. "Bloody Hell! What is that?" He exclaimed, observing the sky turn crimson and a giant figure appear in space. He recognized a trace of familiar energy. "Primal potential, I can accept, but that's pure unadulterated divinity...like dad's!" He was shocked.

"LUCIFER!" Mazikeen, his loyal subordinate and friend, rushed in. "Lucifer, do you feel that?" She was alarmed by the immense aura. Observing the figure in space, she was shocked. "Yes, I do. This is impossible! How can there be another entity with such power, besides mom and dad?" Lucifer exclaimed, shattering his whiskey glass in surprise. However, he soon regained his composure, noticing the divinity was repairing something. He ordered Mazikeen to discreetly investigate the source, and she agreed, swiftly leaving to begin her task.

"Well now, things just got interesting!" Lucifer mused, pouring himself a new glass of whiskey. "A new player has entered your precious little world, dad. I wonder how you'll react." He smirked, sipping his whiskey. "I would love to meet this new player and share a drink. Hahaha!" Lucifer returned to his jovial self.

Heaven - The Silver City

In the celestial realm, resided the powerful Archangel Amenadiel. His attention was drawn to Earth due to his brother, Lucifer's, extended stay there. Lucifer, the rebellious Morningstar, had neglected his duties in Hell to indulge in earthly pleasures.

Amenadiel was torn between concern for the mortal world and anger at his brother's irresponsibility. Amidst these emotions, he was devising strategies to return Lucifer to Hell.

Suddenly, he felt a shockwave of immense energy similar to their Father, 'The Presence'. The existence of such power in the mortal realm was alarming. This development led Amenadiel to put his mission on hold and prepare to descend onto Earth.

He intended to investigate this power discreetly, understand its origin, and intervene if necessary. As he descended, his mind was filled with apprehension about the potential repercussions this power could have on both the mortal world and Heaven. The answers remained undiscovered as Amenadiel journeyed towards Earth.

Mount Olympus

As soon as Orach's aura was detected on Mount Olympus, all the gods became alarmed. Hera and Athena had been closely monitoring the conflict and had seen Orach's actions first-hand. Although Hera had already known about Orach's god transformation from Diana's conversation with the higher realm Goddess, experiencing it was entirely different. The more she saw and felt this higher realm being's power, the more she desired peace.

"We must prevent all gods of Olympus, especially Hades, from causing any chaos in the mortal world at all costs," Hera said in a serious tone.

Athena, having witnessed Orach's power, wholeheartedly agreed.

Similar instructions were being given in other god pantheons of Earth that had felt this aura.

New Genesis

"How is this possible? A new god is born? How?" High-father asked from his throne, peering towards sector 2814.

"Father, really? A never-before-seen god has appeared?" His son, Orion, asked in a tone that was both surprised and excited.

"Yes, my son. But this level of power and source is new to me, which should be impossible. There should not have been another new source of divinity after the coming of the new gods. I wonder if this is an omen," High-father murmured in contemplation.

"Father, let me go and find out. I wish to see and hopefully challenge this god!" Orion said excitedly, his pride evident.

"No, you will not challenge him. You are only to observe. This power has surpassed mine," High-father said with concern.

"WHAT? Surpassed you? Now I am even more interested in seeing this god," Orion responded, a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

"Go, but be careful, my son," High-father said.

Orion bowed respectfully and went to get the coordinates of this new god.


On this fiery planet, a new god sat on his throne, listening to reports of his army's conquests and preparations to launch a counterattack on Earth in response to Steppenwolf's defeat.

Suddenly, he felt an unknown aura and looked in the direction it was coming from, narrowing his gaze.

"Master, is something the matter?" Granny Goodness asked, noticing the change in her master's expression.

Darkseid, her master, said nothing but turned his gaze back and instructed her to continue. However, in his mind, he was thinking, "Interesting."

Somewhere in space

The monstrous Saiyan warship was following the last telemetry data it had downloaded from the most recent buoy it had recovered. It was currently traveling at warp speed. Inside, the onboard AI was studying everything it could about the power source of the green lanterns.

After dissecting a few captured rings and healing the captured Green Lantern, it forced her to use her ring so it could observe and analyze her constructs. Initially, the Green Lantern tried using her constructs to escape but soon realized the futility of her efforts since the technology inside the ship couldn't be damaged by her constructs. Her hopes of rescue were diminishing and her will was slowly being broken. None of her constructs could harm the ship. So, under the AI's orders, all she could do was assist in its study of the ring's power.

Suddenly, an alert rang out, "SUPER SAIYAN GOD SIGNATURE DETECTED!"

"YOUNG MASTER!" the onboard AI exclaimed.

"ALERT: Disengaging Warp."

The ship gradually exited warp, coming to a complete halt before assessing the direction of the signature.

"Triangulating general direction telemetry," a second alert announced.

"Faint signature found. Making course correction," a subsequent alert added.

"Punch it!" the AI commanded.

"Engaging fusion drive. Going to warp," the final alert stated.

With the course corrected, the massive ship entered warp, moving steadily closer to its Young Master.

As Orach repaired the laws, he sensed many eyes focusing on him. His alien Ki would prevent anyone from pinpointing his exact location, but they could guess his general direction. Even though he was aware that his actions might attract some annoying individuals, he saw an opportunity to also attract the support ship.

Once he finished his repairs, he detected two life signatures on the barren planet, Earth inhabitants referred to as 'Mars'. Seeing their good nature, he decided to help them awaken and plant the idea of coming to Earth in their minds for a fresh start.

After stabilizing the current time laws and finishing his work, Orach reined in his aura and his colossal form disappeared from the system. He then descended to Earth. The clouds, sensing his presence, parted to create a clear path.

Earth-Metropolis- around the time Orach began tapping into his God Ki

Wonder Woman POV

"Beautiful!" I muttered in amazement as the sky turned crimson. When Orach ascended into the sky after dropping Barry to the ground, I felt my God Ki stir with excitement. Although Barry didn't reveal the content of his conversation with Orach, beyond stating that Orach was trying to rectify his mistake, witnessing the dramatic change in the Earth's sky and feeling my God Ki respond, I surmised that Orach had begun his transformation.

This was the first time I had sensed this kind of aura from Orach. It was both new and somewhat familiar. I had seen his Red God Ki before, but experiencing it in full force and feeling the unrestrained Ki for the first time was momentarily overwhelming. However, my own God Ki responded and stabilized me. I heard Barry and Hal shouting excitedly, pointing at the sky, "Oh my GOD! Is that Orach?"

Following their gaze, I saw an unforgettable sight. A large silhouette resembling Orach, composed of the purest God Ki I'd ever felt, had appeared. After observing the figure for a while, I felt my strength not only rapidly returning but also increasing.

Looking at those around me, I saw shock and horror on every face. Even the bravest soldiers were dropping to their knees. My Justice League comrades were fairing slightly better, none were kneeling, but their shocked expressions were unmistakable.

Suddenly, I heard Hal's surprised voice, "Wonder Woman, your hair... it's changed color!"

Hearing this, all of my comrades turned to look at me. Surprised, I checked and found that I had unknowingly transformed, and this wasn't Pseudo Super Saiyan God but a level higher! My hair had turned blackberry. Realizing this, I understood why I felt stronger. I quickly seized the moment, closing my eyes to immerse myself in this new state and current flow pattern of my God Ki. This experience would help me access this power independently after some training.

We soon heard a rumble, and upon opening my eyes, I witnessed another extraordinary scene. Although the giant Orach silhouette vanished, the sky split, forming a circular gap. Through this gap, a figure descended. I used my enhanced sight and saw a crimson-haired Orach. His body was leaner, and not just his hair, but his eyes and the fur on his tail had also turned crimson. His aura and eyes drew me in, and soon, my body began to feel warm.

Later, I was certain our eyes met. He seemed initially shocked when he saw me, his eyes wide and mouth slightly open. However, he quickly gave me a confused yet gentle smile. It occurred to me that this was Orach's first time seeing my transformation. I suppose my transformation truly surprised him. I couldn't help but return the smile. I speculated that this was his God form, as Mother Empress also has similar crimson features when she gets serious.

As he descended and gently landed, the moment his feet touched the ground and his aura connected with the earth, I saw small flowers and lush green grass sprouting beneath his feet. He then closed his eyes, and I felt his aura becoming restrained. From that point on, as he moved towards me, he didn't create any more flora. I realized that the growth of the patch of flora around him was because of the nature of his God Ki.

Just then Mother Empress, who had been quietly observing everything from her throne, stood up. She appeared before Orach and knelt, saying, "Welcome back, heir to the house of Gula, Super Saiyan God Orach!"

Orach smiled at Mother Empress, waved his hand, and responded, "Rise. You were made in my mother's image. You will never have to kneel to me."

Mother Empress smiled, stood up, and asked, "Understood, young master. How does it feel to be back in your God form?"

Upon hearing her words, I confirmed my guess - this was indeed Orach's God form.

Orach raised his arm and made a fist, seemingly checking his form's strength. He then said, "Feeling good, Mother. I finally feel like I'm back. However, I'm already starting to feel many eyes searching for me and the laws of the realm reacting to my presence. I doubt this realm can handle me in this form for long." He then turned to look at me.

Suddenly, he vanished, only to reappear in front of me, catching me by surprise. For a moment, he just stared into my eyes, and I could sense as well as see his confusion and curiosity through our connection and his expressions. He then gently touched my cheek with his right hand and caressed it lightly. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch, my body warming up and a desire to experience more of his caresses and his embrace stirring within me. I was amazed at the effect this man…my man, had on me.

Soon, his hand moved to brush my hair. As he ran his fingers through my strands, he asked, "My dear princess, how did you gain this ability to transform? Your eyes, your hair, the lightning crackling around you, and your surge in power level... they resemble a Super Saiyan Transformation. Yet, that's not quite right…you're using Ki... God Ki! Is this a variant of my Super Saiyan God transformation? How is it possible?"

I opened my eyes and smiled at him, drawing closer and running my hand through his now crimson hair. With a hint of mischief in my voice, I replied, "We have a lot to discuss. But let's talk after we leave here and go on a proper date. Are you up for it, mighty God Orach?" I grinned.

Orach smiled back, clasping the hand that had been stroking his hair and bringing it to his lips for a gentle kiss. "I look forward to our time together, my fair princess," he said.

His cheesy line made me chuckle, but I played along with a mischievous smile, "I look forward to it too, oh mighty God. But don't expect me to be won over that easily."

Orach and I shared a peaceful moment, smiling and looking into each other's eyes. However, our tranquility was interrupted by an awkward cough.