
Journey of the Last Saiyan

In an infinite multiverse, exists a realm of remarkable power, the Super Saiyan God Realm, home to divine warriors, the Super Saiyans. Their society is structured by strength, with Gula, a direct descendant of the Super Saiyan God, leading as the Division Captain. In this society, a low-born Saiyan, Cress, rose to become a leader through sheer determination, leading the efficient Delta Squad. Despite societal expectations, Gula and Cress fell in love, giving birth to a son, Orach, who exhibited a great power from a young age. Their peaceful life was shattered by a war. Cress, Gula, and their squads sacrificed themselves to ensure Orach’s survival. In death, Gula joined Cress in reincarnation while Orach landed in the DC universe, carrying his parent's legacy. Orach's journey spans across universes, shaping him into a warrior and influencing the Super Saiyan God lineage's destiny. In the DC Universe, Orach learned from the world's heroes, particularly the Justice League, despite disagreeing with their no-kill policy. Over time, Orach became a protector, growing stronger with each challenge. His parent's sacrifice served as his strength and motivation, pledging to honor their memory by living as a protector, warrior, and representative of the Saiyan race in the new universe. Orach's saga begins, a tale of a young Saiyan navigating life in a new universe, symbolizing the Saiyan race's enduring spirit and honoring his parent's legacy. ______________________ Point to note: ->No Zeno, Beerus or angels from DB universe ->This story blends Dragon Ball saga and cultivation concepts, featuring various realms. ->Saiyans can destroy planets only if they surpass or understand the system's primordial laws. ->Higher realms experience more destruction from forces like singularities due to the potency of these laws. Hence, mastery of these laws is as crucial as increasing the power levels.

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Chapter 63 - Unyielding General Kneels to None - Part 12

Time Rewind - In Space, a Saiyan pod was approaching Earth

Mother Empress's voice interrupted Orach's meditation. "Young Master, we're about to reach Earth," she announced.

Orach slowly opened his eyes, fixing his gaze on the planet they were rapidly approaching. Just then, an alert suddenly flashed across the ship's interface.

"ALERT: Gravitational anomaly detected. Shift in the planet's mass detected."

"ALERT: Source traced... Artificial source detected."

Prompted by the sudden alerts, Orach commanded, "Show me the location of the source."

"ALERT: Cross-referencing terrestrial maps... Location: AUSTRALIA."

Orach's eyes narrowed as he processed the data. "Just as I suspected, the planet is under attack again," he murmured. His mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation and plan his next move.

"Diana seems to be okay, judging by what I can sense through our bond. I should focus on this issue in Australia. I don't like the readings the system is starting to pick up. Mother Empress, adjust our course," he commanded, his voice filled with determination.

Mother Empress promptly acknowledged the command and adjusted their course towards Australia.

Meanwhile, Orach continued to scrutinize the incoming data from Earth. "These readings suggest... terraforming. This technology is altering the environment. So, it's an invasion with the goal of colonization with no room for coexistence. Mother Empress, run simulations based on the received readings," he commanded, his voice taking on a serious tone.

Mother Empress quickly set to work, and within a few seconds, she presented simulations showing the expected environment changes. Observing the simulated environmental shifts, Orach noted that the conditions were becoming increasingly inhospitable for humans.

"This technology is introducing unfavorable changes to the environment for the humans. If it's not stopped, the human population will perish," Orach concluded, his expression turning grave.

In truth, Orach hardly cared about the fate of most individuals on this world, save for two or three. The invading force belonged to the same realm, which led a part of him to believe this was a natural progression that he shouldn't interfere with. However, remembering his duty as a God branch Saiyan and recalling Diana's smiling face, he decided to intervene and assist in the world's defense.

"Young master, there is one more thing I would like to bring to your attention," said Mother Empress.

"What is it?" replied Orach.

"I've started receiving reports from the backdoor I left behind. As we approach Earth, I've been able to reconnect to it. You're right, young master, it's indeed an invasion. However, it's a different enemy than the one humans faced last time. They're being invaded by remnants of Krypton who arrived a few days ago. The enemy leader is someone named General Zod," reported Mother Empress.

"Kryptonian? Isn't that Clark's race?" pondered Orach.

"Yes, young master. These remnants attempted to recruit Clark to their side, but he refused. The enemy has lost three separate battles against the teams of the Justice League. Currently, the Kryptonians have launched a full-frontal invasion with Metropolis as their target. Majority of the Justice League members have already engaged the enemy and are holding their own. However, the main concern is the 'World Engine' the Kryptonians launched before they reached Metropolis. This 'World Engine' is the artificial source we detected. In response to this threat, Earth's forces have joined Victor and Arthur against the 'World Engine'. They're attacking it right now," Mother Empress then played a live audio feed of the comms from the site. After hearing about the ineffectiveness of the joint earth forces' assault and the subsequent recovery of the technology, Orach knew it was right to head there first.

"ALERT: Initiating atmospheric entry," the ship's system announced.

"ALERT: Entry successful. Switching to fusion drive and adjusting descent angle."

As the pod continued its descent, Mother Empress suddenly spoke, "Young Master, I have a suggestion."

Orach, focused on the task at hand, replied without diverting his eyes, "Hmm…what is it?"

"Why not use this opportunity to test out your Oozaru form in this lower realm?" Mother Empress suggested, her voice carrying a hint of mischief.

Orach raised an eyebrow at this unexpected proposition. After a moment of contemplation, he asked, "Who managed to get on your bad side, Mother?"

"…Young Master…it's the article by that little girl Lois Lane," Mother Empress confessed, her tone chilly. "I've been following the popularity of the article. There are many on this lower-level planet who believe they have the right to comment about the Saiyan race. It just leaves a bitter taste, knowing that we couldn't teach that girl and her followers a lesson since you promised Bruce to spare her your wrath." She paused, her gaze meeting Orach's. "I know you haven't read it and honestly, I don't want you to read that garbage. However, if we show this world a glimpse of your power against this threat, which their beloved weaponry couldn't harm, it would deliver a shocking reality check. It would show the people of this world that crossing you or bad-mouthing the Saiyan race is the quickest way to meet their end."

Orach, after digesting her words, pondered for a moment before ultimately agreeing. "Your point is valid, Mother. Plus, considering the size of that thing, testing the impact of my Oozaru form in this realm wouldn't be a bad call."

A triumphant smirk appeared on Mother Empress's face upon hearing Orach's agreement. "I'll prepare the projector," she said, her voice filled with anticipation. "Let's show this world the beautiful moon of Sadala and let them witness the primal power of an Oozaru."

As Orach's ship began its descent toward the location of the 'World Engine', Mother Empress executed their next step. She launched a Bultz wave projector into the Earth's orbit. The purpose of this device was to replicate the holographic image of the moon of Sadala and release potent Blutz waves.

Upon deployment, the projector unit expanded and began to emit light particles. After a minute, it manifested the image of the moon of Sadala in all its radiant glory. For the first time, some observers on Earth detected the presence of two moons in their skies, an occurrence that completely baffled them.

This sight of a large, full moon stirred the populace of Earth, igniting a flurry of confusion and awe. During this spectacle, Orach's ship arrived at a safe distance from the 'World Engine' and maintained its position in the sky above the clouds. Orach, after exiting the ship and standing on the opened hatch, slowly lifted his head to gaze at the familiar sight. "...It's still as beautiful as I remember it," he murmured after a moment of silently admiring the sight.

Suddenly, a rhythmic sound shook Orach, resonating through his body. His tail became active. He knew the transformation process had begun.

Lub dub…Lub dub…

The rhythm soon quickened.

Lub dub…Lub dub…Lub dub…

As the beats of his heart accelerated, a noticeable change swept over Orach. His form began to extend and expand, morphing into a being that started to dwarf his earlier stature. His body was cloaked in a dense layer of dark brown fur, and his features transformed to those of an ape - his hands and feet enlarging, his eyes glowing a fierce red, and his canines elongating into sharp, formidable teeth.

Orach, now towering in the moonlit sky, completed his transformation. He let out a bone-chilling roar, a powerful declaration of his colossal form's arrival. The roar echoed across the sky, filled with primal energy. After a moment, he managed to regain control from the primal urges brought about by his transformation.

Mother Empress, who had materialized a human-sized hologram in front of the Oozaru's face, asked, "Young Master, how does it feel to transform in this realm?"

Orach made a fist and flexed his muscles, feeling his strength. He then replied, "Overall, it doesn't seem to be restricted by any laws of this realm. So, I would say it feels normal." Suddenly, his eyes flinched for a second as he felt a slight wave of nausea sweep over him. As quickly as it came, it passed. He continued, "The one who manipulated time was definitely from this planet. The time law is still recovering from the tamper. We need to finish this fast and hunt down the culprit before they create a major mess."

Mother Empress nodded in understanding and watched as Orach descended onto the scene to eradicate the 'World Engine'.

Orach quickly dealt with the 'World Engine', demonstrating his power for all to see.

Mother Empress was eager to observe how the leaders of these forces would react to reports of her young master's display of power.

Upon observing Orach heading in another direction, Mother Empress ordered the pod to follow. Simultaneously, she commanded the projector to adjust its orbit to keep up with the pod.

Rewinding time-Metropolis-Urban Battlefield

From the moment the two forces clashed, Earth's champions faced their most formidable challenge yet. Superman initially intended to confront Zod directly, but three Kryptonian warriors intercepted him. They launched a coordinated assault, taking turns to land powerful blows. Each time Superman recovered from one punch, another Kryptonian would strike, keeping him in a constant state of defense.

Meanwhile, Green Lantern swooped in, providing much-needed support with his energy constructs. He intercepted attacks aimed at Superman, giving the Kryptonian a chance to retaliate.

The battle was intense and relentless. After a while with Green Lantern's support, Superman managed to defeat and incapacitate one of his opponents. This victory, gave him an opening. With one less opponent, he seized the advantage, launching a ferocious counteroffensive. His punches landed with seismic force, his heat vision searing through the Kryptonians' armor. He was a whirlwind of motion and power, landing blow after blow on his opponents.

But the Kryptonians were formidable. They retaliated with equal ferocity, their own heat vision and superhuman strength causing significant damage.

The U.S. Army elite squad, equipped with weapons loaded with Kryptonite bullets, also joined the fray. Whenever Superman managed to breach the Kryptonians' armors during his counterattacks, the soldiers seized the opportunity, aiming their Kryptonite bullets at the exposed areas.

Soon one by one, he overcame his opponents, his victory was a hard-earned and through the cooperation with his allies.

While Superman was engaged in combat, Batman and Flash faced off against three Kryptonians. Initially, Batman offered support from the sidelines to Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, using an arsenal of Kryptonite-laced Batarangs and Kryptonite smoke bombs. His strategic contributions and precise assistance didn't go unnoticed. Faora, observing the battle with General Zod, focused on Batman, who had previously humiliated her. Both Faora and Nadira joined the fray, descending onto the battlefield. Once there, they parted ways, each confronting their own opponent.

After spotting Batman aiding Wonder Woman, Faora left Nadira. She knew Batman had a green rock, a fragment of her destroyed home world, which could weaken her. The fact that a human was using this against her ignited her rage. As she approached him, she felt increasingly nauseous, realizing Batman was utilizing the green rock in various forms. Unlike the last time, her armor had been modified to mitigate the effects of the rock. This reassured her, as she only felt nauseous, not that weak.

Quickly, she seized Batman while he was then helping the injured Hawkgirl, and they flew into the sky. As they ascended, Batman noticed ice forming on his body. Once above the clouds, she grabbed Batman by the neck, questioning his understanding of his actions. Batman responded by slashing at her armor with a modified Batarang, then releasing a cloud of green particle-infused gas from his belt.

Startled, Faora released Batman and tried to cover her armor's breach, but the gas infiltrated her system. Batman, now falling, called for backup. Green Lantern swiftly rescued him. Moments later, Faora crashed into a building below, screaming in terror.

Green Lantern, surprised by the turn of events, asked Batman about his actions. Batman explained he had used a modified version of the fear gas employed by his past adversary, The Scarecrow, causing Faora to experience her worst nightmare. Green Lantern made a mental note to never cross Batman. They then rejoined the ongoing battle, prepared for what was to come.

Faora pursued Batman while Nadira focused on Flash. She watched him dart across the battlefield, his speed a blinding blur as he engaged the Kryptonians and aided the soldiers fighting alongside the heroes. Having previously encountered this elusive enemy, she immediately launched her attack.

Choosing the right moment, when Flash was distracted, she charged at him with a speed that matched his own. With a well-timed and precise collision, she T-boned him, a brutal hit that sent him crashing into nearby buildings. But she didn't stop there. Nadira followed him into the wreckage, stomping on his chest with a force that shook the ground.

Flash groaned, pain etched on his face as he assessed his situation. Nadira smirked, her eyes shining with cruel satisfaction. She taunted him, asking if he had any more witty remarks or if he thought he could escape.

Aware that the vengeful Kryptonian sought revenge for their previous encounter, Flash quickly devised a plan. He pretended to be at her mercy, allowing fear to show in his eyes making her believe she had won. When he saw an opportunity, he phased through the floor, disappearing into the building's lower levels before sprinting away. He had a feeling she would be coming after him soon.

His instincts were right. The next moment, Nadira's furious scream echoed behind him. She took to the air, frantically searching for Flash. Spotting him, she gave chase. Flash reached out to Green Lantern, begging for assistance.

Hal, who was aiding Superman, heard Flash's desperation. He promised to help in a few minutes. Once Superman had handled the Kryptonians, Hal focused on Nadira. Using her fury against her, he created a construct that hit her with the force of a freight train. Nadira, however, refused to be sent flying. She planted her feet firmly on the ground, resisting Hal's construct.

As Green Lantern's construct held Nadira, Flash saw his chance. He dashed towards her, destroying her armor with a precise hit. This left Nadira vulnerable, providing an easy target for the Elite soldiers who took their shot. Nadira fell, the first Kryptonian casualty on the battlefield.

Flash felt uneasy about his part in taking a life, but he knew it was a battlefield. He steeled himself and started running again, ready to support those who needed him.

In the chaos, Hawkman and Hawkgirl found themselves in a fierce battle with Car-Vex. Initially, Car-Vex struggled against their impeccable teamwork. Their years of training and shared history were evident in their seamless coordination. They launched relentless attacks, a whirlwind of precision and force that kept Car-Vex on the defensive. Yet, after about ten bouts, Car-Vex found her rhythm, her Kryptonian strength and speed beginning to tip the scales in her favor.

Suddenly, Car-Vex sent Hawkgirl crashing to the ground, raising a cloud of dust that momentarily obscured Hawkman's view of his partner. His heart pounded with fear and anger. Seeing his wife struck down, Hawkman lost control and succumbed to blind fury.

His attacks became wild, his measured precision replaced by rage-fueled power. Car-Vex anticipated this, using his anger against him. She dodged his reckless attacks, waiting for an opening. Swiftly, she maneuvered behind him, grabbed his wings, and spun them around. Her speed increased with each rotation until she finally released him, sending him crashing down next to Hawkgirl.

The army, having assisted Superman, aimed to help the Hawk couple. However, their path was blocked by two more Kryptonian soldiers. These Kryptonian soldiers moved with ruthless efficiency, their superior strength and speed making them formidable opponents. Each second became a struggle for survival in this grueling fight.

Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern, had been instrumental in assisting Superman and Flash in their respective battles against the Kryptonian opponents. His effectiveness had not gone unnoticed. Jax-Ur and his two subordinates, recognizing the threat that he posed, decided to intervene. They charged towards the Green Lantern, engaging him in an aerial battle that filled the sky with an array of stunning light constructs. These constructs, appearing as various weapons or shields, were either hurled towards the Kryptonians or tactfully used to redirect the Kryptonians' punches towards each other, rather than towards Hal himself.

Despite his best efforts, Hal could feel the tide of the battle turning against him. He was outnumbered and the relentless attacks from the Kryptonians were beginning to wear him down. Recognizing his precarious situation, he sent an urgent call for assistance over the Justice League communications channel. His fellow League members were engaged in their own battles, and none could break away immediately to aid him.

Just when it seemed that Hal might be overwhelmed, a figure descended from the sky. It was Wonder Woman, her sword gleaming with an aura of God Ki. In a swift, precise motion, she sliced one of the Kryptonians in half. Without a moment's hesitation, she spun and drove her sword through the heart of another Kryptonian. The sudden and brutal efficiency of her attack shocked Jax-Ur. Seeing his subordinates killed in such a swift manner filled him with fear. Realizing he was outmatched, Jax-Ur chose discretion over valor and retreated to regroup with General Zod.

The sky, once filled with the frantic chaos of battle, had momentarily quieted. Wonder Woman, standing next to a weary but grateful Green Lantern, scanned the horizon.

Hal thanked Wonder Woman for her timely help. She nodded at him and quickly focused back on the fight, ready for her next opponent.

Before helping Hal, Wonder Woman had defeated two Kryptonians who didn't realize how strong she was. She learned how to control her Pseudo Super Saiyan Rosé transformation during her training. This allowed her to use bursts of power without fully transforming. She used her God Ki to strengthen her sword and her legs, which helped in strategically in intense fights. She developed this unique method of using her God Ki in short bursts due to her intense training at Themyscira.

By using her God Ki like this, she could make herself faster and her sword more powerful. When her Ki was on the sword, it could even destroy divine weapons. Hephaestus, who was making her new armor during her training, was impressed when he heard about this. He asked to see it in action against his strong creations. He was amazed at how sharp the blade was when it had her God Ki.

Diana wanted to use this technique in a real fight. She got the chance when she fought Nam-Ek. She won the battle using her enhanced sword. She realized the power of God Ki and began to use it in a subtle way instead of becoming a full Pseudo Super Saiyan. She only used her full transformation in critical situations. This technique allowed her to hit her enemies with precision and power.

The two Kryptonians attacked her with arrogance. They underestimated her because she was a human woman. But Diana dodged their attacks and quickly positioned herself behind them. Before they could react, she had cut an arm from one and a leg from the other.

The Kryptonians realized that Diana was stronger than they thought. Despite their injuries, they decided to fight her seriously. They were soldiers and had fought in wars before. They tried to ignore their pain and worked together to defeat Diana.

But Diana was ready for them. She dodged their attacks and fought back. She couldn't hit them clearly because they were serious. But she managed to break their armors and hurt them. As the fight continued, the Kryptonians became more desperate while Diana waited for the right moment to attack.

Batman's support arrived and created an opening with an explosion. This gave Diana the chance to attack. She quickly ended their lives with a precise slash. The shock on their faces showed that they had underestimated her.

Wonder Woman now was getting ready for a fight when something shocking grabbed everyone's attention. The Kryptonians' big spaceship fired a pulse that went deep into the Earth. This started a big change on the planet.

The sudden changes surprised the Justice League members. They moved back as the city began to fall apart, with the spaceship in the middle. As the land around them went up and down in a scary way, the heroes could only watch. They knew they were seeing the start of a disaster that could end life on Earth.

Zod, watching from above, said, "You've lost. The World Engine is on." He looked at Kal'El, "Soon, this planet will be like our Krypton. You can't stop it. I've won."

"ZOD! You're a monster!" shouted Superman, seeing his city fall apart.

"Kal, I'm here to protect Krypton. Everything I do, even if it seems cruel, is for my people," Zod answered calmly.

Faora, woke up among the chaos from the effects of the fear gas. After clearing her head, she flew to join Zod, still shaking from the gas's effects.

When she met Zod, she saw only five others from the Sword of Rao were left, not including her.

Her anger towards the people of this world grew. With the World Engine on, she looked forward to seeing them die.

Justice League Comm Frequency

"What do we do now? The closer we get to the ship, the worse the gravity fluctuations affects us. I can't maintain my speed," voiced a worried Flash.

Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, suggested, "What about asking the Army to attack it with a nuke?"

Assessing the situation, Batman replied, "No. That won't work. Given the rate of destruction, it won't make it in time. Plus, the fluctuating gravity won't allow anything to get near the ship." After a moment of thought, he turned to Wonder Woman and asked, "If you transform, can you take out that ship?"

"I can try," Wonder Woman said, putting her sword away. "But I can only stay transformed for 15 minutes, and I need time to prepare an attack. I want to use my power wisely."

"Got it. Everyone, defend her and buy some time," Batman ordered.

The rest of the team formed a circle around Wonder Woman to protect her. She started to focus on her special power, the God Ki. Zod and Faora, watched as the Earth's heroes got ready. Faora warned Zod not to underestimate humans. Zod, who was sure his 'World Engine' plan would work, still trusted Faora. He told all the Kryptonians to move out, to avoid any mistakes.

Superman met Zod and the Kryptonians head-on, with Green Lantern attacking using massive constructs. Despite her memories of fear gas-induced visions, Faora moved towards Batman with a chilling killing intent. Suddenly, everyone saw Wonder Woman surrounded by a pale pink aura, with ethereal lightening snakes and parts of her hair seeming electrified. She unsheathed her sword, adopted an attack stance, and closed her eyes, focusing her energy on her sword. Until now, she had used a single layer of energy to strengthen her sword. However, recalling Orach's energy attack, she believed such an attack would be effective in destroying the ship. So, she began to gather energy for a full-power attack, planning to deliver it with a single swing.

Superman and Zod were evenly matched, trading blows and hurling each other into buildings. Despite Superman's resilience, Zod's experience gave him an advantage. However, during the fight, Superman managed to shatter Zod's helmet, temporarily gaining the upper hand. Despite the setback, Zod recovered and retaliated with a full blast from his eye lasers, which Superman countered with his own.

Meanwhile, Batman, armed with his Kryptonite-infused weapons, held his own against Faora. Green Lantern, with the aid of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, used his constructs to battle the Kryptonians. Flash darted across the battlefield, launching attacks on all Kryptonians and providing support to his allies.

As the Justice League engaged with the Kryptonians, Wonder Woman focused her energy. After charging her God Ki on her sword for 10 minutes, she opened her eyes and swung her weapon, unleashing a powerful energy slash directed at the mothership.

Upon noticing the attack, the Kryptonians were taken aback. Zod and Faora, ignoring their opponents, drove themselves towards two different building structures. They used all their strength to push the structures into the path of the attack. Nevertheless, their efforts proved futile as the slash demolished both structures and continued towards the ship.

Just as the slash reached the ship, an energy pulse from the ship created a massive feedback, pushing the ship sideways and causing explosions across various sections. The energy slash missed the ship and hit the ocean, forming a massive water pillar in the eastward direction.

The Justice League members were disheartened at the failure of their attack. However, they found some relief upon witnessing the ship crashing towards buildings. At this moment, Zod's anger and despair hit him simultaneously as he realized that the destroyed ship indicated the loss of the 'World Engine' and, consequently, any hope of restoring Krypton, his reason for living. Overcome with grief, he cried out, "NOOOOO!"

Similar feelings of despair swept over all the Kryptonians, with many of them falling to their knees. Superman landed next to Zod. Zod said, "We could've made a new Krypton here. But you chose humans over us. I was born only to protect Krypton. But now, we can't bring our people or our world back. That's what you took from me." Zod looked straight at Superman and said, "I'll make them suffer, Kal. I'll take away all these humans you care about, one by one."

Shocked by Zod's words, Superman said, "You're a monster, Zod...and I'm going to stop you."

Superman and Zod started to fight again, but Zod was out of control, making it tough for Superman. Faora, upset about losing their chance to restore their world, furiously attacked Wonder Woman. Two other Kryptonians joined her.

Wonder Woman was close to the end of her transformation. Seeing the Kryptonians attack, she got her sword ready and bravely faced Faora. She kept Faora off until her transformation was over. The Hawk couple stepped in, dealing with the other two enemies.

Meanwhile, the Kryptonian ship managed to fly using backup power and helped with the fight. Batman, hiding in a building, got a fuzzy message: "Bat…man…w…atch…out…Or…bac…k…O…za…fo…m…hea…di…your…way." He worked hard to understand the message. But when he figured it out, he was shocked and surprised, particularly by the part, "Orach…back..Oozaru…heading…your way."

Suddenly, a bone-chilling roar echoed through the sky, startling everyone. Everyone looked towards the noise, and a huge figure started to appear from the dark clouds. First, two big feet showed, then a wide body, strong arms, and finally, a face like an ape with fiery red eyes. The creature was 60 meters tall, dressed in large black clothes, floating in the sky. Its menacing red eyes stared down at those below, its mouth emitting growls, and its long tail swung threateningly.

Everyone, from the Justice League to the Army and the Kryptonians, watched in fear as they faced the unknown creature. Their hearts were filled with terror as they stood before this giant beast. Only Batman and Wonder Woman seemed to know what was happening. Batman had gotten Cyborg's message, and Wonder Woman, feeling her heart and God Ki pulsate, knew that the creature was Orach, even without seeing his Oozaru form before.

The creature then looked at a distant ship. After a moment, it shot an energy blast from its mouth, aiming directly at the ship. A blinding beam of light was all anyone could see. The ship was destroyed on impact. Once the dust from the blast had cleared, there was no sign of it in the Metropolis sky, as if it had never existed.

Everyone present was taken aback by the overwhelming display of power. Zod, in particular, was focused on the massive creature that had just obliterated his ship. He recalled the monsters described in the forbidden archives he had perused upon becoming a General. This was a concealed part of Krypton's history that the high council had kept from the public, ensuring only high-ranking officials were informed. Summoning his courage, he approached the creature and bellowed, "WHY?" His voice reverberated across the battlefield as he continued, "WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHY IS A SAIYAN HERE?"