
Journey of the Last Saiyan

In an infinite multiverse, exists a realm of remarkable power, the Super Saiyan God Realm, home to divine warriors, the Super Saiyans. Their society is structured by strength, with Gula, a direct descendant of the Super Saiyan God, leading as the Division Captain. In this society, a low-born Saiyan, Cress, rose to become a leader through sheer determination, leading the efficient Delta Squad. Despite societal expectations, Gula and Cress fell in love, giving birth to a son, Orach, who exhibited a great power from a young age. Their peaceful life was shattered by a war. Cress, Gula, and their squads sacrificed themselves to ensure Orach’s survival. In death, Gula joined Cress in reincarnation while Orach landed in the DC universe, carrying his parent's legacy. Orach's journey spans across universes, shaping him into a warrior and influencing the Super Saiyan God lineage's destiny. In the DC Universe, Orach learned from the world's heroes, particularly the Justice League, despite disagreeing with their no-kill policy. Over time, Orach became a protector, growing stronger with each challenge. His parent's sacrifice served as his strength and motivation, pledging to honor their memory by living as a protector, warrior, and representative of the Saiyan race in the new universe. Orach's saga begins, a tale of a young Saiyan navigating life in a new universe, symbolizing the Saiyan race's enduring spirit and honoring his parent's legacy. ______________________ Point to note: ->No Zeno, Beerus or angels from DB universe ->This story blends Dragon Ball saga and cultivation concepts, featuring various realms. ->Saiyans can destroy planets only if they surpass or understand the system's primordial laws. ->Higher realms experience more destruction from forces like singularities due to the potency of these laws. Hence, mastery of these laws is as crucial as increasing the power levels.

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Chapter 5- The Prayer - Part 5

The vast plains on the periphery of Sadala's royal capital

As dawn began to break, a triumphant roar disrupted the tranquility. "Finally, I have recovered!" The voice, as harsh as barren winds and as powerful as the untamed sea, belonged to Sevich, the Super Saiyan Evil God. His resurgence marked the end of his grueling meditation session on a secluded hilltop. His Ki, the vital life force within him, had been significantly drained while protecting King Vegeta, Prince Vegeta IV, and himself from the restrictive laws of the Saiyan God.

His chilling laughter, full of malice and triumph, echoed his joy at his recovery. "Hahaha… with him gone, this world will be mine!" His voice, full of malevolent intent, resonated across the landscape. His confidence was bolstered by the chaos the father-son duo had caused earlier. "The stage is set for my grand entrance," he mused to himself, a cruel grin playing on his lips, "I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time. Empress Gula, a powerhouse who reached Mastered Ultra Instinct form, waits at the Strategic HQ. I can't wait to show her where she truly stands." With these ominous words, his laughter grew louder, an eerie soundtrack to his dreadful plans.

With a swift leap, he took to the skies, his trajectory aimed straight at the Strategic HQ. His flight path left a trail of corruption in its wake, a testament to his malevolent power. The Saiyans he crossed paths with were instantly corrupted by his energy, their bodies and minds taken over by his influence. Only the Elite Super Saiyan God warriors and those who could transform into Super Saiyans were able to resist and mount a fight against Sevich. Their efforts were valiant, managing to stall the Evil God for a few hours, though their chances of victory were slim.

Meanwhile, news of Sevich's whereabouts reached the Strategic HQ. The high command dispatched reinforcements from the remaining squads that had made landfall. Their mission was to assist in controlling the corrupted Saiyans and potentially halt Sevich's progress. However, the warriors faced a heartbreaking reality on the battlefield. They were forced to kill their own kin, their friends, and in some heart-wrenching cases, their own family. The battlefield was steeped in sorrow and despair as these warriors grappled with their harrowing duties. The cries of anguish and the sounds of battle merged into a haunting symphony of war.

"Sevich, you BASTARD! Give me back my CHILD!" The agonized cry of a warrior echoed across the battlefield, his voice filled with grief and rage. His child, corrupted by Sevich's influence, had fallen by his own hand. Consumed by loss and hatred, he charged towards Sevich, his heart aflame with vengeance. This tragic scene was repeated across the battlefield, turning the place into a chaotic mess of sorrow and rage.

Unbeknownst to the warriors, their negative emotions were fueling Sevich's power. The despair, the sorrow, and the rage, they were all being converted into energy for Sevich to feed on. He thrived on the negativity radiating off the Super Saiyans and Super Saiyan God Elites. His laughter filled the air as his black aura flared upwards, pulsating with the energy it was siphoning off.

As Sevich kept the majority of the Saiyans engaged in battle, King Vegeta and his son were carving a path towards Empress Gula's estate. King Vegeta was driven by a desire for more than just vengeance. He wanted to show the Empress the face of despair for shunning his love and choosing a low-born Saiyan as her mate. His army, comprised of Saiyans he had corrupted along the way, stood ready behind him, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. At his signal, they charged at the gates of the estate, a wave of corrupt Saiyans crashing against the fortress of the Empress. The estate's defense protocols were activated, a shimmering energy dome enveloping the estate as energy weapon-equipped sentries opened fire on the invading forces.

Inside the Command Center of the Strategic Division - Empress Gula's Mansion, ensconced within the protective shield dome

Suddenly, the calm voice of the resident artificial intelligence system broke the eerie silence that had enveloped the mansion. "ALERT: The estate is under attack!"

Without hesitation, the AI declared, "Initiating defense protocols." After a brief pause, it confidently announced, "SHIELD is now active. Sentries have been deployed and are engaging the targets."

Frisee, located in the heart of the estate, chuckled softly. "King Vegeta is as predictable as ever," she said, her words a mix of amusement and frustration.

SAGE, the advanced artificial intelligence system, agreed. "He's a walking cliché. We had already considered this scenario in our strategic analysis," it said. "It's almost a relief he arrived later than we expected. We should be grateful for small mercies."

Frisee sighed heavily, her gaze settling on a serene figure in the corner of the room. An unconscious Orach, a young man she cherished as a younger brother, was being loaded into the attack pod, blissfully unaware of the surrounding chaos.

"He looks so peaceful," she remarked in a whisper. "Our little Orach is embarking on a journey he knows nothing about. His mother and I won't be there to guide or support him through life's trials. He'll need to be strong. I hope he remembers our advice - to not always play the hero, to be selfish when necessary, and to enjoy life. I hope he marries, maybe even twice, as his mother always teased him about. I hope he builds a wonderful, joyful family. Most importantly, I hope he remembers our love for him. Watching him grow has been a joy. Lord Ganesh, please bless him with wisdom and guidance for his journey." Her prayer, whispered into the room's silence, was a fervent wish, a sister's deep desire for her little brother's wellbeing.

"SAGE," she called out, her voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging within her. "Once you have uploaded the final parameters that Captain Gula sent over, initiate the launch. I'll go man a sentry and buy us more time."

"Understood, Vice Captain Frisee," SAGE responded. "But may I suggest you wipe your face first. I'm certain you wouldn't want to show the enemy your tears."

Surprised, Frisee turned to glance at her reflection in a nearby mirror. She hadn't realized she had been crying. Her fingers came up to touch the wet trails on her cheeks, the tangible proof of her emotions. "Huh…I was crying," she murmured, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "That brat actually made me cry. If he knew, he would be jumping for joy. He'd have blackmailed me for weeks."

With a final glance at her peacefully oblivious brother, she wiped away her tears and steeled herself for the fight ahead.

As she left to take her position at the sentry, SAGE, left alone in the room with the sleeping young man, couldn't help but express a faint smile, "Young master, you are truly loved."

The AI system continued its tasks, stating, "Pod trajectory is set for a habitable planet in the Sakara sector." There was a hint of amusement in its voice as it added, "The planet has a rough atmosphere and twenty times the gravity of Sadala, but considering it's the young master we're talking about, he should be fine. Knowing him, he'll likely use the harsh conditions of the planet to train himself and grow stronger."

Suddenly, a loud BOOM echoed through the mansion.

"ALERT: PERIMETER BREACHED," the estate's artificial intelligence system announced. The voice, echoed ominously throughout the grand halls of the estate, magnifying the intensity of the situation.

"Initiating invader protocols," it continued.

"Invader protocols? What could those be?" questioned SAGE, the artificial intelligence designed to manage all security measures. His voice was filled with disbelief. As the cornerstone of the Saiyan race, SAGE was programmed to access all systems across Sadala. Therefore, the idea of a protocol he didn't know was an anomaly. The existence of such a protocol disturbed his programmed serenity.

However, he had to accept the unfolding reality. As the estate's AI activated, hidden hatches in the estate's walls were exposed. Mechanical humanoid sentries emerged one by one from these hatches, their metallic bodies shining under the artificial lights. Awakened from their dormant state within the walls, they detached from their terminals, their boots landing on the floor with distinct, echoing thuds. With a clear objective, they moved towards the breach.

SAGE turned to look at the sleeping Orach, now lying inside the pod. "The young master must be behind this," he mused aloud in the empty control room of the estate. "Despite his dislike for physical conflict and his tendency towards idleness, he shares traits with both Captain Gula and Lord Cress. He must have been strategizing while we mistook his idleness for laziness. Yet, how he managed to construct these humanoid sentries and establish such a protocol without triggering my surveillance remains a mystery."

He sighed, "Regardless of their efficiency or numbers, these sentries will only delay the intruders. They won't be able to halt their onslaught."

His voice hardened with resolve, mirroring the severity of the situation, "It's time. Initiate the launch sequence."

A countdown echoed through the estate, the numbers ticking away with an air of finality.


The estate was rocked by another explosion, this one even more powerful than before. It sent shockwaves through the structure, causing it to shudder violently. Yet, the countdown continued, unfazed by the chaos.


"Godspeed, young master! Grow up well and make your parents proud!" SAGE whispered, his voice echoing in the empty control room, a mix of hope and sorrow palpable in his words as he prepared himself for Orach's imminent departure.


Elsewhere, inside the attack pod ship where Orach lay dormant, oblivious to the chaos outside, the ship's AI took control. "ALERT: FUSION DRIVE ACTIVATED," it announced, its voice booming through the speakers.

"First phase: Thrusters activated."

As if given a new lease of life, the ship surged forward, gaining momentum as it shot up through the concealed runway of the estate, leaving behind the turmoil below. As it climbed higher, the ship's AI and the estate's AI worked in perfect synchrony. The estate's shield, previously impenetrable, parted briefly, creating a passage for the ship to pass through, before swiftly closing back up.

Once the ship had ascended to the stratosphere of the planet, the AI switched gears, activating the newly developed space law drive.

"Switching to Space law drive," the onboard AI announced, its voice ringing with certainty.

In an instant, the ship disappeared from sight, its sudden absence a sharp contrast to its bright ascent moments ago. It left the enemy forces, who had noticed the ship's launch from the estate, in a state of stunned disbelief, their plans thrown into disarray by the unexpected turn of events.

Strategic HQ Launch Bay

The moment SAGE initiated the launch of the attack pod, it simultaneously took command of the Strategic HQ's hangar and began the launch procedure for the Dauntless-class warship it had prepared for Orach.





"ALERT: Initiating launching sequence."

The countdown echoed ominously in the room, each second ticking away with a palpable tension that hung heavily in the air.











In direct defiance of the lockdown protocol, the hangar doors of the HQ began to creak open. The sound reverberated through the room, sending a shockwave of surprise and alarm through the people inside.

As the doors parted, revealing the vast expanse of the cosmos beyond, a Dauntless-class ship rose majestically into view. Its color and appearance distinct from the other Dauntless-class ships, it was an awe-inspiring sight. As it began its ascent, climbing steadily to escape the pull of the planet, it became the sole focus of all eyes.

Unlike the attack pod, the sudden rise of a full warship from a heavily fortified base was an undeniable spectacle. It was so eye-catching that it drew the attention of even the Evil God himself.

Sevich, in the throes of battle with the Saiyan warriors as he made his way toward the strategic HQ, paused at the sight of the ship. Surprise flickered across his features, quickly replaced by a sneer. He was about to launch a massive attack when he felt the aura of a Super Saiyan God Blue piercing through the chaos of the battlefield, heading straight for him, intent on blocking his path and stopping his attack.

The Captain of the Strategic Division, known by the title Empress Gula, had entered the fray. Her presence, an unyielding beacon amidst the chaos, was a testament to her determination and resolve. She was the embodiment of a warrior, ready to protect her people, her planet, at all costs.

Several minutes ago in the Strategic Headquarters

As the people in the strategic headquarters observed the ship ascending swiftly into the ether, a wave of panic surged through the room. Some of the warriors, their faces taut with alarm, believed they had a security breach on their hands and were ready to halt the ship's progress. But, before the pandemonium could escalate further, an announcement echoed through the room, bringing with it a wave of reprieve.

"ALERT: The launch of the ship was planned. DO NOT ATTACK," the automated voice rang out, loud and clear, over the hum of the busy room.

"ALERT: DO NOT ATTACK that ship," it reiterated, its tone unwavering.

Upon hearing the instructions, the room collectively exhaled, their tension easing as they returned to their respective tasks. The ship, now a speck in the vast expanse of the cosmos, was no longer a cause for concern.

Val, having just relayed the announcement, was about to return to his station when he heard his captain's voice, low and filled with a profound sense of helplessness.

"Do you all think I am selfish to just save my son?" Gula asked, her voice barely a whisper, yet resonating in the silent room.

"Permission to speak freely, Captain?" Tris asked, her voice steady.

"Yes," Gula replied, her tone indicating her readiness to receive their honest opinions.

"We have all watched Science Officer…No, that young brat Orach, grow up. We know he isn't the ideal image of a Sadala Saiyan. His mind often delves into terrifying places, as evidenced from the incident that brought SAGE down by asking the worst-case war scenarios. But he is someone who protects all he cares about with his heart. Although he doesn't often show it, he is kind. Even though he thinks he's good at hiding it, each of us has been at the receiving end of his kindness. So, yes, even though I wish we could save more, if he can be saved, I know our race will survive and make a comeback. I can die easy knowing your son is out there carrying our will," Tris responded, her voice unwavering, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of his words.

Val chimed in, "I agree. That mischievous brat has been pranking me for the better part of my life ever since he was born. But his character is indeed one I can entrust our wills to."

The rest didn't say much, but they nodded and smiled in acknowledgment. They each had families, but they knew they had run out of time. They hated not being able to save their loved ones, but they soldiered on knowing one of their own, a young Saiyan they watched grow up, was carrying their will.

"Thank you all!" Gula acknowledged their words and felt a surge of pride for her son. She got up from her seat, her body language radiating determination and resolve.

"It's time I go face the music against that BASTARD that caused all of this," Gula said, her eyes cold, her teeth gritted.

"Yes, Captain. May the Gods be with you," all officers responded in unison. They stood up and saluted, a solemn acceptance that the final hour was at hand.

As she took flight, they all got back to work, determined to provide Gula all the support she needed for the impending confrontation.

The Perimeter of the Strategic HQ

"Gula, so you've finally decided to enter the fray," Sevich said, a twisted smile playing on his lips as he acknowledged the last standing pillar that Sadala had to offer. His voice was like a metallic clang, harsh and grating, cutting through the cacophony of the battlefield.

"Sevich, you vile creature," Gula retorted, her voice heavy with anger and contempt. Each syllable was laced with a promise of retribution, a vow of revenge. "Even though you're one of us, you've brought nothing but death and destruction to our race. I swear, I will end your reign of terror or perish in the attempt!"

Sevich threw his head back and laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the battlefield like a cruel, mocking wind. The sound of his mirth was a stark contrast to the screams of pain and roars of fury that painted the gruesome backdrop of their world. "That's it Gula. I can feel your rage, your despair. It's intoxicating. Now, let's dance the dance of death, Saiyan princess," he taunted, his voice filled with cruel amusement, "Or should I say Empress, as the rest of them do."

Gula didn't waste any more words directly transforming in to Super Saiyan God Blue form. The time for talk was over, and the time for action had come. She launched into an attack, her movements swift and decisive, her heart filled with a burning resolve. She was joined by all the remaining elite warriors, their collective might forming a formidable force against their corrupted brethren. By now, all the remaining Saiyans returning from their respective battlefields had landed on Sadala. Once they heard about the dire situation, they made their way to provide support to their brave and resilient Empress.

Among the returnees were two Division Captain rank warriors, just like Gula, renowned for their exceptional strength and courage. Despite their injuries, they had the ability to transform into the legendary Super Saiyan God Blue. Although their bodies were battered and their spirits bruised, their resolve remained unbroken. Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, they rose and raced towards the battlefield to support their fellow division captain, their determination unwavering.

Even the Rudra, the revered STAR DESTROYER of Sadala, was just entering orbit. Its presence was like a beacon of hope, a symbol of strength. The crew that remained of each descending ship immediately provided support fire against the army of corrupted Saiyans. Their actions were a testament to their unwavering loyalty and their commitment to the cause.

In the meantime, the balance of the battle shifted as two more armies of corrupted Saiyans, led by King Vegeta and his son, joined Sevich. King Vegeta, after failing to stop the ship that escaped, ceased his attack on the estate of Empress Gula and decided to join his master. His decision was a testament to his treachery, his loyalty to the corrupt cause. His son simply followed him, his corrupted minions in tow, their hearts as twisted as their leader's.

The battlefield grew more intense, the air thick with tension and anxiety. The three Captains each took on an opponent, their movements a deadly dance of power and precision. The other reinforcement Saiyans either transformed into Super Saiyans and started fighting the corrupted, their golden auras a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, or provided support on the defense line, their actions a bulwark against the onslaught.

The situation continued to deteriorate even after the Evil God and his apostle were held at bay. The corrupted Saiyans seemed to be endless, their numbers overwhelming. Slowly, even the defenders started to get infected, their bodies betraying them, their wills succumbing to the dark influence.

With the negative emotions pouring out on the front line, Sevich was slowly rejuvenating, his aura flaring up like a grotesque phoenix rising from the ashes. The Captains started to notice that Sevich's Aura kept fluctuating. It fell, but rose back again, like a monstrous wave that refused to subside. They couldn't understand why, which only added to their growing anxiety and they felt an increasing pressure on their shoulders. It was a silent countdown, a ticking time bomb, and they knew they had to act before it was too late.

During the climax of the fierce battle, Sevich, fueled by a tumultuous storm of negative emotions, found an opening and managed to land a surprising hit on Gula. His fleeting moment of triumph was abruptly interrupted when a golden energy beam suddenly emerged, skillfully deflecting his attack. The source of this unexpected intervention was none other than Cress, who along with his formidable Delta squad, had made a timely arrival.

Cress wasted no time. Utilizing the opening after deflecting Sevich's attack, he retaliated with a powerful counterattack. The blow landed with such force that it sent a bewildered Sevich hurtling through the air, ultimately crashing into the wall of a nearby building. The sound of the impact echoed across the battlefield, a stark reminder of the high-stakes power play unfolding.

Cress's dramatic arrival was a sight to behold. The shock of his sudden appearance rippled through those on the battlefield, but not for the reasons one might initially assume. While his arrival as reinforcement was unexpected, what truly left everyone in awe was his startling transformation. Electricity crackled and danced around his bulkier physique, lending him an aura of raw, untamed power. His hair was standing on end, reaching skywards, as if each strand was a conduit for the energy coursing through him.

Cress was renowned for his tendency to keep his true strength under wraps during missions, so no one on the battlefield was aware that he had long ago transcended the realm of a Super Saiyan and was teetering on the brink of becoming a fully powered Super Saiyan 3.

However, today was different. Cress shrugged off his usual caution. He was acutely aware that they were forced into a corner. But what truly stoked the flames of his fury was the terrifying thought that Gula, his beloved, might have been harmed by Sevich.

"Delta squad, give them hell!" Cress's voice cut through the air, ringing out with a commanding authority. As he assisted Gula back to her feet, his gaze was firmly fixed on the spot where the Evil God had met his downfall.

"SIR, YES SIR!" The Delta squad members responded in unison, their voices echoing with fierce determination. One by one, they transformed into their Super Saiyan forms, their golden auras flaring brightly against the backdrop of the battlefield, before plunging headfirst into the fray.

"You saved me once again, my love," Gula said, her voice filled with gratitude and admiration, as she regained her footing.

"I told you I would stand by your side when the time comes," Cress replied, his focus unwavering from Sevich.

"Just like old times, husband," Gula said, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. "Orach has already escaped, so let's go out with a bang, shall we?" She readied herself, assuming her battle stance, and in a moment of almost serene calm amidst the chaos, she tapped into her most powerful state, Mastered Ultra Instinct. Her hair and eyes underwent a stunning transformation, turning a mesmerizing silver.

"You stopped using this form after our child said it was ugly," Cress quipped, his words lightening the tense atmosphere even if just for a moment.

In response, Gula landed a light, playful punch on Cress. Their friendly banter, filled with years of shared experiences and deep affection, provided a much-needed moment of levity amidst the fear and tension that hung heavily in the air.

From the rubble, a chilling laughter echoed, resonating with a twisted mirth that sent shivers down their spines. "Haha…What do we have here? Someone who actually reached such power using the power of bloodlines? Super Saiyan 2? No. That power is already hitting the threshold of the next level. Impressive for a low born. No wonder that so-called king abhors your existence so," Sevich sneered as he emerged from the debris, dusting off the remnants of destruction from his form with a disturbing nonchalance.

His gaze then shifted, settling on the other figure with a chilling intensity that made the air itself seem to freeze. "Also, to reach such high attainments in Ultra Instinct, impressive would be an understatement, my dear girl. But don't be under any illusions. The two of you combining forces is not going to stop me. Today, all of you are going to serve me. You are going to be my minions," he declared with a chilling certainty that echoed ominously in the desolate battlefield.

A hushed whisper broke the tense silence that had fallen. "Gula, SAGE, do you remember the end of days contingency?" Cress asked, his voice barely audible yet carrying a weight that sent a chill through their spines.

"Cress, you can't be serious," Gula responded, her voice shaking slightly, her eyes wide with shock at the implication of her husband's words.

"We can't let him live. Our son is already gone. Plus, I doubt any of us want to be corrupted and used as mindless slaves," Cress replied, his voice firm, his resolve unwavering.

After a moment of deafening silence, Gula nodded, her expression hardened with a newfound determination. "Understood. SAGE, send the orders under my authority," she commanded.

"Confirming with Vice Captain. Vice Captain authorization received. Confirming codes. Codes confirmed. Sending order to Rudra now," SAGE echoed, its voice devoid of any emotion, a stark contrast to the heavy tension enveloping them.

Sevich, oblivious to their whispered conversation, looked on with an arrogant smirk. "What are you love birds on about?" he asked, his voice laced with a twisted amusement.

With a final shared glance, Gula and Cress smiled at each other. It was a smile of understanding, a smile of shared resolve, a smile that held a promise for a better future. With a nod, they dashed forward, ready to face the monstrous threat before them.

The war for survival raged on, countless lives disappearing into the void of the universe. And then, a massive singularity erupted, a cosmic phenomenon that shook the very fabric of their reality. The long-range scans of the other alliance fleet, who were on their way to provide support to Sadala, captured the terrifying sight - a massive singularity pulling neighboring planets and even pulling the star of the system off its course, devouring everything in its path. The singularity continued to consume celestial bodies until it finally vanished, leaving nothing but an eerie silence behind.

The news of the tragic event reached all alliance worlds, plunging them into chaos. The mighty Saiyan race, the pillar of their military defense, had fallen. Many mourned their tragic demise, their hearts heavy with a profound sense of loss.

That day would forever be etched in their collective memory, a dark reminder of the price of war. It was named the Retribution Day, a day that marked the victory of good over evil, a day that was a chilling testament to the strength of their resolve.

In the unfathomable reaches of the cosmos

Two ships, like twin comets, traced a path through the boundless void towards the enigmatic Sakara sector. One of them, a state-of-the-art attack pod, bore sophisticated modifications that allowed it to blink in and out of subspace, moving at phenomenal speeds that defied conventional understanding. Its trail blazed through the cosmos, a streak of light darting through the infinite expanse.

The second was a warship, its colossal form dwarfing that of the attack pod. It followed the trail of the first, its pace slower yet relentless. It kept up with the attack pod by locking onto the telemetry received from the onboard AI, a beacon that guided it through the celestial labyrinth.

The cosmos watched silently as the two ships embarked on their journey, their passage through the vast emptiness.

Suddenly, a ripple twisted through the fabric of space-time, like a stone tossed into a cosmic pond. It spread outwards, distorting the starry canvas, its epicenter steadily growing in intensity. This was not a natural phenomenon or an ordinary spatial anomaly, but a divine intervention, a deliberate manipulation of the cosmic scales.

The cosmos seemed to hold its breath as the ripple expanded, the tension palpable even in the cold vacuum of space. Then, in a blinding flash of light so brilliant it outshone the surrounding stars, the ripple swallowed the two ships, pulling them out of this reality and catapulting them into another.

The celestial bodies bore silent witness to this cosmic event. The journey of the two ships was not a mere voyage through space; it was the turning of a new chapter in the cosmic narrative, a testament to the intricate dance of destiny and chance.

Gods Domain

In the boundless abode of the divine, Lord Shiv spoke, his voice reverberating through the vast expanse of their celestial home. His demeanor was calm and tranquil, a stark contrast to the chaos that had been released in the realm of mortals. "Ask your questions, my son," he said, his gaze penetrating the silence, "I can see the whirlpool of questions swirling in your mind. You are wondering, why I have chosen to send the boy away from the universe he knows?"

Lord Ganesh, known as the Remover of Obstacles and celebrated for his wisdom, turned his gaze towards his father. His usually jovial face was now etched with genuine concern. He answered his father, his voice filled with the wisdom gained from countless eons, "Father," he spoke, "I have absolute trust in your judgment. You possess the ability to see the flow of time in its entirety, to understand the past, perceive the present, and foresee the future. I believe you dispatched him to a place where his presence is most needed, and where he may find some semblance of peace amidst the chaos."

Just then, a soft giggle, like the tinkling of celestial bells, filled the air. Mata Parvati, the Divine Mother, was smiling gently. Her eyes were filled with boundless affection and understanding. She spoke, her voice soft yet filled with the strength of creation, "Yes, my beloved son," she affirmed, "The world he is journeying towards will not only benefit from his presence but will grow and prosper under his influence. We have heard the earnest prayers of his parents, beseeching us for his wellbeing, and we know the boy's true character. Beneath his tendencies for mischief and a hint of wickedness, there lies a heart that is pure and kind. The boy is truly deserving of our divine blessings, our assistance, and our guidance."

Listening to the soothing words of his wife, a gentle smile played on Lord Shiv's lips. He nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the wisdom of countless eons. His decision to send the boy away had been far from easy. It was a cosmic balancing act, a delicate dance of celestial considerations and divine calculations. This was not just a judgment of the boy's potential, but a test of the world's readiness for change and growth. His decision was a testament to his omnipotent wisdom and boundless compassion, a divine response to the desperate pleas of the parents.

"Very well," said Lord Ganesh, his tone resolute yet filled with a hint of sadness. "As his guardian deity, I will take it upon myself to watch over him, to guide him from time to time."

With that said, Lord Shiv closed his eyes, his thoughts drifting towards the young boy hurtling through the cosmos towards a new destiny. "His journey will change lives," he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with an assurance that echoed through the cosmos. "His purity will attract both hatred and friendship in equal measures. He will fall, but he will find companions who will extend their hands to pull him back up. He will struggle to adjust to the peculiarities of the strange world and the crushing loneliness, but he will find those who will lead him out of the shadow of despair. With these individuals, he will weave an epic tale that will echo through generations to come. Go forth, my child, and inscribe your epic in the annals of time in your own unique way."

As Lord Shiv finished his proclamation, the divine assembly echoed with a silence more profound than words. The celestial beings, each engaged in their own thoughts, contemplated the magnitude of the mission they had just witnessed. The boy, now a celestial envoy, was no longer just a mortal. He was a vessel of divine will, a beacon of hope for a world yet unknown.

Lord Ganesh, deeply moved by his father's words, made a solemn vow. "I shall watch over him, guide him, and ensure his path is not hindered by insurmountable obstacles. I shall be his guardian, his mentor, and his divine protector."

And so, amidst the divine assembly, a pact was made, a mission set forth, and a destiny carved. The boy, unaware of the celestial blessings bestowed upon him, continued his journey, propelling through the cosmos towards a world that awaited his arrival. His epic was yet to be written, and his divine guardians watched over him, ready to guide him through the annals of time.