
Journey of the Last Saiyan

In an infinite multiverse, exists a realm of remarkable power, the Super Saiyan God Realm, home to divine warriors, the Super Saiyans. Their society is structured by strength, with Gula, a direct descendant of the Super Saiyan God, leading as the Division Captain. In this society, a low-born Saiyan, Cress, rose to become a leader through sheer determination, leading the efficient Delta Squad. Despite societal expectations, Gula and Cress fell in love, giving birth to a son, Orach, who exhibited a great power from a young age. Their peaceful life was shattered by a war. Cress, Gula, and their squads sacrificed themselves to ensure Orach’s survival. In death, Gula joined Cress in reincarnation while Orach landed in the DC universe, carrying his parent's legacy. Orach's journey spans across universes, shaping him into a warrior and influencing the Super Saiyan God lineage's destiny. In the DC Universe, Orach learned from the world's heroes, particularly the Justice League, despite disagreeing with their no-kill policy. Over time, Orach became a protector, growing stronger with each challenge. His parent's sacrifice served as his strength and motivation, pledging to honor their memory by living as a protector, warrior, and representative of the Saiyan race in the new universe. Orach's saga begins, a tale of a young Saiyan navigating life in a new universe, symbolizing the Saiyan race's enduring spirit and honoring his parent's legacy. ______________________ Point to note: ->No Zeno, Beerus or angels from DB universe ->This story blends Dragon Ball saga and cultivation concepts, featuring various realms. ->Saiyans can destroy planets only if they surpass or understand the system's primordial laws. ->Higher realms experience more destruction from forces like singularities due to the potency of these laws. Hence, mastery of these laws is as crucial as increasing the power levels.

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Chapter 25 - Till We Meet Again - Part 1

Diana, with her heart brimming with determination and resolve, clenched her fist so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She made a silent, solemn vow to herself. She would strive to become stronger, to train relentlessly, and to master the power that Orach had bestowed upon her. She visualized herself harnessing this newfound strength to serve as the shield that guards her world, ensuring that the grim possibility Bruce had outlined about the future Victor saw would never come to fruition. She categorically refused to become Orach's Achilles heel or the trigger that might cause him to spiral out of control. Her resolution was immovable, her spirit unbreakable, her determination unwavering.

Orach responded to their silent agreement with a firm nod of his head and a warm, encouraging smile. It was clear from his expression that he appreciated the name that these stalwart defenders of justice had chosen for themselves. "Good name, Bruce," he commented, his voice echoing in the quiet room, carrying an undercurrent of approval that resonated with each individual present.

Bruce then turned his gaze towards Orach, a thoughtful look in his eyes. He seemed to weigh his words carefully, understanding the importance of his next statement. His voice, when he finally spoke, "Thank you, Orach. Your contributions during the war were invaluable. Beyond your abilities and intellect, I believe you share our spirit, our drive to protect. You might not see it yet, but I believe you could be considered one of us. Would you consider having your name added to our ranks when we announce the formation of our group to the world?"

The room fell into a deep silence, the question hanging in the air like a challenge waiting to be accepted or declined. It was Dianna who first broke the silence. She nodded her head, a look of firm approval in her eyes, her body language echoing her agreement with Bruce's proposition. One by one, the rest of the group followed suit, each member entertaining their own thoughts and reservations about Orach. Despite any uncertainties they had, they all recognized the value of welcoming an individual of Orach's caliber amongst their ranks. They understood that his strength and strategic mind would be significant assets in their ongoing fight for justice.

Orach, taken aback by Bruce's proposal, fell silent. His eyes, reflecting his deep contemplation, darted around the room as he pondered over the proposition. The offer was unexpected, and it was clear that he needed a moment to process it. After what felt like an eternity, he finally broke the silence. His voice carried a hint of regret, his expression somber as he uttered, "I don't think that's a good idea."

Diana, taken aback and surprised by Orach's refusal, couldn't help but question him. Her voice, filled with confusion and a hint of disappointment, echoed in the room. She had truly believed that Orach, despite his initially aloof demeanor, had started to feel a part of their group. His refusal to join their ranks had caught her off-guard and left her feeling somewhat dejected.

"Diana," Orach responded, his tone firm yet filled with a certain melancholy. He looked at her, his eyes telling a story of battles fought, of a warrior's path that was so different from their own. "I am not a hero. I am a Saiyan warrior. If I find myself facing an enemy, I will not show mercy. They will meet their end at my hands." He paused, his gaze hardened, reflecting his warrior's resolve.

"Furthermore," he continued, his voice steady, "considering my outlook, I might just end up unleashing a slaughter since I have a tendency to confront arrogant individuals who lack understanding. I fear that my methods might not align with your ideals of justice."

He sighed before saying, "Besides, I am primarily a scientist. I belong in the realm of knowledge and discovery. I am more at ease behind the scenes, analyzing data and making strategic decisions. Therefore, I would rather serve as a consultant for the Justice League. I can provide strategies and even come to your aid when facing an enemy too powerful for you all, but I cannot stand alongside you as a hero."

His words, dripping with sincerity and regret, resonated with the group. They found themselves nodding in understanding. There was a murmur of gratitude that swept through them, acknowledging Orach's consideration for the people of this world, his thoughtful approach to his role within their group, and his respect for their mission. They realized that Orach, despite his incredible strength and abilities, understood the value of restraint and the importance of their mission better than they initially thought.

Orach then proceeded to alleviate their concerns about the future, his voice steady and assuring. "You don't need to worry. The future is fluid; it is an open book, an unpainted canvas. What it becomes is entirely up to us. I am going to train Diana, to equip her with the skills and strength necessary to face any adversity this universe may throw at her. Hence, the chances of that dreaded second possibility coming to pass are very, very slim. Instead of dwelling on it, we should focus our energies on locating the other Saiyans," he stated, his words filled with conviction, his tone one of absolute certainty. His words hung in the air, bringing a new sense of hope and determination to the group.

Bruce, although somewhat reluctantly, nodded his assent. He then ventured a bold request, "Orach, would it be possible for you to train us as well? Enhancing our strength would not only aid us individually, but it would also be instrumental in supporting Diana on her missions."

Upon hearing this, a wave of interest swept across the group. Clark, Diana, Victor, Arthur, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl all perked up, their curiosity piqued by the prospect of being trained by Orach.

Orach remained silent for a moment, deep in thought. He deliberated over Bruce's proposal, weighing its pros and cons. He was well aware that his training methods, although effective for him, might not necessarily translate well for most of these heroes. However, he couldn't deny the validity of Bruce's point. On a battlefield, the value of reliable, well-trained support couldn't be overstated.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you're sneaky, Bruce?" Orach finally broke the silence, smirking at the man who had posed the unexpected question.

"Sometimes," Bruce replied nonchalantly, his face as impassive as ever. Bruce's ability to maintain his composure, despite the whirlwind of revelations and changes they had all faced, earned him a newfound respect from Orach.

"Alright, fine. I'll train you all. But don't expect my high-level training. Only Diana is capable of withstanding it," Orach stated in a serious tone. His words, although straightforward, carried an underlying message - the training would not be easy, and they would need to push their limits.

Upon hearing this, Clark felt a surge of irritation wash over him. "Orach, with all due respect, I believe that if Diana can bear it, so can I," he retorted, his voice heavy with determination. There was an undercurrent of challenge in his words, a silent declaration that he wouldn't be outdone.

Orach turned to Clark, studying him closely for a moment. "You possess an intriguing physique," he remarked, his words leaving Clark puzzled by his cryptic statement.

Orach carefully scanned Clark using his scouter. This tiny device, unremarkable in appearance, had the ability to provide real-time data about the subject it was aimed at. As the device did its work, it showed that Clark's body was absorbing radiation from the sun of this particular world. This peculiar trait immediately aroused Orach's curiosity. The absorption process was eerily similar to how Saiyans absorbed Blutz waves from their moon, a fact that further piqued Orach's interest. Intrigued by this newfound information, Orach began to contemplate the potential of studying Kryptonian physiology in more depth. He even found himself considering the controversial possibility of preserving Clark's body for extensive study, should Clark ever cross his bottomline.

As Orach was engrossed in his scanning, Diana, Bruce, and Victor watched him closely. A gleam was visible in Orach's eyes, a gleam that filled them with a sense of unease. Clark, too, felt a shiver run down his spine as he found himself under Orach's intense scrutiny. Instinctively, he felt a need to be on guard against Orach. It was a primal response, similar to the unease experienced when being watched by a predator.

Suddenly, Orach decided to break the tense silence. His voice echoed around the room as he said, "Your body is fascinating. It shares some similarities with a Saiyan's. We Saiyans absorb Blutz waves, while your body seems to get energized by this system's star. Clark, in the unfortunate event of your demise, may I have your body for study?" As soon as his words fell, Clark, who was already feeling unsettled by Orach's scrutinizing gaze, now felt a surge of fear. The rest of the group also recoiled, staring at Orach in disbelief at his audacious request.

Clark responded fiercely, "No! Absolutely not!" His voice echoed around the room, reflecting his vehement refusal. The finality in his tone left no room for negotiation or discussion.

"Orach, that's crossing a line," Diana chided, her tone stern and reproachful. She was clearly taken aback by Orach's request, her words echoing her disapproval.

Orach, surprised by Clark's vehement refusal and Diana's stern reprimand, replied, "Huh. Why not? It's solely for scientific study. Does his culture have rules against desecration of the dead? I assure you my interest is purely scientific."

But Clark stood his ground, refusing firmly and decisively. His refusal was as unwavering as his resolve to protect his world.

Taking in Clark's firm refusal, Orach remained silent for a moment, then nodded in understanding. "Alright. I'll respect your wishes and won't do anything should you meet an untimely end. But, may I at least have a sample of your blood? Your blood should be able to tell me the basics about how you process radiation and transform it into Ki. Honestly, before I met you, I thought we Saiyans were unique in our limitless potential. But if what I suspect about your body is correct, you are an existence that defies the norm, a cheat."

Clark was taken aback by Orach's words, "What? Cheat? How dare you slander me, Orach," Clark retorted, anger creeping into his voice. His words were fueled by indignation, his pride wounded by Orach's assessment.

Orach, visibly bewildered by Clark's vehement reaction, responded with an air of sincerity that was hard to dispute, "How did I slander you? I merely conveyed my honest opinion based on the knowledge and understanding I possess. Consider this: we Saiyans, as a warrior race, devote ourselves to relentless training day in and day out. We continuously hone our skills, refine our battle instincts, and push ourselves to our physical and mental limits. It is our hard work, unwavering determination, and staunch commitment that have shaped us into a formidable force that safeguards numerous worlds from harm."

He paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before continuing, "On the contrary, you, if my understanding serves me right, merely need to absorb radiation from the star of this system to gain your strength. I can't help but question if this process demands any significant effort or exertion on your part?"

Orach paused again, collecting his thoughts before continuing, "I do acknowledge that there was a period where you had to acclimate to your growing strength. You had to refine your control to avoid causing accidental fatalities during your heroic endeavors. However, when all is said and done, your strength continues to augment simply by basking in the radiance of the star overhead. From my perspective, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, it seems that your power doesn't come as a result of rigorous training or intense hardship."

He then gestured towards the league members gathered around them, "Each one present here, with the exception of you and Victor, displays signs of having undergone some form of strenuous training. Yes, even Flash, who typically maintains a carefree demeanor, shows indications of having trained. He has the look of someone who's worked, sweated, and pushed themselves to reach their current level."

Orach's gaze then returned to Clark as he posed a blunt question, "Given these circumstances, can you tell me, how can one not perceive your method of gaining strength as a shortcut or an unfair advantage? How can you not be seen as a cheat?"

Orach's words left a palpable sting, and they resonated with a painful truth that Clark found difficult to counter. He had no response to this raw, unvarnished assessment. The rest of the league members also found themselves drawing uncomfortable comparisons, their own self-perceptions challenged by Orach's words. The silence that ensued was heavy, laden with a shared unease as they each grappled with the unsettling realization that perhaps they weren't as unique or as hardworking as they had once believed themselves to be.

Orach let out a deep sigh, the weight of his words hanging in the air. "I apologize if I hurt your pride, Clark. That was not my intention," he began, his tone heavy with sincerity. "My desire is to study your blood, to comprehend the uniqueness of your physique. Only by doing so can I create a bespoke training regimen that truly suits you. You must understand, while you are indeed powerful for this lower-level world, to the extent of being seen as a God, there is still room for growth if you wish to continue being their protector. This growth cannot be achieved without training and hard work. I can assist, but generic training will not suffice. You need specialized guidance from someone who understands your physique and situation."

Orach paused, offering Clark a moment to process his words. He then added, "And regarding the matter of trust, after giving it much thought, I have decided to join Bruce in his company as a scientist. I will only study your blood under his supervision. If you don't trust me, you should trust him, right? Does this alleviate your concerns?"

Clark, after a moment of contemplation, nodded in agreement, a tacit acceptance of Orach's explanation.

"Thank you, Clark. Don't worry, I'll help you get stronger," Orach reassured, his expression serious, his gaze unwavering. Clark nodded in response and extended his hand to Bruce. Orach understood his gesture and turned to look at Bruce, who rose from his seat and made his way to a clock.

Bruce proceeded to open the clock's glass to access its hands, activating some hidden mechanism. The clock then moved aside, revealing a path leading to what Orach assumed was the Bat-cave. Orach was puzzled, not understanding why Bruce had to go there when they were just about to draw blood. Voicing his concern, he asked, "Bruce, where are you going? Are you going to get a sample container for the blood?"

Bruce turned back to look at Orach, his expression serious. "That, and I'm going to get a piece of Kryptonite to weaken Clark's body, thereby allowing us to extract the blood sample you'll need," he explained, and then disappeared down the newly revealed path.

Orach, unfamiliar with the term 'Kryptonite', was thoroughly confused. He stared at the path Bruce had disappeared down, his mind swirling with questions. Noticing Orach's puzzled expression, Diana stepped in to explain. With a reassuring smile, she said, "Clark's body is invulnerable, so we need Kryptonite, the only thing that can weaken him, to allow you to extract his blood. Kryptonite is a fragment of Clark's true home, Krypton. We believe that just like how Clark gained powers from the sun's radiation, these fragments were also affected by the sun's radiation but became poisonous to Clark. The working theory is that they accompanied Clark when he arrived here as a baby."

Upon hearing this, Orach's eyes widened. The information Diana provided was not something he had anticipated. He took a moment to mull over what he had just learned, his mind racing to process the implications. After a few moments, he simply nodded, indicating his understanding, and waited patiently for Bruce to return.

After an extended period of waiting, filled with anticipation, Bruce finally returned to the room. In his hands, he held a small, unassuming box. As he gently opened it, Orach's eyes fell on a peculiar green rock nestled within its confines. The atmosphere in the room, once calm, shifted drastically at the sight of the rock. A sudden, agonizing groan of discomfort from Clark echoed through the space, instantly drawing Orach's full attention.

Bruce, observant as ever, seemed to understand the source of Clark's discomfort without needing any explanation. The green rock, it seemed, was causing some adverse reaction. With a level of sensitivity and understanding, Bruce didn't need to bring the rock too close for the blood extraction to take effect. He carefully placed the box containing the rock on a nearby stand, his movements deliberate and precise. In his hands, he held a carefully sterilized syringe and a transparent test tube.

Before proceeding, Bruce and Clark shared a knowing nod - a silent acknowledgement of the task at hand. With a swift, practiced motion, Bruce inserted the needle into Clark's arm, drawing a sample of his blood with minimal discomfort. He then released the crimson liquid into the test tube, promptly securing its top cover with a firm hand. The entire process was carried out with an efficiency and precision that was a testament to Bruce's capabilities and experience.

Orach, an observer to this peculiar human procedure, watched the entire process with intense interest. His previous experiences had not exposed him to such rudimentary tools. He was well aware that this world wasn't as technologically advanced as his own, yet he had noticed that some individuals, like Bruce, did possess a fair level of technological understanding. However, the tools Bruce had used for the blood extraction were a far cry from what Orach was accustomed to in his world. It was a stark reminder that advanced medical technology, such as the med pod from his world, was non-existent in this realm.

This realization sent a wave of concern washing over Orach, particularly regarding Diana. He knew he wouldn't always be by her side, and he was acutely aware of the ancient saying that his parents had embedded in his mind - there will always be someone better out there. He couldn't help but worry about the potential threats Diana might encounter, especially from an individual from a higher dimension like himself. While Diana could certainly defend herself and push them back, the risk of her getting seriously injured was still a looming possibility. Until he could arrive and neutralize the threat, she would be left to depend on the crude and primitive technologies of this world to heal her wounds.

Orach's thoughts began to veer towards the darker side, considering the second scenario Bruce had outlined. This was the worst-case situation where he could potentially lose control if something unfortunate were to happen to Diana in his absence. Unexpectedly, this possibility had taken root in his mind and was proving hard to ignore. A troubling realization began to dawn on him - he had been somewhat naive in his assumptions.

He knew he needed to train Diana to help her realize her potential. Yet, he recognized another crucial need - the improvement of this world's medical technology. He couldn't risk Diana's well-being, depending solely on the slight chance he would always be there to protect her in danger. The thought of her getting hurt in his absence deeply unsettled him.

With this newfound resolution, he made a decision. Once their current meeting was over, he would discuss his thoughts with Bruce. His plan was to cooperate with Bruce, combining their shared knowledge and resources to make significant improvements to this world's medical field. The medical technology of this world was primitive compared to what he was used to, and he knew they could do better.

If it was possible, he wanted to develop something akin to a med pod. The idea of a med pod, a device capable of healing and even reviving the injured, was something he felt this world could greatly benefit from. It could potentially revolutionize their medical field, providing a level of care that would far exceed anything currently available.

As he continued to mull over these thoughts, he realized that the task was not going to be easy. Bruce, despite being one of the more technologically advanced individuals on this planet, still relied on relatively primitive tools. This underscored the significant gap between their worlds in terms of technological progress. However, Orach was not deterred. If anything, this realization only strengthened his resolve to help this world advance.

In his mind, he could already see the potential benefits of their collaboration. With Bruce's resources and his own advanced knowledge, they could make a real difference. They could bring about a new era of medical technology, one that could save countless lives. And most importantly, they could ensure the safety of Diana, and by extension, his own peace of mind.