
Journey of the Last Saiyan

In an infinite multiverse, exists a realm of remarkable power, the Super Saiyan God Realm, home to divine warriors, the Super Saiyans. Their society is structured by strength, with Gula, a direct descendant of the Super Saiyan God, leading as the Division Captain. In this society, a low-born Saiyan, Cress, rose to become a leader through sheer determination, leading the efficient Delta Squad. Despite societal expectations, Gula and Cress fell in love, giving birth to a son, Orach, who exhibited a great power from a young age. Their peaceful life was shattered by a war. Cress, Gula, and their squads sacrificed themselves to ensure Orach’s survival. In death, Gula joined Cress in reincarnation while Orach landed in the DC universe, carrying his parent's legacy. Orach's journey spans across universes, shaping him into a warrior and influencing the Super Saiyan God lineage's destiny. In the DC Universe, Orach learned from the world's heroes, particularly the Justice League, despite disagreeing with their no-kill policy. Over time, Orach became a protector, growing stronger with each challenge. His parent's sacrifice served as his strength and motivation, pledging to honor their memory by living as a protector, warrior, and representative of the Saiyan race in the new universe. Orach's saga begins, a tale of a young Saiyan navigating life in a new universe, symbolizing the Saiyan race's enduring spirit and honoring his parent's legacy. ______________________ Point to note: ->No Zeno, Beerus or angels from DB universe ->This story blends Dragon Ball saga and cultivation concepts, featuring various realms. ->Saiyans can destroy planets only if they surpass or understand the system's primordial laws. ->Higher realms experience more destruction from forces like singularities due to the potency of these laws. Hence, mastery of these laws is as crucial as increasing the power levels.

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Chapter 16 - Dawn of the league - Part 1

From the beginning, Batman had been closely observing Diana and Orach, noticing an unusual bond that piqued his interest. While their initial interactions were professional and diplomatic, Batman detected a deeper connection forming, especially after Orach's unexpected outburst. It was clear that Diana held significant importance to Orach. However, the quick progression from hostility to diplomacy to potential attraction made Batman question the authenticity of their connection.

One incident particularly stuck in Batman's memory: a moment when Diana and Orach simultaneously widened their eyes before closing them for several minutes. This seemingly insignificant event left a lasting impression on Batman. Despite his superior detective skills, the exact nature of their connection remained a mystery.

However, Batman realized that if anyone could stand up to Orach, it would be Diana, known as Wonder Woman. She was his contingency plan against Orach. After observing Orach's sincere interactions with Diana and his generally good-natured demeanor, Batman had a revelation. Despite Orach's intimidating power and presence, he wasn't a threat unless deliberately provoked. Batman also understood that Orach's seemingly condescending words were his genuine opinions, a result of his different perspective.

Batman noticed the growing camaraderie and mutual attraction between Orach and Diana. He realized the importance of ensuring nobody provoked Orach or threatened Diana's safety, having personally experienced Orach's immense power. This encounter gave Batman a glimpse of Orach's true capabilities, understanding they'd only seen a fraction of Orach's power. This realization reinforced the need for caution when dealing with Orach.

This insight, along with the bond forming between Diana and Orach and the realization of Orach's true capabilities, reshaped Batman's approach. He understood the necessity of diplomacy and caution when dealing with a power as formidable as Orach's. This newfound understanding became a guiding principle in Batman's interactions with Orach, setting the stage for their future encounters.

Seizing the opportunity presented by the lull in the battle, Batman decided to approach Diana and Orach. His measured footsteps crunched against the debris-laden ground, drawing the attention of the two powerful beings. As he neared, both Diana and Orach turned their gazes towards him, their eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of caution.

"Greetings, Orach," Batman began, extending a gloved hand towards the alien, an unspoken gesture of peace. "Firstly, I'd like to express my gratitude for your assistance in restraining our adversaries. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed." Batman's voice was sincere, stripped of any traces of arrogance that one might expect from a man of his stature. He had learned a harsh lesson from the fate of Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern, and was keen not to repeat the same mistakes.

"Secondly," he continued, pausing momentarily to ensure he had their undivided attention, "allow me to introduce myself properly. I'm Batman, a resident of Gotham, a city located in the country known as the United States of America. I'd like to extend a warm welcome to you in our world." He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before proceeding.

"Thirdly, I understand that your perspective, being from a higher dimension, is significantly different from ours," Batman said, his voice steady and his gaze unwavering. "But, while you reside amongst us, I kindly request you to consider the perspective of the people around you." His words were not a command but a humble request, delivered with the utmost respect.

Orach maintained his silence as Batman spoke, his alien features betraying no emotion. His eyes, however, were attentive, indicating that he was indeed listening. Noting this, Batman continued, "You mentioned earlier that you're primarily a scientist. I was wondering if you'd be interested in continuing your studies and research here on Earth? To be frank, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in advancing our knowledge and, hopefully, our technological capabilities. However, I respect your freedom and don't wish to impose on you. I merely propose this as an opportunity for mutual benefit. Would you consider joining my company?" Batman asked, his tone respectful and humble.

Orach, taken aback by Batman's forthrightness, took a moment to scrutinize him. "Well, this is surprising," he remarked, a thoughtful gaze in his eyes. Initially, Orach had scanned Batman's power level but had dismissed it due to its seemingly low value. However, upon closer inspection, Orach could sense an indomitable warrior spirit radiating from Batman, reminiscent of the Saiyans. Batman's power level might not have been extraordinary, but his physique, hardened by countless battles and rigorous training, testified to his resilience and determination.

"Pardon?" Batman queried, a hint of confusion crossing his masked face.

"From my analysis of the soldiers, a typical human soldier possesses a power level between 70 and 90. However, you've evidently surpassed 100. Your current power level is 279. It's evident that you've achieved this through sheer willpower and determination. In some ways, you resemble a Saiyan warrior more than a human," Orach elaborated, his hand manipulating his scouter as he examined Batman more closely.

Diana, who had been attentively listening to their conversation, found herself intrigued by this unfamiliar term. "Orach, could you clarify what you mean by 'power level'? I remember you using this term during your conversation with Hal," she requested, her voice echoing the curiosity that danced in her eyes. Her question piqued the interest of Batman, Superman, Cyborg, Flash, and Aquaman, who all gathered around, their focus riveted on Orach's examination of Batman.

Just as Orach was about to answer Diana's question, a notification from his attack pod abruptly diverted his attention. He slightly narrowed his eyes, turned around, and operated his scouter to connect with his ship.

The onboard AI, a voice of familiarity in an alien world, echoed through the ship's communication channel, seeking Orach's attention. "Young master, can you hear me?" it asked, its tone carrying an undertone of concern.

Orach, preoccupied with the scouter he was operating in his left hand, responded promptly and with a touch of impatience. "Yes, I can hear you loud and clear." He paused for a moment, his fingers ceasing their dance over the scouter, before continuing, "The war has ended, and I've made some meaningful connections with the natives here. Tell me, have you finished running the diagnostics on the ship?"

"Great! You've made friends, young master," the AI responded, its voice carrying a faint semblance of cheerfulness that seemed almost human. "Yes, I've completed the diagnostics. I'll be able to provide a comprehensive report once we reach a more secure location."

Orach's eyebrows furrowed at the AI's words and he retorted, "I'm not a kid! Nor am I someone who struggles to make friends!" His voice was a mix of annoyance and amusement – a strange combination that reflected his complex relationship with the AI.

Suddenly, a rich, melodious laughter echoed from behind him, disrupting the rhythm of his interaction with the AI. Taken by surprise, he spun around to find Diana doubled over in laughter, her eyes sparkling with mirth. Flash, Aquaman, and Hawkgirl were struggling to contain their laughter, their faces flushed with amusement and their bodies shaking with suppressed giggles. Batman, as always, was the epitome of stoicism. His mask hid any signs of amusement, but his eyes revealed a hint of curiosity at the term "young master" that he barely heard. Superman, on the other hand, wore a smirk that made Orach's blood boil. Normally, his scouter's communication would be inaudible to others, but with his companions' super hearing and the AI's unusually loud voice, the situation had quickly turned from serious to comical.

Feeling a rush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks, Orach contemplated having a stern chat with his AI about maintaining a more dignified presence. However, considering that the AI was modeled after his mother, a woman he revered and missed dearly, he couldn't bring himself to change a single thing about it.

Pushing down his embarrassment, Orach cleared his throat awkwardly and turned to Batman, "Could we perhaps continue our conversation in a more private location? I also require your assistance in transporting my ship. Once we're in a more suitable environment, we can discuss potential cooperation."

Upon hearing Orach's request and considering the visible fatigue etched on his team's faces, Batman decided to postpone further discussions until they were back at their base. The prospect of learning more about power levels, especially since his own power level was apparently significantly higher than Hal's base level, intrigued him.

Without wasting another moment, Batman summoned his carrier. In a matter of minutes, the massive carrier descended from the sky, the hum of its engines vibrating through the ground. As it rotated slowly, the hangar bay doors slid open, revealing the spacious interior to all present. Orach made his way to his ship, the metal cool under his touch, and hoisted it up. As he trudged towards the carrier with the ship in tow, the carrier groaned under the additional weight. Clearly, they were really testing the carrier's weight threshold. After a few adjustments, Batman guided the carrier to lift off and head towards their base of operations. The team settled into the carrier, leaning back into their seats and enjoying a rare moment of respite after a chaotic day.

To Orach's surprise, Cyborg and Aquaman chose to sit with him. They introduced themselves, their voices warm and friendly, and Orach found himself wondering if he had truly made some friends on this strange, new planet.

"Hey there, I'm Victor Stone, but you probably know me better as Cyborg," Victor started, his voice carrying a seriousness that hinted at the weight of his words. "I need to apologize. I wasn't able to stop the Mother Box from attacking you and I'm really sorry about that." He paused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing, "And I also want to thank you. You saved Diana and I can't express how grateful I am for that." His words were heartfelt, an earnest expression of remorse and gratitude.

Orach listened attentively, nodding in understanding. "It's alright, Victor. Everyone makes mistakes," he reassured him. His tone was calm, offering a sense of comfort. "We're heading to a location Batman is guiding us to, and I've been thinking of a plan. I want to connect my AI terminal to the old relic, the Mother Box. Despite its antiquity, it holds incredible power so, it's understandable that you will find it difficult to control it. However, considering that it still something for a lower realm, I believe that with the help of my AI, we can gain control over your mechanical side."

Victor looked at Orach, surprise flickering in his eyes at the proposal. "Thank you, Orach. If we can make this plan work, I'll be forever in your debt," he responded, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and anticipation.

Aquaman, who had been quietly listening, decided to join the conversation. "You're not half bad, Orach," he said, with a light-hearted tone. "Your way of speaking is a bit condescending and will take some adjustment. However, I can't deny your strength. It's impressive. Would you be up for a friendly spar? I'd like to learn from you." His eyes were full of anticipation and challenge as he looked at Orach.

Orach considered Aquaman's words and readily accepted his proposal. But something in Aquaman's statement caught his attention. "I'm fine with the spar," he said, "but when have I ever been condescending?" He looked confused.

His question seemed to stun Aquaman and the other listeners. They looked at each other, unsure of how to respond.

Diana was the one to break the silence, her voice soft yet firm. "Arthur, remember that Orach's perspective is different from ours. He sees the world from the viewpoint of a higher being. His words might sound annoying sometimes, but he's never condescending."

Orach turned to Diana, a surprised look on his face. "Wait, Diana. What 'annoying words' have I said?" His tone held a mix of confusion and annoyance.

"Haah... Orach, I'm really tired. Good night." With that, Diana moved away to rest, leaving Orach in a state of confusion.

The rest of the team watched this interaction with amusement, slowly beginning to understand the unique dynamic between Diana and Orach. They then decided to rest as well, leaving Orach alone with his thoughts, still confused and pondering over Diana's cryptic words as their aircraft continued its steady journey back to Batman's base.

The journey to their destination unfolded over the course of approximately five hours. Orach, who had been unable to surrender to sleep, found his mind persistently haunted by Dianna's words. As the aircraft began its descent into what appeared to be a lake, he was initially taken aback. However, his brief interaction with Batman had taught him that this was a man of intricate designs and unexpected solutions. Despite his initial confusion, he deduced that something must be hidden beneath the lake's surface. His curiosity was gradually sated as he watched the calm waters of the lake surface disturbed by the emergence of a concealed platform. The aircraft landed smoothly on the platform, which then began its descent. As the platform submerged, the large covers closed, leaving behind a tranquil lake, as if untouched by their arrival.

Wayne Mansion-Underground Facility - Bat Cave

"That was certainly an experience. It may not be the most efficient method, but it's innovative in its own right," Orach remarked, his tone laced with admiration for the sophisticated mechanisms he had just witnessed.

Once they landed Orach saw that one by one all started to wake up.


"Good morning, all. We're here at last. I'm really hungry. Where's Alfred?" Flash asked, touching his tummy and looking at Batman.

"Alfred is ready for your food request. You can go ahead," Batman said, slowly taking off his mask to show his face. Then a blur covered in yellow lightening was seen heading out of the carrier.

"I hope your journey was comfortable, Orach. Let's have a proper introduction now. You may know me as BATMAN, but under the mask, I'm Bruce Wayne, a successful businessman. It's a pleasure to meet you," Bruce said, extending his hand in a gesture of friendship.

Orach looked somewhat puzzled by the revelation of two identities and voiced his query while accepting Bruce's handshake,

"Why adopt two identities?"

Bruce began to explain, his tone serious and filled with an air of gravity, "To put it simply, our world does have law enforcement. However, they often find themselves overwhelmed by the increasingly powerful criminals that continue to rise." He paused, looking around at the group, ensuring he had their attention. "That's where we step in. We've taken up our respective mantles to assist law enforcement. We offer our unique skills to counter these formidable criminals."

Bruce continued, "Our motivation stems from a desire to do good, to help those that the law enforcement cannot reach - the helpless, the weak, and the forgotten. We are driven by a need to protect those who cannot protect themselves." He sighed, his gaze turning inward. "However, we also have our personal lives and loved ones to consider. The use of an alias offers a layer of protection for those we care about."

Orach listened to Bruce's explanation, his eyes scanning the group as they nodded in agreement. However, this situation seemed so bizarre to Orach. In his home world of Sadala, the internal defense division did an excellent job of policing and maintaining order. Furthermore, the law rule set by the Saiyan God effectively prevented any truly evil Saiyans from residing on Sadala. In contrast, the situation on this world seemed far from ideal. Orach concluded that the ruling council of this world was truly inept. The fact that ordinary — albeit relatively extraordinary — individuals had to take up a mantle to defend their cities spoke volumes about the incompetence of the city's ruling party.

Orach turned his gaze to Diana and then back at Bruce. He chose his words carefully, not wanting to offend but feeling the need to point out the obvious. "I hope you don't consider this as me being condescending, but the existence of your crime-fighting persona speaks volumes of a significant problem in your world. It suggests to me that the ruling parties of this world are either highly inept or corrupt and that the laws are too lenient or riddled with loopholes."

They continued their conversation as they disembarked from the carrier. Orach was careful not to forget his ship, which he had brought with him from Sadala. He gently placed it in a free area and stood up, his mind still occupied with the conversation.

The rest of the group who had heard his words ruminated on them, and for the most part, they agreed. In an ideal scenario, the police should be able to adequately protect their citizens. However, the reality seemed far from this ideal, and it was a sobering thought.

A sudden flurry of footsteps echoed through the room, instantly pulling everyone's attention from their previous engagements. Flash appeared in the doorway of the room adjacent to the landing bay, a sandwich precariously gripped between his teeth and a tray laden with an assortment of mouthwatering dishes in his hand. The sight of food instantly overwhelmed the room, effectively interrupting the ongoing discussions.

"Master Bruce, I would suggest everyone takes a moment to partake in a meal before we delve deeper into our discussions," Alfred offered thoughtfully, his voice carrying a tone of gentle insistence. His recommendation was met with appreciative glances from around the room.

"Yeah, Bruce. Having been in slumber for an extended period, I find myself ravenous. I would greatly appreciate some sustenance," Orach chimed in, his voice echoing a deep-seated craving.

"I second that sentiment. My stomach is echoing with hunger," Diana added, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the food-laden tray.

"Agreed!" The rest of the group voiced their approval in unison, their attention firmly focused on the tantalizing spread before them.

With a palpable sense of anticipation hanging in the air, everyone gradually began to gravitate towards the food. One by one, they claimed seats in the room, their plates piled high with sandwiches and various other tantalizing treats.

For Orach, who had endured a prolonged period of sleep, the sight of food was nothing short of a feast for his eyes. He eagerly dove into the meal with an unabashed enthusiasm that was both startling and amusing to witness. His voracious appetite astounded everyone, but it was Alfred who seemed most taken aback. It was astonishing to see this supposed higher-level being, unabashedly devouring his meal like a man starved.

After some time, Diana could no longer tolerate Orach's poor table manners. With a faint smile, she reached out and gently tapped on Orach's head, admonishing him, "The food isn't going anywhere, Orach. Please, eat with a bit more decorum."

Orach, his expression resembling that of a chastised child, slowed his pace slightly but continued to savour his meal until he was fully satiated.

After he had consumed a substantial amount of food, effectively quelling his intense hunger, Orach turned his attention towards Alfred. He studied the elderly man with a curious gaze. Alfred, despite his advanced age, commanded a level of respect and reverence from everyone around him that Orach found intriguing. Taking a moment to swallow his last mouthful, Orach addressed Alfred, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

"Alfred," he started, his tone warm and sincere, "I want to express my heartfelt thanks for this meal. After being in a state of slumber that felt like an eternity, waking up to a feast as exquisite as this is truly a delight. You probably don't understand, but to a Saiyan like me, food and training hold a significant place in our lives."

His words hung in the air, his gratitude evident. Orach's statement was not just a simple thank you, but a recognition of Alfred's effort and dedication that went into preparing the feast. It was a nod towards the elderly man's unspoken commitment to ensuring their well-being, a commitment that Orach, despite his alien origins, found himself deeply appreciating.

Without waiting for a response, Orach rose from his seat and began to approach Alfred. The elderly man watched him approach with a mix of surprise and confusion. Orach extended his arm and gently placed his hand on Alfred's head. "This is my token of appreciation," he said, his voice soft yet commanding. As he spoke, a vibrant red aura began to emanate from his hand, enveloping Alfred in its warm glow.

Alfred initially felt a sense of discomfort as this foreign energy began to seep into his being. However, he braced himself and endured the strange sensation. To his surprise, he soon discovered his old injuries starting to heal at an accelerated pace, and a sense of vitality coursed through his veins. Even his hair, which had long turned grey, began to regain its original black hue.

By the time Orach had finished, Alfred felt as though he had been rejuvenated, shedding at least a decade from his age. This miraculous transformation shocked not only Alfred, but everyone who had been watching the event unfold. Diana, however, displayed a lesser degree of surprise. Having previously witnessed the curative properties of Orach's red energy, she had a better understanding of what had transpired. Nevertheless, she made a mental note to discuss Orach's power usage with him at a later time.

"Thank you, Sir Orach. I am profoundly grateful for your gift," Alfred expressed, his gratitude evident in his heartfelt bow.

Orach responded with a warm smile, "Alfred, no need for formalities. You more than deserve it. Just keep the food coming, and I'll ensure you're taken care of."

"I shall strive to do so, sir," Alfred acknowledged, his voice carrying a hint of newfound vitality.

Bruce, having observed the interaction, couldn't help but mumble under his breath, "Is he seriously trying to poach my butler? Did he actually succeed?" His bemusement was evident as he watched the unexpected camaraderie unfold between his trusted butler and the alien.

Alfred had been with him since the beginning, a constant presence through the highs and lows of his life. He was more than just a butler; he was a confidant, a mentor, and the only family Bruce had left.

Bruce then shook his head, trying to shake off the odd feeling that had settled over him. He found himself thanking Orach, a gesture that seemed strange given the circumstances. However, he realized that it was Orach's way of showing respect and appreciation, something that Alfred deserved in abundance.

As the strange feeling subsided, Bruce felt a sense of gratitude towards Orach. Despite the initial surprise, he couldn't deny that Orach's gesture had been thoughtful. He was grateful not just for the rejuvenation that Alfred had received, but also for the consideration that Orach had shown towards someone who was so important to him.